drew & Frank,

On Sun, 2020-03-01 at 09:53 -0500, drew Roberts wrote:
> Frank,
> On Sun, Mar 1, 2020 at 8:45 AM Frank Christel <fjchris...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  [ MP2 file discussion cut...]
> > Does Rivendell maintain an error log? I couldn’t locate it or generate one
> > through the Reports module.
> > 

On all recent Linux distributions, Rivendell uses the system journal for
logging messages. The system journal is a replacement for the thing called
syslog (which is still used on many *nix systems).

The journal is part of the system services facility called "systemd" which was
incorporated into Red Hat/CentOS starting with version 7. It has also been
part of Debian (and thus Raspbian) since (I believe) Debian version 8.

You typically use the CLI command journalctl(8) to display journal entries. I
am aware of only the app "qjournalctl" to view the system journal in a GUI

The journalctl command has lots of options and takes a bit of getting used to.
Here are a few examples:

 - "sudo journalctl"  display all journal entries that the system knows about
 - "sudo journalctl -b"  display all journal entries since the system was
restarted ("b" for "booted")
 - "sudo journalctl -b _COMM=caed"  display all messages from the Rivendell
Core Audio Engine Daemon since the system was started
 - "sudo journalctl -u rivendell"  display all messages from processes that
are (or were) running as user "rivendell"
 - "sudo journalctl --since today _COMM=rdcatchd"  display all messages from
rdcatchd since midnight today
 - "sudo journalctl --follow"  display all system messages as they are logged
(use Ctrl-C to stop "following"); use this to watch messages from running apps

Be aware that by default CentOS and Debian (thus Raspbian) do NOT store
journal messages on disk. So you lose the messages every time you reboot. You
can configure the journal to save messages to disk with the following CLI
commands (in a terminal window):

  sudo mkdir /var/log/journal
  sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald

Note that this will contribute to the early "death" of the SD card in your
Raspberry Pi (due to many "disk writes"), so consider saving messages to disk
sparingly. There are configuration options to send journal messages to another
Linux system on your network; this might be a good solution for all those Pi-
based Rivendell systems.

Finally, this is all pretty well documented on the intertubes. A few searches
should lead you to comprehensive documentation about systemd and the journal.

Hope this helps!

  ~David Klann

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