Good place to inject CTCSS in to the Mastr2 control shelf from the TP-3200

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:48 PM, wd8chl <> wrote:

>    AJ wrote:
> > Alright, finally put this in to ExpressSCH to match up roughly the
> general
> > consensus:
> >
> >
> >
> > Something along those lines?
> >
> > Thanks again for the input!
> >
> > -AJ, K6LOR
> >
> Nope, not quite. PTT from the 3200 would go to the CTCSS decode input of
> the NHRC.
> COS from the MII would go to the COS on the NHRC.
> Rx audio from the MII is raw discriminator, best place is high side of
> the vol pot (NOT the wiper!)
> CTCSS tone encode out from the 3200 would go to a CG input on the MII.

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