On Apr 30, 12:23 am, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>

> > (RJF) Maxima was designed around exact arithmetic, and generally offers to
> > convert floats to their corresponding exact rationals before doing
> > anything
> > that requires arithmetic. It makes no claims about floats per se,
> > partly
> > because saying anything sensible is a challenge, compounded by
> > particular issues that are not mathematical but practical .. overflow,
> > different machine floating point formats, etc
> For the most part, that's how it is with Sage as well, so I'm sure  
> you'll cut us the same slack :)

Actually, it doesn't seem that way to me, and that's why I hesitate to
cut you slack:)

You refer to RR,  which is supposed to be a representation of the REAL
Maxima has machine floats and 'arbitrary precision' floats.  And
rationals, and
of course some other stuff that is symbolic, like e and pi, and
sqrt(3).  And I
suppose it has the concept of real (vs. complex).

>We would like to do multi-precision  
> numerics better, but for machine-precision stuff we leverage NumPy/
> SciPy (and many of the folks there are experts in the field, for any  
> reasonable definition of expert).

I guess I hadn't noticed their contributions here.  You can call
lapack, but
that doesn't mean you are using it correctly.

> Of course things like linear algebra  
> and approximate solutions to differential equations are more well  
> known than floating point polynomial multiplication.
> >> We do, however, try to avoid
> >> algorithms that are known to be numerically unstable.
> > The lack of serious understanding of numerical computation in Sage  
> > is unfortunate.
> That would be unfortunate if it were true, but thankfully we're a  
> pretty diverse crowd.

I guess I disagree on how much input you really have on such matters.

By the way, I think the formulation that you are looking for regarding
multiplication of
polynomials, may be something like this:

Given polynomials P,Q, R with exact rational number coefficients, and
where R=P*Q exactly.

Now assume that you can represent P, Q exactly using n bits of
floating-point precision.
How can you compute R',  which is  the polynomial R but where each
coefficient is
represented to m bits correctly rounded  (perhaps n=m?)  using some
kind of arithmetic, with
some kind of algorithm,  as fast as possible.

My guess, anyway.

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