> On Sun, Feb 27, 2000 at 05:26:23PM -0600, Vidiot wrote:
> : Because the RH6.1 installation blindly went out and reset all of the
> : hard disk partition tables, I've lost years worth of work.
> Backups anyone?  If you were storing "years worth of work", you might have
> taken your data and backed it up on tape or burnt it to CD.  Jaz?  Zip?
> Before doing ANY OS upgrade, I take my vital data and burn it to a CD.

Did you read the paragraph at the bottom.  Exabyte drive is broken.  You
don't backup 15GB of stuff onto CDs (no burner in the machine), or worse
yet, Zip disks.  I pulled the stuff off the hda drive and put it on the hdb

> : Yes, there is a note on the left that says the Linux data will be lost.
> : The LINUX data, not MY data.  Instead of listing all of the Linux partitions
> : that it found and asking which ones it can remove, and/or, which ones it
> : can use but leave the partitions the same, it blindly destroys.
> The installer DOES note that it will completely repartition your drives,
> thus killing whatever was already there.  Shame on you for not using the 
> "Custom" option, which lets you choose what to do with your drives.

That is no excuse for the installation to blindly remove partitions without
double-checking with the user that it is OK to destroy that drive.

> : Right now I am extremely unhappy with what RedHat's installation did to me.
> s/RedHat's installation/I/;

RedHat's installation has to take a lot of responsibility in this fiasco.

> : Where is FDISK when you need it?
> In a VC.  I hate disk druid.  I boot from CD, start up in "text" mode, and
> when it gets to the point that it launches disk druid, I back up one step,
> flip to another VC, and fdisk /tmp/(sda|hda|whatever).  After that, I 
> reboot and start up again, and only use disk druid to set the mount
> points.

Too late now.

> : BTW, before someone says, where are your tape backups... the Exabyte
> : drive died.  So, I used the available space on the other drive to backup
> : the system, foolishing thinking that the drive would be left alone.
> Fine, the tape drive died.  You still have the last backup, right?  
> Presumably the drive isn't ancient, so either send it in for repair, or
> get a new one under the terms of your warranty.

It is way out of warranty and a lot, and I mean a lot, of work has been
done since the last backup.

> No CD-R there?  Don't trust backups to another drive.  If your drive 
> controller flakes out causing it to corrupt your disks, your backup
> is fried along with your "production" data, now isn't it?

That is another problem all together.

> Sorry you lost your data, but honestly, it was your own fault for:
> 1) Not reading and fully comprehending the messages displayed during
>    installation.

Based upon previous RH installs, those kinds of warnings still gave you
ample opportunity to tell the installation what drives and paritions are
to be destroyed, or just mounted after the install.  There is no excuse for
this installation program doing what it did.

Yes, I take some responsibility for trusting that RH would do what it has
done in the past... cover your ass.  I believed.  Bad belief.  The warning
did not say that the auto feature was NOT going to give you another chance
to give it a layout.

> 2) Not backing up what I perceive (based on your tone and level of po'd-ness)
>    to be critical data.

I did the best I could under the circumstances, i.e., copying the data from
the hda drive over to the hdb drive.


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