Eugene wrote:
"Mark:  Would you say that anti-abortion protests at abortion clinics are 
likewise 'targeted speech,' and, if offensive enough in their viewpoint, 
punishable fighting words?  What about labor picketing at plants that are being 
"I realize that you might argue that this speech is less outrageous than 
funeral picketing -- but for now I'm just focusing on whether you'd say that 
there's a difference as to whether they are (1) targeted and (2) potentially 
fighting words, both concepts that don't themselves involve an outrageousness 
I wish I had more time to address Eugene's important question. (And even more I 
wish I had more expertise and insight!) But here is an initial analysis.
The examples Eugene gives are less targeted than the funeral protests. There 
typically is only one funeral (or at most a few) going on at once at a 
particular cemetery, and the protest is targeted at the loved ones and friends 
of a single dead soldier. The protests obviously are not targeted at the 
cemetery workers; they are focused on causing distress to a particular family 
(and friends). 
Abortion protests target the whole facility, with a focus, in terms of the 
animosity expressed, on all of the doctors and other employees of the clinic. 
The protest is not targeted at a single patient or patient's family. Of course 
a particular encounter between a protester and a patient or worker outside the 
clinic may be focused on that patient or worker, but the overall protest is 
Labor picketing similarly typically is not targeted at a single person or 
family but rather at the business and its managers.
I don't know that it's possible to discuss whether fighting words are involved 
without discussing outrageousness. It is largely the outrage caused by 
personally targeted speech that potentially makes it fighting words. Let me 
say, though, that speech targeting a dead soldier's family during a funeral is 
particularly likely to stir up the very strong violence-inducing emotions that 
are associated with fighting words. To the extent that a balancing is involved, 
of the likelihood of the stirring up of such strong emotions versus the 
speaker's need to engage in targeted speech at that time and place, I'd suggest 
that labor picketing and abortion protests both are aimed at those who, if 
persuaded, could act directly or relatively directly on the message to change 
things in the world. Abortion clinic patients (or would-be patients) and 
workers could decide against having, or participating in the providing of, 
abortions. Employers might decide to give the workers the contract they want, 
and customers, by staying away from the business that is being picketed, may in 
a relatively direct way affect the decision of the business. By contrast, the 
families of dead soldiers have no direct say in the military's policy on gays 
and lesbians. They have even less ability indirectly to affect such policies 
than they would to affect whether we continue our involvement in Iraq -- on 
that latter issue they might have an influential voice (though that still would 
be much more indirect than the abortion clinic or labor picketing examples).
Mark Scarberry


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Volokh, Eugene
Sent: Fri 11/2/2007 2:42 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: RE: IIED and vagueness

Mark:  Would you say that anti-abortion protests at abortion clinics are 
likewise "targeted speech," and, if offensive enough in their viewpoint, 
punishable fighting words?  What about labor picketing at plants that are being 
I realize that you might argue that this speech is less outrageous than funeral 
picketing -- but for now I'm just focusing on whether you'd say that there's a 
difference as to whether they are (1) targeted and (2) potentially fighting 
words, both concepts that don't themselves involve an outrageousness inquiry.


        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Scarberry, Mark
        Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 11:35 AM
        To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
        Subject: RE: IIED and vagueness
        But this is targeted speech. The protesters may not say explicitly and 
specifically refer to the dead soldier  or the dead soldier's family, but the 
context makes the targeting clear. As I said, the protesters can do this 
anywhere else, and at any other time. It's the proximity ot the funeral that 
makes it targeted and very similar to fighting words.


        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Volokh, Eugene
        Sent: Thu 11/1/2007 1:47 PM
        To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
        Subject: RE: IIED and vagueness
            But Cohen v. California made clear that "fighting words" require 
some individualized insult of the targeted listener.  Under the view you 
describe, any speech that may offend a group of people -- for instance, harsh 
public criticisms of religiosity, or Christianity, or capitalists, or whatever 
else -- to the point that they might start fighting could be punishable as 
fighting words.  (True, it might not be quite as "outrageous," but it would 
still be fighting words under your definition.)  Yet Cohen and Texas v. 
Johnson, it seems to me, reject that.


                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Scarberry, Mark
                Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 10:46 AM
                To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
                Subject: RE: IIED and vagueness
                Then I suppose I'd be inclined to argue that IIED as applied in 
this case is constitutional on Eugene's approach, because what the protesters 
were doing was very much like fighting words and should not be considered to be 
protected speech. I'm not sure the quote is correct, but I think H.L. Mencken 
said, "Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist 
the black flag, and begin slitting throats." I have to say that if the law 
cannot somehow restrain these despicable protesters from inflicting such harm 
on grieving relatives of fallen soldiers, many of us will be tempted. The 
protesters can hold their protests anywhere else and any other time. 
                On the theory that if one quote is good, two must be better, 
I'll add that if the law cannot prevent them from doing so at a soldier's 
funeral then Mr. Bumble was right that "the law is a ass--a idiot."
                Mark Scarberry


                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Volokh, Eugene
                Sent: Thu 11/1/2007 1:18 PM
                To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
                Subject: RE: IIED and vagueness
                    I think the IIED tort is unconstitutionally vague on its 
face, as applied to otherwise protected speech.  (I don't think there's any 
First Amendment problem with applying it to nonspeech conduct.)  The arguments 
in favor of allowing facial challenges -- the need to avoid unconstitutional 
chilling effects on parties who aren't yet before the court, and who might 
never come before a court for fear of ruinous lawsuits -- seem to squarely 
apply here.


                        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
Behalf Of Scarberry, Mark
                        Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 10:03 AM
                        To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
                        Subject: RE: IIED and vagueness
                        I don't think there is any vagueness at all in the tort 
of IIED as applied to these funeral protests. I don't think the defendants were 
in doubt at all that what they were doing would inflict serious emotional 
distress and would be thought by almost everyone other than themselves (maybe 
even including themselves) to be outrageous. Wasn't that the point of the 
                        Is Eugene arguing that the vagueness of IIED 
(overbreadth) as applied to speech renders the tort facially unconstitutional 
as applied to any speech of any kind? As applied to speech that is not within a 
traditional exception to Free Speech protection (obscenity, fighting words, 
true threat, defamation actionable under  NY Times v. Sullivan etc.)? Does 
potential application of IIED to protected speech render the tort 
unconstitutional even when applied to non-speech? How broad is the facial 
invalidity? It's been a while since I've read the Falwell/Hustler case, but if 
facial invalidity applies here, why would the Court have needed to look so 
carefully at the particular situation in that case? But perhaps I'm missing 
something here.
                        I'd swim against the current and argue that IIED as 
applied to speech should be considered on a case-by-case "as applied" basis, 
rather than using the typical overbreadth facial invalidity approach. Someone 
must have addressed this issue; cites?
                        Mark Scarberry



                        On 11/1/07, Volokh, Eugene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                        >         Isn't a restriction on "speech that is 
outrageous, and inflicts
                        > severe emotional distress, where the speaker knows 
there's a high
                        > probability that severe emotional distress will be 
                        > unconstitutionally vague, suffering from all three of 
the Grayned
                        > problems (risk of viewpoint discrimination in 
enforcement, difficulty of
                        > telling when one is complying with the law, and 
resulting deterrent
                        > effect)?  "'Outrageousness' in the area of political 
and social
                        > discourse has an inherent subjectiveness about it 
which would allow a
                        > jury to impose liability on the basis of the jurors' 
tastes or views, or
                        > perhaps on the basis of their dislike of a particular 
expression."  (I
                        > also think it's unconstitutionally even setting aside 
the vagueness, but
                        > as in many instances the vagueness is such an 
important problem that it
                        > makes it hard to do the rest of the constitutional 
analysis, since it's
                        > so hard to tell just what speech the law will 
restrict, even if limited
                        > to cases where plaintiffs are private figures.)
                        >         Eugene
                        Prof. Steven Jamar
                        Howard University School of Law
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