What I meant was that I have a scrip that send notifications for admincc,
another for requesters... But if I desibale the ones for requesters, they
dont get any respond at all.. Even the ones admincc or owners are supposed
to send to them.... Disabled that scrip cripples all communication with
requesters... So thats what puzzled me... Is it either all or nothing? I
mean... If enabled... Owners can send responds to requesters but when a
requesters answers that email.. They (the requesters) get a copy of their on
answer on their email a few seconds later... Thats weird... They are the
ones that wrote it.. Why should they get a copy :)

> From: Drew Barnes <barne...@ucrwcu.rwc.uc.edu>
> Date: Mon, 03 Aug 2009 08:01:43 -0400
> To: Anton Krall <akr...@intruder.com.mx>, <rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com>
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Requestor getting his own mails
> On 8/3/09 5:29 AM, "Anton Krall" <akr...@intruder.com.mx> wrote:
>> I have a scrip that says send a copy of corresponds to the admincc, owner
>> and requester, without it, the requester never gets anything.
> Well, that explains why he is getting the copy.  You told RT to send it to
> him.  If you do not wish the requestor to receive copies, do not tell RT to
> notify him.


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