Hi Golam,

+1 for this enhancement! I look forward to using it and I wouldn't mind 
helping if needed. Could you let me know how you got it to work? In 
combination with the show() command? I can't answer your question below, 
but here is what I used to do for variables that I wanted to print 
nicely in latex:

sui._latex_ = lambda: 's_{u,i}'

However, if I then defined sui as a function of another variable, the 
above didn't work any more:

suit = function('sui',t)

In your example, something similar seems to happen. If you just define a 
variable psi, it will plot nicely in latex:

But as soon as you define psi(x), this breaks down. This is carries over 
to the integral expressions as well as differentials. Thus, I think that 
the problem is not in the definition of the latex reprentations of 
integral and diff, but in what happens when you define psi(x) = 
function('psi',x). In my view, this is where the trouble starts.


Golam Mortuza Hossain wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to enhance the support for latex-formatting
> of  "SymbolicFunctionEvaluation" in Sage. In particular,
> when their names match with Greek letters then Sage
> should use formatting similar to the formatting of
> "SymbolicVariable".
> In Physics, we often use "psi(x)" to denote a wave-function
> like
> ---
> psi(x) = function('psi',x)
> ---
> It will make Sage output more intuitive if they are
> formatted as Greek letters.
> I have already got it working after adding only few lines
> of codes. However, I am facing couple of issues:
> (1) While formatting integral expression, such as
> integrate(phi(x)*psi(x),x)
> Sage seems to bypass the _latex_ representation for
> the class "SymbolicFunctionEvaluation" (of phi(x), psi(x)).
> Can anyone give me some hints: where are the latex
> representations for "integrate", "diff", .... are defined?
> I mean in which file?
> (2) In the list "common_varnames" (in sage/misc/latex.py) two
> letters "Phi" and "phi" are missing. So LaTex formatting
> for them doesn't work like other Greek letters (even when they
> are defined as "SymbolicVariable").
> Thanks,
> Golam
> >

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