Can we please change how our Trac notification emails are sent? SendGrid
is absolutely atrocious. I currently have six of their shared IPs
whitelisted on our mail server to allow these notifications through,
because they would otherwise be blocked by the many many many blacklists
that SendGrid is always on for sending spam. Here are those IPs, and the
number of blacklists that they're on right now (it fluctuates).

Six blacklists:

Four blacklists:

Three blacklists:

Those are all IPs that are actively sending Trac notifications. There
are two problems with this:

  1. I don't want to be whitelisting spammers on our mail server.

  2. Every once in a while, SendGrid will pick a new IP to start
     sending Trac notifications from, and the only way I know to
     whitelist them is that I start missing important notifications.

It's impossible to do worse than this with a five-minute outgoing-only
local postfix instance. You get a PTR record for the server, make sure
it's not on any blacklists, and pick one poor sucker to receive the
"bounced" mail (when someone's Trac email address stops working, we need
to know and disable it). You might get rate-limited by Microsoft/Gmail
at first (what kind of volume are we talking about?), but those
notifications won't get lost forever, and that problem eventually
corrects itself unlike this one. And it's free.

Here's the entire postfix for such an instance:

  compatibility_level = 2
  inet_protocols = ipv4
  home_mailbox = .maildir/
  myhostname =
  smtp_skip_5xx_greeting = no
  unknown_address_reject_code = 550
  fast_flush_domains =
  error_notice_recipient =

Then would go to whoever is in charge of the server.

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