On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 8:01 AM, Arnaud Bergeron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008/8/28 William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 5:06 AM, mhampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> There are a number of things I am sort of working on but I lack the
>>> time to do them in the near future.
>>> 1) Better triangulations for many-vertex faces.  You either have to
>>> work around the current behavior of indexed_face_set or change it.  I
>>> have been trying to do the former in polyhedra.py, since then it only
>>> impacts things in that module, but my current efforts are kind of
>>> sad.  That's why .render_solid() is commented out in groebner_fan
>>> right now.  My current effort tries to get a triangulation from random
>>> lifting but I must be doing something stupid since it fails sometimes
>>> on pretty small faces.
> I will do that.
>> Could you explain what "random lifting" is?
>>> 1b) A 3D polygon command.  This could easily be built off of the
>>> polyhedra code if the triangulation there was fixed.
>> Could you clarify what is broken?  I didn't know that triangulation is
>> broken.
> Triangulation for many-vertex faces is, it seems.  Or at least that's
> what mhampton says.
>>> 2) Animations.  I'm not sure how to really fix this.  For small,
>>> simple animations its OK to use convert and get an animated gif, but
>>> that starts getting awkward quickly.  I have been playing with using
>>> Blender to get nice movies of animations (e.g. compressed jpeg avi).
>>> It would be very cool to have a Blender spkg, although it would be
>>> huge.  But having an experimental one would be a big step forward;
>>> maybe we could figure out how to carve off the pieces we needed.
>> I definitely don't want to maintain such an spkg, especially since if
>> blender is any good as a project (and it is!) then one should be
>> able to easily install it on ones computer independent of Sage.
>> Making an spkg should only be needed if we need to binary link
>> Sage to a program, hence build it with special options, or the program
>> has a relatively small user base and is hard to install (e.g., polymake,
>> etc.).   For this application, can't one just write some data to a
>> file and run blender as a subprocess.
> For 3D animations, this is a great idea.  I'll look into it, but maybe
> mark it as optional for my project, which means I'll do it if I have
> the time.
>> Another way to make animation for a web browser would be
>> to use javascript, though the timing might look jerky.  Another
>> possibility is flash.
> That would be for 2D animations right?

Yes, that's what I had in mind.  It could also be used for 3d if
you generate a sequence of 3d png plots using tachyon3d, which is
possible (though currently very awkward).

>>> 3) Color functions for 3D plots.  I should have put this first since I
>>> miss it in both teaching and research and it probably isn't too hard
>>> to do.  Basic examples of what mathematica can do in this regard are
>>> towards the end of: 
>>> http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/tutorial/DensityAndContourPlots.html
>>> ...not that its a paragon of user friendliness, but just to clarify
>>> what I mean.
> This is like a continuous contour plot, indicated by colors, right?
> If so, I'll do that too.

Yes.  It could also be used for visualizing a complex-valued function
of a complex variable.  Over the point (x,y) in the plane (which corresponds
to x+I*y), draw a point abs(f(x+I*y)) whose color is given by
arg(f(x+I*y)) in [-pi, pi)  (or some normalization of arg).  The color
could use the hsv function.

>> The plot3d(..., adaptive=True) puts colors in the plots, so looking
>> at the code might provide a useful hint.
>>> 4) Getting image maps working better with tachyon.  Last I knew these
>>> were sort of broken and used a somewhat unusual file format (ppm?).
>>> It would be nice to have those working better.
> Do you mean texture for object?  If yes, I can do that too.  It might
> need some hacking in tachyon itself, but I'm not against that.

Yes, that's what I think he had in mind.

>> That's a great suggestion.  Can jmol also do image texture maps?
>>> Hmmm...I know I have others but those are what I think of first.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Marshall Hampton
>>> On Aug 27, 10:49 pm, "Arnaud Bergeron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> There is a strong possibility that for the next semester I will be
>>>> working on the graphics area of sage.  I would working more on the
>>>> visible side than the innards but that does not mean I will not touch
>>>> the innards if need be.
>>>> Currently I have these items that I think need work / I would like to work 
>>>> on
>>>> - better implicit plot
>>>> - volumetric rendering (like a contour plot, but in 3D)
>>>> If you have any area involving graphics (that includes animations) or
>>>> visualisation that you would like someone to work on, feel free to
>>>> chime up.  I need more items to work on anyway.
>>>> Arnaud
>>> >
>> --
>> William Stein
>> Associate Professor of Mathematics
>> University of Washington
>> http://wstein.org
>> >
> --
> La brigade SnW veut vous recruter - http://brigade.snw.googlepages.com
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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