
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Jason Grout
<jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
> Also, I think naming the function is_latex_name or something like that
> would be better.  common_varnames says nothing to me about the variable
> name

Thanks Jason for your suggestions. I have renamed the
function. Also, I have made some changes to accommodate
typesetting for more functions.  In _latex_() function
for "class SymbolicFunctionEvaluation", the new codes are
   name = latex_function_name(self._f._name)
   if name:
       return "%s\\left(%s\\right)"%(name, ', '.join([latex(x) for x
in self._args]))

"latex_function_name" (In file: "sage/misc/latex.py")  is now
defined as:

def latex_function_name(x):
   If possible return common function names such as alpha, beta,
   psi1 as latex symbols otherwise return False
   return ... latex-ified(x) if possible    #All latex construction goes here

   return False

I have followed the typesetting of "SymbolicVariable" closely.
I am listing sample situations:

(1) function('psi',x)   =>     psi\left(x\right)

(2) function('psi1',x)  =>    \psi_{1}\left(x\right)

(3) function('psi_00',x)  =>   \psi_{00}\left(x\right)

(4) function('psi_mu',x)   =>   \psi_{\mu}\left(x\right)

(5) function('psi_xyz',x)    =>  \psi_{xyz}\left(x\right)

(6) function('myfunc_nu',x)     =>   ???

(7) function('alpha_abcd_xyz',x)  =>    ???

(1) to (5) have been implemented but I am not sure
what to do for (6) and (7). I guess, for them its better
to return False so that default typesetting are used.
Please let me know if I have missed something.


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