Bedros Hanounik wrote:
> David,
> I appreciate your criticism, but we're not in a flame war. I never
> claimed to be an FS expert. Take it easy; you don't have to beat my
> suggestion to death. There's no perfect solution, and all feedbacks, no
> matter how idiotic or simple may seem, help making a better final solution.

I didn't mean this to be a personal attack, or a flame.  I was trying to
be thorough, not confrontational.

You did actually have a good idea -- the '.rev' -- but I just wanted to
make sure that if it was done, it would be done right.  Notice also that
my last paragraph on that topic was how I think it should be done right
-- which isn't that different than your idea.

> Again, I'm
> not the FS expert here.

Nor am I.  Just a fan, really.

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