Golam Mortuza Hossain wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Jason Grout <jason-s...@creativetrax.com>
>> Can you post your patch that makes the functions typeset as greek
>> letters?
> This is my first attempt to modify Sage. So please feel free
> to correct me. Let me mention the changes I have made
> to get the elementary support for typesetting functions
> as Greek letters.
> (1) In file: "sage/misc/latex.py",  I have added a function after the list
> "common_varnames" as follows
> --------------------------------------
> def is_common_varname(a):
>     """
>     Checks whether it is a common variable name such as alpha, beta
>     """
>     if a in common_varnames:
>         return True
>     else:
>         return False

Why not just:

return a in common_varnames

which I think is equivalent.

Also, I think naming the function is_latex_name or something like that 
would be better.  common_varnames says nothing to me about the variable 
name actually being a latex command which produces a symbol (yes, I know 
you're just inheriting the current behavior, so it's not your fault).

> ----------------------------------
> (2) In file: "sage/calculus/calculus.py", change the line
> "from sage.misc.latex import latex, latex_variable_name"
> to
> "from sage.misc.latex import latex, latex_variable_name, is_common_varname"
> and in _latex_(self) function for "class SymbolicFunctionEvaluation"
> I have added following three lines
> --------------------------------------------------------
> +        n = self._f._name
> +        if is_common_varname(n):
> +            return "\\%s(%s)"%(n, ', '.join([x._latex_() for x in 
> self._args]))
>          try:
>              return  latex(self._maxima_())
> ---------------------------------------------------------

Do you want x._latex_() or latex(x)?  I believe latex(x) tries to be 
smarter than x._latex_(), in that it tries to do sensible things when 
x._latex_() doesn't exist.

Good job!  I'm glad you're working on this.


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