On Aug 23, 12:56 am, "Nicolas M. Thiery" <nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr>
> For the rest, this review is a bit specific: you can skip the
> technical part of the review (checking that the patch applies
> smoothly, pass tests, ...); this part will be done at once for all the
> category code once the mathematical review will be finished.

So, just to be clear, I don't need to get a trac account or learn how
to use mercurial right now, right?

> possibly simply by browsing:
> http://combinat.sagemath.org/hgwebdir.cgi/code/file/tip/sage/categories)
> and make sure they makes sense.

About this, I clicked on a file at random (algebras.py) to have an
idea on a general shape of the stuff. I was very startled to see a
method called direct sum. The category of algebras (over a fixed based
field) does not have a "direct sum" (or coproduct), what is
constructed there is actually the direct product. Sure thing, as in
the "big category" (vector spaces over the base field) there is a
direct sum, which coincides with the direct product, but it doesn't
descend to the category of algebras: the map A ---> A\oplus B in
vector spaces is defined by a |---> (a,0), which this is not a
morphism of algebras.

I know that most physicists and some mathematicians abuse the term
"direct sum" to refer to the direct product, but since this whole
thing is called "Categories" I expect a "Category theory" level of

Is this the kind of stuff you refer to with "checking mathematical
sanity", or am I going needlessly abstract here?

> You may want to actually install the patch with sage -combinat install
> to play around with it and/or create a reviewer patch.

I tried, but got a "No username found" error that resulted in aborting
the process. I guess I do need that trac account after all?

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