As we now discussed in private, the translation factors for type A_{2n}^{(2)}
with the specifications as given in sage should be 1,1,...,1,1/2.


Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
        Hi Anne!

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 06:02:04PM -0700, Anne Schilling wrote:
There remains to double check the translation factors for type A_2n^2;
For A_{2n}^{(2)},
c_\alpha = 1,1,2 for (alpha,alpha)=1,2,4 respectively.

This seems to be opposite of what is there right now

sage: C=CartanType(['A',4,2])
sage: C.dynkin_diagram()
0   1   2
sage: R = RootSystem(C).weight_lattice()
sage: c = R.cartan_type().translation_factors()
sage: c
Finite family {0: 2, 1: 1, 2: 1}

But then, I think you have dualized everything, since I would also expect
c_alpha = 1 for type C_3^{(1)}
and you get

sage: C=CartanType(['C',3,1])
sage: R = RootSystem(C).weight_lattice()
sage: c = R.cartan_type().translation_factors()
sage: c
Finite family {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 2, 3: 1}

If you have dualized, then it seems to be correct.

Thanks for investigating!

I should have made a precise request though. What I would like to be
100% sure about is that this method implements its specification,
which is:

        Returns the translation factors for ``self``. Those are the
        smallest factors `t_i` such that the translation by `t_i
        alpha_i` sends the fundamental polygon to another polygon in
        the alcove picture.

Note that this spec is unambiguous about dualizing or not. Also,
whether and when those factors t_i actually match with the usual
c_{\alpha_i} or the ccheck_{\alpha_i}, or none of them, is certainly a
useful information, well worth mentioning in the documentation, but
this is not the main point. I pointed to the MuPAD-Combinat code
because there we had apparently made a special case for A_2n^2, and
the translation factors involved 1/2 coeffs.

A distinct question is whether we want to also provide methods for the
c_{\alpha_i} and ccheck_{\alpha_i}. And also whether it would be more
natural / practical if translation_factors would be about translations
by simple coroots instead; in that case, the specs, code, and use of
this method should be updated all at once.


PS: btw, tell me if you know / find a *conceptual* definition for the
c_{\alpha_i} / ccheck_{\alpha_i}. So far, I only remember seeing them
defined by a quite meaningless formula (max(1,...)).

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