On 06/03/10 20:01, Petru Ratiu wrote:
> Pai stiu si inteleg, ce vreau eu sa stiu e unde ma uit care e lista
> de probleme care tin masca aia pusa, ca sa stiu la ce ma inham cand o
> scot. La Debian poti obtine via packages.debian.org,
> packages.qa.debian.org si bugs.debian.org cate in luna si in stele,
> filtrate dupa jde criterii posibile. Bugzilla lor nu pare sa aiba
> foarte multe flaguri la buguri.

5.4: Portage warning about masked packages - reason

!!! possible candidates are:

- gnome-base/gnome-2.8.0_pre1 (masked by: ~x86 keyword)
- lm-sensors/lm-sensors-2.8.7 (masked by: -sparc keyword)
- sys-libs/glibc- (masked by: -* keyword)
- dev-util/cvsd-1.0.2 (masked by: missing keyword)
- games-fps/unreal-tournament-451 (masked by: package.mask)
- sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2-r11 (masked by: profile)
- net-im/skype- (masked by: skype-eula license(s))

When you want to install a package that isn't available for your system,
you will receive this masking error. You should try installing a
different application that is available for your system or wait until
the package is put available. There is always a reason why a package is

    * ~arch keyword means that the application is not tested
sufficiently to be put in the stable branch. Wait a few days or weeks
and try again.
    * -arch keyword or -* keyword means that the application does not
work on your architecture. If you believe the package does work file a
bug at our bugzilla <http://bugs.gentoo.org> website.
    * missing keyword means that the application has not been tested on
your architecture yet. Ask the architecture porting team to test the
package or test it for them and report your findings on our bugzilla
<http://bugs.gentoo.org> website.
    * package.mask means that the package has been found corrupt,
unstable or worse and has been deliberately marked as do-not-use.
    * profile means that the package has been found not suitable for
your profile. The application might break your system if you installed
it or is just not compatible with the profile you use.
    * license means that the package's license is not compatible with
your ACCEPT_LICENSE setting. You must explicitly permit its license or
license group by setting it in /etc/make.conf or in
/etc/portage/package.license. Refer to Licenses
to learn how licenses work.

Oricum, QA-ul de pe Debian cel mai jmeker pe care l-am văzut deci nu
încerca să-l compari cu cel de la Gentoo. Asta este.


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