2009/6/24 Robert Miller <rlmills...@gmail.com>:
> This is the first release of the new cycle, and I've agreed to step in
> and co-chair the release with Tom. The source tarball and sage.math
> binary are available:
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/rlmill/release/sage-4.1.alpha0.tar
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/rlmill/release/sage-4.1.alpha0-sage.math-only-x86_64-Linux.tar.gz
> This is the first development release in which the new merge tools
> were used by people other than the authors. Several doctests fail on
> sage.math:
>        sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/graphs/graph.py # 25 doctests
> failed
>        sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/databases/database.py # 20
> doctests failed
>        sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/geometry/polyhedra.py # 1
> doctests failed

I get these but no other failures on either 32-bit Suse or 64-bit Ubuntu.


> These are all due to the removal of graph_isom.pyx, and I will be
> posting a patch to fix this shortly, at #6394. I think that there was
> no way to avoid these failures, since the only way to expose them was
> to remove the code, rebuild entirely from scratch, and then run the
> tests.
> This release does not include any tickets involving spkg's. I will
> make this the main focus of alpha1, which should drop before Friday.
> Each of the following tickets were rejected by the merge scripts, but
> unfortunately the failures are not available at this time (this is due
> to human error on my part). If you are involved with one of them, you
> are encouraged to try applying the patches to 4.1.alpha0 and see why/
> if they failed. Tom and I will eventually do this, but it would be
> helpful for people involved in the ticket to get things started:
> 6196
> 5481
> 6276
> 4712
> 5517
> 5991
> 6164
> 6200
> 5902
> 6269
> Other easy ways to save release managers time, resulting in more
> frequent releases and shorter wait times to get your code merged:
> * Please include the trac number in each commit message if possible.
> * Please make sure Author and Reviewer fields are set, when changing
> the ticket status to "positive review." Since these are used in
> generating release notes, please use full names.
> * Please adhere to the "trac_####-description.patch" filename format
> when creating patch files.
> Cheers,
> Robert Miller (and Tom Boothby)
> >

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