On 4/25/20 8:28 PM, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> We talk about 20-40K emails per month.
> I believe that one would need a properly configured host
> with correcrty set up DNS, SPF, DKIM, etc etc to make many mail servers
> happy, as most people have no control over email whitelisting.
> And it has to be on a reasonably fast and reliable network, where you
> are able to ask admins to allow for an outgoing SMTP.
> (here goes "free", unless you are able to utilize resources of some
> organisation like a university or a company, or an non-profit
> like a Linux distributor, say. A dedicated server
> would still cost ~100$ per year at least, I guess, something we can
> afford, though)
> And it needs to be set up and maintained.
> Any volunteers for this job? Michael?

20-40k per month isn't much. SPF and reverse DNS are trivial to set up,
and you don't need DKIM. (That's not too hard either, but DKIM/DMARC
often just cause your messages to get rejected again.)

If the Trac web server has a static IP, all you would need to do is
install an MTA on it and tell Trac to use the local sendmail command
instead of connecting to SendGrid over SMTP to send these messages. That
shouldn't cost anything extra if Trac is on a dedicated server, but I've
no idea how that is set up. If it can send mail, and if we can change
the PTR record for the IP, that's all we'd need.

The goal here is just to do better than servers that are on six
blacklists... it doesn't take a dedicated team of full-time experts to
do that.

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