
Nope this is purely a comment via the web interface. I have also removed
the default script mentioned.

The scripts I have set are as follows:

Scrips which apply to all queues

Send Notification of Ticket when a reply is received to a resolved
On Reply to Resolved Ticket Notify AdminCcs with template

Send Notification of Ticket when a reply is received to a resolved
On Reply to Resolved Ticket Notify Ccs with template ReplyToResolved 

Send Notification of Ticket when a reply is received to a resolved
On Reply to Resolved Ticket Notify Owner with template ReplyToResolved 

On a Reply(correspondance) to a resolved ticket set the status back to
On Reply to Resolved Ticket User Defined with template Blank 

For CC and BCC Field 
On Correspond Notify Other Recipients with template Correspondence 

for CC and BCC Field 
On Comment Notify Other Recipients with template Correspondence 

Queue Scrips

On Resolve Notify Requestors with template Resolved  

On Resolve Notify AdminCcs with template Resolved  
On Resolve Notify Owner with template Resolved  

On Correspond Notify Requestors with template Correspondence  

On Create Notify Owner with template Admin Comment  

On Create Notify Requestors, Ccs and AdminCcs with template Admin

On Correspond Notify Owner with template Correspondence  

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Turner [mailto:stur...@mit.edu] 
Sent: 07 January 2009 15:31
To: Dave Wells; RT users
Subject: Re: [rt-users] On Comment set to open

On Wed, 07 Jan 2009 10:03:35 -0500, Dave Wells

> Hi Guys,
> Just a quick question, when our users comment on a ticket in a new 
> state, the ticket is automatically moved to an open state.
> There are no scripts I can find that carry out this action, is this a 
> default action and if it is can it be changed?
> Many Thanks
> Dave

Do you mean comment or reply? There's a global scrip installed by
default that does this on reply:

On Correspond Open Tickets with template Blank


Stephen Turner
Senior Programmer/Analyst - SAIS


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