--- David Talkington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> nit etc wrote:
> >After putting more thought to this, I realized that
> if
> >my Linux box were to act as a 'real' gateway, since
> >that is what I want it to do, I'd need to set both
> my
> >NICs on the Linux box to real IP addresses, but
> since
> >Verizon does DHCP I dont know if I could set my
> second
> >NIC(internal network) to obtain a real IP from
> >Verizon, since a DHCP request is only sent out on
> the
> >line that the NIC is connected to...
> One of the two addresses they give you has to be
> assigned to the
> external interface of the gateway.  Only traffic
> destined for _that_
> address -- not the second IP they allow you -- is
> going to hit that
> interface. 
Not really. If my eth0 is connected to the DSL line,
then all traffic will come to that NIC. It is the NIC
driver which will drop packets not matching with its
IP, unless I set it to promiscuous(sp?) mode.

> The only way around this is a) NAT,
> which you've said is
> not acceptable, or b) presenting a second interface
> to the outside
> world, which leaves you no "real" IPs for the
> clients behind the
> gateway.  Ergo, I don't see any way to meet your
> requirements with a
> single gateway.

After putting even more thought to this, I bet if I
configure my kernel to act as a router, and Verizon
did not do DHCP, I could accomplish what I am looking
for in the following way:

1) eth0 set to ip1 and mask
2) eth1 set to ip2 and mask
3) eth0 connected to DSL
4) route setup so traffic destined for mask coming in
on eth0 is put on eth1
5) default gateway is the verizon gateway

this way, if I have additional IPs, I can just add
routes for them on my Linux box, and it would work. I
guess this is the way all gateways work.

The only reason I cant do the above is because DHCP
requests and replies cannot propogate through
interfaces. A temporary solution would be to connect
each machine and interface on my network to the DSL
line for a few seconds and request an IP :) 

So Im stuck, and will stick to NAT for now

Thanks for your replies.

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