ARRL has always worked with insurance vendors (Marsh & Associates?) to
provide decently-priced liability coverage.  Sometimes you can beat them,
sometimes you can't.  Liability coverage GENERALLY seems to fall in a small
band between vendors, unless your organization or you has previous judgments
against you (or so I hear -- never been in that boat).

Equipment coverage on the other hand, is different.  

ARRL's partner requires that you cover ALL equipment owned by yourself (in
the case of personal coverage) or your organization (in the case of a club),
and if they catch you NOT covering something the club owns, they can deny
paying out on coverage.

So if a club wants to cover just a repeater or two, but not say, all the
vintage gear at a club station -- or the gear in storage at a ham's house
for repairs/replacements... The ARRL coverage is not a good option.  The
more "assets" the individual or club owns, the worse deal the ARRL equipment
coverage becomes, according to my spreadsheets... your mileage may vary.

For equipment coverage, you're often better off buying that coverage
somewhere other than ARRL's partner, but each situation will be different.
Find an independent broker and give them the ARRL info, and tell 'em to try
to beat it.  Then read the fine print VERY carefully.  

Nate WY0X

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of rahwayflynn
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 2:35 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Site Insurance Vendors

Hi Folks,
I am looking for an insurance carrier for a small repeater project I 
have underway.  

Here's the deal:  Before I meet with the potential site owner, I wanted 
to make sure I could obtain a liability policy.  Projected hardware 
buildout is fully R56.  

Can anyone refer me to a vendor that can provide a typical 1M/3M policy 
to an individual or LLC?



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