this is the company behind the wiki hosting:


and this is the main person who set it up:



all the best,


On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 4:22 AM, Andy Higginson <a...@higgles.co.uk> wrote:

> Who looks after the Wiki now?  Is it possible for some of us to get login
> details so that we can update it?  Patrick mentioned that he had tried to
> get access to it and hadn't had any reply.  It would be good if it could be
> a Rivendell community project, not something that falls on the shoulders of
> one person (though Cowboy we are very grateful for all your contributions
> and support).
> ---- On Tue, 30 Jan 2018 00:33:24 +0000 *Cowboy <c...@cwf1.com
> <c...@cwf1.com>>* wrote ----
> On Monday 29 January 2018 06:36:08 pm Andy Higginson wrote:
> > How we go about all of this I don’t know.  However I do think it could
> be time for the Wiki to be rebuilt from scratch - this possibly being
> easier than trying to edit all of the articles to make them up to date.
> >
> I can't promise that it'll happen, but I can promise to push it up the
> list.
> --
> Cowboy
> http://cowboy.cwf1.com
> God rest ye CS students now,
> Let nothing you dismay.
> The VAX is down and won't be up,
> Until the first of May.
> The program that was due this morn,
> Won't be postponed, they say.
>     Oh, tidings of comfort and joy,
>     Comfort and joy,
>     Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
> The bearings on the drum are gone,
> The disk is wobbling, too.
> We've found a bug in Lisp, and Algol
> Can't tell false from true.
> And now we find that we can't get
> At Berkeley's 4.2.
>     (chorus)
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