Mr. Schmidt,

Isn't it strange how irrate these people get when
attention is being brought to their short commings?? I
too have had this same experience with the
cooridinating association in my area and the response
to my complaints was identical to the response to
yours, seems kind of strange it was almost word for
word, kindof as it was a standard form letter of
reply. Anyway, don't even bother trying to work with
them, they are always rite and you will always be
wrong, especially now that we are labeled as trouble
makers in their community now.

--- n9uur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mr. Schmidt
> I do not know you, never met you, have nothing
> against you except for 
> the paperwork (and lack thereof) on my desk. There
> is no "good-ol-
> boy" network, and I am greatly offended by that sort
> of accusation.
> The Wisconsin Association of Repeaters primary issue
> with you is 
> communication, and the lack thereof. Posting your
> point of view here 
> is not communication with us. And the attitude
> expressed within your 
> posts (candor) does not inspire me to go out of my
> way to take up 
> your cause.
> We have not "lost" any other renewal notices from
> the hundreds of 
> other repeater owners in the state, and I suggest
> you have a talk 
> with your mail pickup person, as your repeated
> statements of "I've 
> sent it all in" does not ring true with what we have
> received since 
> 2001. I am sorry that it has taken a USPS Certified
> letter to get 
> your attention, it was the first I have ever had to
> send out as 
> W.A.R. Chairman; I suggest you read it again.
> We DO move the meetings around the State of
> Wisconsin, I and the 
> other Board members and Coordinators put on many
> miles each year. We 
> go to the membership, so all have the opportunity of
> attending a 
> meeting closer to home. I am very proud of this
> point. Our next 
> meeting is in Appleton WI in March. I am also the
> W.A.R. webmaster, 
> and do apologize for neglecting to post up the next
> meeting date, but 
> the exact date is still being arranged due to
> confirmation of room 
> access.
> From MY point of view, I and our Board, and
> especially the 
> Coordinators that I have personally appointed, go
> out of our way to 
> help and assist the Repeater owners of our state.
> Not just with 
> Coordination, but we help people build machines,
> take test equipment 
> to sites to help get machines working well, and
> teach people what we 
> know. We are volunteers in the spirit of the
> advancement of Amateur 
> Radio (yes I said that, and I believe it).
> Sir, I am offended by your comments.
> My apologies to Mr. Custer, this lists moderators,
> and the entire 
> subscribed membership for posting a technically "off
> topic" post to 
> this list in violation of its stated rules.
> I will not post again on this list regarding this
> topic.
> Gary Bargholz, N9UUR
> Chairman
> The Wisconsin Association of Repeaters
> --- In, "Dave
> Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >
> > After the excuses from these ....  people,  of
> course certified 
> mail.
> > Everything now is sent to WAR via certified mail.
> Since they want 
> to play
> > games, I'm going to make sure there is a paper
> trail, not just their
> > excuses and stories.
> > 
> > Yeah, if it goes to court, I'll probably loose the
> coordination 
> battle. I'll
> > make it known though that WAR is crooked. Thats
> basically the 
> point. Bring
> > to light the bent things that WAR does. Maybe
> others have been 
> screwed over
> > as well and are just waiting for someone to start
> things cookin.
> > 
> > Thank you for the nfcc link, I didn't know there
> was such a thing, 
> however
> > the site looks a bit outdated and not maintained
> well ... a bit
> > unprofessional as well.... looks like it was
> created on Anglefire. 
> How
> > effective is the NFCC... its just not another
> coffee and doughnuts 
> club is
> > it?
> > 
> > Taking the issues to the WAR meetings. Good one.
> They keep moving 
> the
> > meetings all over the state. Although it is
> typically listed on 
> their site,
> > it appears that their site has not been updated.
> It still says next 
> meeting
> > Nov 11, 2006. They probably will not change the
> web site till a 
> couple days
> > before the meeting to try and keep things quiet
> when they are 
> eating their
> > doughnuts. In this case, since the last meeting
> was in SE WI, the 
> next one
> > will probably will be 300 miles away in NW
> Wisconsin. They never 
> hold it in
> > one spot.
> > 
> > Regards
> > 
> > Dave Schmidt
> > N9NLU
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On 1/19/07, mch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >   Did you send your reply back certified? After
> their claim of not
> > > receiving it, I sure would have.
> > >
> > > But, things DO get lost in the mail. I've seen
> cases where 
> someone says
> > > "This is my forth reply in two yeas", yet the
> complaint was the 
> first
> > > letter received from him in over 10 years. (not
> that much gets 
> lost in
> > > the mail). Then he says to change his callsign
> to W3ABC ("which 
> was
> > > changed years ago") when the copy of his
> coordination paperwork 
> *he
> > > enclosed* shows his callsign as W3ABC. Talk
> about your 'huh?' 
> issues.
> > >
> > > As for the oversight panel:
> > >
> > > Are you sure you want to drag another person
> into your court 
> fight?
> > > (that would be the person who receives
> coordination on 'your 
> pair')
> > >
> > > You ARE aware that if someone else gets
> coordination there and 
> the FCC
> > > gets involved, you *will lose*, right? You are
> better off taking 
> the
> > > issue to their meetings to get it resolved. If
> you feel they have
> > > violated their published policies, bring that up
> and demand an
> > > explanation.
> > >
=== message truncated ===

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