>>>>> "k" == kompukit  <Admin> writes:

k> ok...didn't get any error messages...when i did the rerun of lilo...but
k> I don't see any 
k> changes in booting selections...when I rebooted, all i see...is text
k> messages displayed while it boots.
k> perhaps i should shutdown  completely, instead of just rebooting.

Not sure if I fully understand what you are asking here.
When you ran " lilo -v -v " it did show the stanza for win98 ?
If it did and didn't show any errors, when you reboot when it
gets to the prompt to choose, hit the tab key to show what you
have to select and it should show, linux and win98. 
Instead of choosing linux this time choose win98, that is assuming
you entered the same info as shown below.

k> as soon as i can get this setup to allow me the "option" to select win98 
k> to boot...i can move onto getting my modem working...and can then
k> send you the messages...and/or errors....ok

k> Ray Curtis wrote:
>> >>>>> "k" == kompukit  <Admin> writes:
k> ok...I figure out that much...and before I read this email...I did
k> what you suggested already...then I edited fstab to reflect this
k> change...
k> and now...I can access it...fine,
k> thanks...
k> but, now what i need to do...is be able to setup lilo
k> so that upon boot...I can select between redhat and win 98 to then
k> boot...
k> as i was able to do in mandrake...how do I do this?
>> Sorry I went out and couldn't finish my first reply to your question
>> but looks like you got it going.
>> So to add it lilo, you need another stanza to /etc/lilo.conf
>> So add this:
>> other=/dev/sda1
>> table=/dev/sda
>> label=win98
>> Then re-run lilo:
>> lilo -v -v
>> Look for any errors and if not reboot.
k> also having trouble with setting up my printer....and  external modem...
k> but thats for later...
k> thanks so much for helping me get this far...
>> This time if you have problems with these be sure to include error
>> messages.
>> Good luck,
k> "Ashley M. Kirchner" wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Admin wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > Device Boot     Start        End       Blocks     ID          System
>> >> > /dev/sda1           1       1106      8883913      c          Win95
>> >> > Fat32  (LBA)
>> >> >
>> >> > I don't understand why it says win95, as I run win98 2nd ed,
>> >>
>> >> System Types are the same between Win95 and 98.
>> >>
>> >> > but this seems
>> >> > like this is my scsi drive....so it appears redhat has seen the scsi at
>> >> > least...  so says the dmesq  also
>> >> >
>> >> > what do i do now?
>> >>
>> >> $ mkdir /mnt/win98
>> >> $ mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/win98
>> >>
>> >> This will mount that partition under /mnt/win98 where you can go list (ls) it 
>and do whatever you need to do.
>> >>
>> --
>> Ray Curtis         Curtis Consulting         http://www.ccux.com
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