Hi guys .Can you clarify something for me .I have a repeater that receives
on 479.350 and has a link transmitter on 481.825 and I would like to filter
the 481.825 out so it doesn't affect the 479.350. I currently have between
the diplexer and the 479.350 receiver -a band pass cavity tuned to 479.350
and a notch diplexer tuned to notch the 481.825 .
I am concerned that this is reducing the receiver sensitivity and feel  I
would be better to have the band pass between the diplexer and receiver and
using a t piece connect the notch to the t piece
Current setup Diplexer------band pass cavity----notch diplexer----receiver

Proposed setup  Diplexer ------ band pass cavity ---t piece---- receiver
I will try the proposed setup shortly on on a hp service monitor to see if I
am better this way

Thank You,
Ian Wells,
Kerinvale Comaudio,
361 Camboon Road.Biloela.4715
Phone 0749922574 or 0409159932

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