On Monday, June 3, 2024 at 8:16:30 PM UTC+1 Matthias Koeppe wrote:

Unlikely that we would add a package to the Sage distribution that builds a 
Rust library from source. 

Not so long ago we added support for installing Python packages from 
platform-independent wheels. We did this to sidestep the concern of 
shipping more and more of Javascript (Node.js) infrastructure that is 
needed for building JupyterLab components.

Likewise, we will soon add support for installing Python packages from 
platform-dependent wheels. This is needed for updating some Jupyter 
components that have started to use Rust (https://github.com/crate-py/rpds, 
a dependency of jsonschema).

Could you be more specific on this, please? There are different way this 
can be interpreted. Where would these wheels come from? From PyPI?


(In the Sage distribution, they won't be "pip" packages -- which are an 
underdeveloped mechanism in the build system of the Sage distribution -- 
but rather a variant of the existing "wheel" packages.)

As the upstream developer, you would publish binary wheels to PyPI, likely 
in the same way as is done in 

On Saturday, June 1, 2024 at 4:46:14 AM UTC-7 Jing Guo wrote:

Dear all,

Recently we released a library for counting graph homomorphisms [0] in 
Sage. Due to performance and parallelism reasons, I was considering the 
possibility of re-writing some/all of the algorithms in Rust. I found a 
Rust library called `pyo3` [1] seems to be good for Python-Rust interop.

The latest post I could found is from one year ago [2], so I was wondering 
what the current status of possibility of integrating libraries written in 
Rust into Sage? Is the recommended approach still to make it an optional 
package? For instance, what I have something in mind is like `addcombq` [3] 
-- a Rust library which is callable from Sage/Python.

Many thanks!


[0]: https://github.com/guojing0/count-graph-homs
[1]: https://github.com/PyO3/pyo3
[2]: https://groups.google.com/g/sage-devel/c/OpBIfmbOlPA/m/hFKTdyE4CgAJ
[3]: https://github.com/Torrencem/addcombq

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