Yoanis Gil Delgado wrote:

>On Thursday 12 January 2006 06:56 pm, you wrote:
> > David,
> >
> > I appreciate your criticism, but we're not in a flame war. I never
> > claimed to be an FS expert. Take it easy; you don't have to beat my
> > suggestion to death. There's no perfect solution, and all feedbacks, no
> > matter how idiotic or simple may seem, help making a better final
> > solution.
> >
> > my suggestions were burst of the moment, I didn't give 'em much thoughts;
> > however, all the problems you found could be fixed. Again, I'm not the FS
> > expert here.
> >
> > -B
>Yes I agree with you Bedros, but i don't think David wanted to beat your
> suggestion to death. You're suggestions make me thinks things  I have not 
>preview. As you say the idea it's to find a good solution.
What was it you agreed with?

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