well, actually I'd put this under the newbie category. You find an
executable called named, but no rpm by that name. mmhh. what now?..
cratch. scratch.

You look and see what rpm the named binary came from!

[cgalpin@pooh cgalpin]$ rpm -qf `which named`

oh, and in case you didn't know, the feature of searching with a
"/" mentioned by Gordon below is a feature of less, and can be used
while looking at any file too.


On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Scott Skrogstad wrote:

> It was not so much that it was RTFM is was I looked at the man.  I just
> don't ask a question because I am lazy.  I understand what named does but
> I don't understand how the heck the -u got in there.  I looked at the man
> page again and of course if you have looked at it.  It does not talk about
> named in the startup.  No named is not working.  Again I am going to ask a
> newbie question and that is what rpm let's me look to see what version I
> am running because I did an rpm -q named and it says named is not
> installed.  I am not trying to be a dificult I just don't understand and
> the more that I read the more confussed I get.  This list has been VERY
> helpful in the past with reading other people's problems and I have
> learned a ton from those messages.
> Scott Skrogstad
> Computer Integration Inc,
> 800-522-3475 Phone
> On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> > On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Scott Skrogstad wrote:
> > 
> > > Just installed a new 6.2 server as my backup named server.  When I do a ps
> > > aux|grep named   I get
> > > 
> > > named     535  0.1  0.8  2528 1668 ?        S    20:18   0:00 named -u named
> > > scott     864  0.0  0.2  1360  508 pts/0    S    20:25   0:00 grep named
> > > 
> > > What the heck is named -u named ??
> > 
> > I don't think that RTFM is a rude answer.
> > 
> > Checking the man page would involve less work than writing a message to
> > the list, and would get your answer faster.
> > 
> > If it helps you in the future, when reading man pages, you can invoke a
> > search using the '/' key.  man will allow you to search by typing the '/'
> > character, followed by the text you would like to search for, and the
> > 'Enter' key.
> > 
> > # man named
> > ...
> >      -u user_name
> >           Specifies the user the server should run as after it initial­
> >           izes.  The value specified may be either a username or a nu­
> >           meric user id.  If the ``-g'' flag is not specified, then the
> >           group id used will be the primary group of the user specified
> >           (initgroups() is called, so all of the user's groups will be
> >           available to the server).
> > ...
> > 
> > The point of "-u named" is to allow named to drop root privileges as soon
> > as it finishes root type stuff (like opening its port).  This reduces the
> > risk to your system, since an attacker won't be able to get a root shell
> > through an attack on named.  He _may_ be able to get a shell, though.

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