All tests passed on my intel mac (10.4).

-M. Hampton

On Sep 16, 11:43 pm, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> after 251 closed tickets here we go. This is rc5/final and likely
> identical to the 3.1.2 release. There was an rc4 that never got
> publicly announced since it had some Gremlins in it. As far as we know
> there are no know build issues and doctest failures (assuming you
> don't have Fink or MacPorts in $PATH). Give it a whirl and report any
> issue as usual.
> Sources are available at
> Next up is 3.1.3 which should be not as drawn out, i.e. a quick bug
> fix release. If you have patches in trac please check them out and
> make sure they apply to 3.1.2 and pass doctests.
> Cheers,
> Michael
> Merged in Sage 3.1.2.rc5/final:
> #3534: William Stein, John Palmieri: plot -- fix circle example in the
> documentation [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #3894: John Palmieri: in tutorial, live version, triple dots are not
> visible [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #4063: Timothy Clemans: properly escape the titles of worksheets
> [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #4133: Mike Hansen, Michael Abshoff: sage.math - sage 3.1.2.rc4
> doctest failure in interfaces/ [Reviewed By Robert Miller]
> #4130: Michael Abshoff: #4125 does not work on OS X 10.4 [Reviewed by
> Robert Miller]
> #4131: Michael Abshoff: unbreak sage-clone [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #4137: William Stein: add doctests for user_type() in
> [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #4138: Michael Abshoff: Sage 3.1.2.rc5: fix documentation build issues
> [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> Merged in Sage 3.1.2.rc4:
> #925: Michael Abshoff: valgrind options to sage (sage -valgrind, sage -
> callgrind, etc.) should be more customizable [Reviewed by Robert
> Miller]
> #1915: Alex Ghitza: infinity doesn't behave well [Reviewed by John
> Cremona]
> #3563: Michael Abshoff: make "def atlas()" deal with the Accelerate
> Framework on OSX [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
> #3675: Michael Abshoff: upgrade optinal valgrind.spkg to the 3.3.1
> release [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
> #3847: Alex Ghitza: can't make vector of ints [Reviewed by John
> Cremona]
> #4097: Robert Miller: matrix automorphism groups [Reviewed by David
> Joyner]
> #4119: Martin Albrecht: doctests + fixes for SymbolicData interface
> [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #4121: Robert Miller: correct the translation for automorphism groups
> of graphs with edge labels [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #4122: Michael Abshoff: build python without pymalloc for
> SAGE_VALGRIND, add sleep(3) for parallel make install issue [Reviewed
> by Robert Miller]
> #4123: Michael Abshoff: source $SAGE_ROOT/toolchain/toolchain-env if
> it exists [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
> #4124: Robert Miller: disable pbuild [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff]
> #4125: David Philp: Build breaks entirely or pulls in non-standard
> libraries with fink and macports [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
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