>  Jason,
>  The NIC was defective.
>  I am sending this email from the machine that could
>  not reach the internet, which now has a new NIC in it.
>  Thanks to all for your help. :)
>  Ken

So as I gather - It was Working at the office lan,
died upon power up at home. Not unusual, but not a normal
failure situation. would have suspected that it was
worked out of the MB slot first and needed to be reseated.

Of course, if you had all your machines disconnected from
the cable
modem connection for an extended time period,
it could also be that the ARP table entries for the single?
IP address
you were using finally expired and flushed from their tables
the IP address/MAC address of the working machine
and it is just coincidence that a new interface card now
sinc ethe new MAC/IP address combo is in their ARP

I'd test that card in another machine (not on your cable
modem connection)
before tossing it. The manufacturer might have dos floppy
based diagnostics
for downloading.

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