> With regard to the "brown envelope" technique. I am not such a fan of
> that. 

I have mixed feelings about the "brown envelope" technique. I do think
that traveling to collect data that are run under routine,
semi-automatic, conditions can be a waste of time and money, so Armel
has a very good point. But like all the other neutron centers, but we
are not staffed to run a mail-order shop. Further much work does really
does benefit from having the experimenter here to learn 1) how things
work and 2) to fiddle with the program of data collection (no battle
plan survives contact with the enemy). A lot of previous discussions
have centered around recognizing (and where possible proper treatment
of) experimental artifacts in data. When instruments are virtual, who
will know how to recognize the problems. So yes I agree that,
> my presence
> at Washington together with my samples would be a plus.

Dr. Jaap Vente wrote:
> Now I will go to the beach and dive into that glorious caribean sea and
> wash my soul of all my recent sins.


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