Jaap wrote :

>With regard to the "brown envelope" technique. I am not such a fan of
>that. It is very hard for a beam line scientist the know whether the data
>collected are as desired, have a good enough s/r ratio etc, which details
>to look for. In addition, the last few years when we went we had more
>samples that we good run sensibly. For that reason I use 'on the fly'
>refinements  to check whether things are going OK. With respect to the
>additional costs, what are the daily running costs of say D2b or HRPD,
>10,000-15,000 dollar orso? The travel costs are than a relative small part
>of the total cost involved.  

Arguments rejected ;-). We are at Internet times. Your professional
eyes need to see the powder pattern ? OK, then install a WebCam
on the instrument (less than 100 US $), and discuss by WebPhone
with the engineer or technician in charge of the measurement. And
you can do it from the beach, diving into that glorious caribean sea,
though washing your soul of all your recent sins. Of course, if you
want to walk on the mountain at Grenoble, this idea will seem
ridiculous. Furthermore, the travel cost and all costs may be at the
charge of the Facility, when a proposal is accepted. If the labs had
to pay, there will even be less external neutron users than now. Does
NIST take in charge all expenses as ILL do ?


Armel Le Bail - Universite du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

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