>>>>> "k" == kompukit  <Admin> writes:

k> ok...I figure out that much...and before I read this email...I did 
k> what you suggested already...then I edited fstab to reflect this
k> change...
k> and now...I can access it...fine,
k> thanks...
k> but, now what i need to do...is be able to setup lilo 
k> so that upon boot...I can select between redhat and win 98 to then
k> boot...
k> as i was able to do in mandrake...how do I do this?

Sorry I went out and couldn't finish my first reply to your question
but looks like you got it going.

So to add it lilo, you need another stanza to /etc/lilo.conf

So add this:


Then re-run lilo:

lilo -v -v

Look for any errors and if not reboot.

k> also having trouble with setting up my printer....and  external modem...
k> but thats for later...
k> thanks so much for helping me get this far...

This time if you have problems with these be sure to include error

Good luck,

k> "Ashley M. Kirchner" wrote:
>> Admin wrote:
>> > Device Boot     Start        End       Blocks     ID          System
>> > /dev/sda1           1       1106      8883913      c          Win95
>> > Fat32  (LBA)
>> >
>> > I don't understand why it says win95, as I run win98 2nd ed,
>> System Types are the same between Win95 and 98.
>> > but this seems
>> > like this is my scsi drive....so it appears redhat has seen the scsi at
>> > least...  so says the dmesq  also
>> >
>> > what do i do now?
>> $ mkdir /mnt/win98
>> $ mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/win98
>> This will mount that partition under /mnt/win98 where you can go list (ls) it and 
>do whatever you need to do.

Ray Curtis         Curtis Consulting         http://www.ccux.com

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