Pretty good chance you can't. Typically the CG encoder is in the TX 
compartment. You'll need to run a shielded line from an unused terminal on the 
door to your external encoder and jumper that terminal to the CG input of the 


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: AJ 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 4:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Anyone ever interface a CSI TP3200 tone 
panel to an external controller?

  Good place to inject CTCSS in to the Mastr2 control shelf from the TP-3200 

  On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:48 PM, wd8chl <> wrote:

    AJ wrote:
    > Alright, finally put this in to ExpressSCH to match up roughly the general
    > consensus:
    > Something along those lines?
    > Thanks again for the input!
    > -AJ, K6LOR

    Nope, not quite. PTT from the 3200 would go to the CTCSS decode input of 
    the NHRC.
    COS from the MII would go to the COS on the NHRC.
    Rx audio from the MII is raw discriminator, best place is high side of 
    the vol pot (NOT the wiper!)
    CTCSS tone encode out from the 3200 would go to a CG input on the MII.


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