On Wed, 07 Jan 2009 11:03:19 -0500, Dave Wells <dave.we...@foreshore.net>  

> Thanks very much for the info, makes sense now.
> If I change html/Ticket/Update.html to set the status default to new, do
> you think this would cause any issues?

I think this code (along with the global scrip) is just helping to  
implement the business rule that any change to a new ticket automatically  
opens the ticket. That way, you can distinguish between untouched tickets  
and ones that are actively being worked on.

So if you don't want that business rule, I don't think there'd be any harm  
in removing the code. I do think it would be neater to remove the code, so  
that the drop-down default is whatever the ticket status is.


Stephen Turner
Senior Programmer/Analyst - SAIS

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