Hi everyone - new to the group looking for help on a strange problem.
 I've been involved with two repeaters in Southeast Kansas (Humboldt -
147.18 and 442.900) for over 30 years and work in Electronics,
although not in radio.  A couple months ago we lost both repeaters
when we had a flood in this area - I took the Wacom duplexer apart and
cleaned any obvious corrosion or such and assumed it would be fine -
it tuned up without any trouble and there was almost no corrosion.  I
replaced as many of the T connectors as I could and carefully cleaned
any that remained and made new cables of the correct length.  I have
built a new repeater but am now having a problem with intermittent
buzzing sometimes when the transmitter is up - it will hold the
receiver open and cover any signals that aren't pretty strong.  Comes
on whenever the transmitter comes up but not always - sometimes it is
fine.  I have tried 3 different transmitters - a Midland 3400, a
Midland 340A and even a couple Icom rigs - makes no difference.  Same
for receivers - makes no difference.  Never shows up unless the
duplexer is hooked to an antenna - works fine on a dummy load.  Tried
two different antennas as well.  The noise sounds like bad line noise,
but I can't hear it except on the repeater.  The repeater is at my
house right now, but I intend to haul it back to the site to see if it
shows up there as well when I can get time to do it.  Anyone else ever
ran into this kind of thing?

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