
I think you're right about the understanding and the inconsistent procedures as a result. Let's see if I can help: For the "QUEUE" an AdminCc or CC watcher will be recipients of email notification IF there is a notification scrip where the action is "Notify AdminCc, CC's...) or even spererate "Notify AdminCc", "Notify CC" where the condition is whatever. When the condition is "On Correspondence" it means email sent to/from that queue/ticket. "On Comment" means when someone makes a comment on a ticket in said queue. "On Create" and the others are self explanatory. "Others" (as an action recipient) refers to a user that is added to the "cc" or "Admincc" people portion of an individual ticket. What this means is, when you set up the queue, the users you identify as the "Watchers" are ALWAYS going to get a notification on ANY ticket IF and ONLY IF there is a notification scrip that applies to the condition AND the action is to notify the watchers ("AdminCc" & "CC"). For any other person to get an email for said action, you need to have those users added to the appropriate "PEOPLE" section of the specific ticket AND have ANOTHER scrip for that condition with the action being "Notify Others ...". What we do is have our "AdminCc" watcher function as the administrator of the queue (be the person that monitors ticket activity/ownership/resolution/granting groups privileges to the queue) and set up notification scrips for when that person wants one, like "on create" and "on resolve". If they want to know every time someone makes a comment or sends an email to/about a ticket, then we set up a notification scrip for "On Correspond" or "On Comment", with the action set to "Notify AdminCc". Some Queue Admins don't want to be inundated with email. I would recommend sitting down with your people and discuss exactly how you want RT to be used and administrated and set up everything accordingly, as a whole and queue by queue. Watch out for setting up privileges redundantly. Hope this helps.


On 12/6/2007 10:56 AM, Matt Pounsett wrote:
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On 2007-Dec-06, at 13:21, Kenneth Crocker wrote:


Navigate to Congifuration>Global>Scrips and tell me what scrips are listed. Then, navigate to Congifuration>Queues>(select the queue we are discussing)>Scrips and tell me what scrips are listed. That will give us a good start on finding out what is going on.

Sorry.. to be more specific, I meant to say that I wouldn't know how to debug malfunctioning scrips. Figuring out which ones are there and *should* be doing things is pretty straight-forward.

Having gone to do that, It's starting to look to me like our problem is a combination of two things:
1) Incorrect assumptions about the default behaviour of the CC field
2) Inconsistent use of CC and AdminCC by my users (and imprecise problem reporting)

I've been a bit more direct in my questioning of users, and dug around a bit more, and here's what I've found:

It seems that my interpretation of the default "On {Comment,Correspond} Notify Other Recipients as.." scrips was wrong - -- I'd assumed "Other Recipients" would include CC'd users, and it looks like it doesn't. Does that sound correct to you?

On top of that, my users seem to be trying to use CC and AdminCC interchangeably, resulting in inconsistent behaviour with regard to mail going out (which might be my fault since I wasn't even clear on the difference).

I think the "fix" here might simply be writing up some simple process for the developers/testers to follow.

Thanks for the pointers!

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