On Saturday, April 25, 2020 at 6:27:21 PM UTC-7, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> Trac server is hosted on Google Compute Engine (or whatever it's 
> called now), which 
> disallows outgoing SMTP. 

True. Docs here: 

> (also, it seems that the IP may change over time). 

Fortunately not true.  I just checked the GCE console, and the ip addresses 
for our trac and wiki are static, so they do not change over time.   (If it 
were really changing over time then trac.sagemath.org would periodically 
completely break until either Harald Schilly or I manually change the DNS 
configuration, and fortunately I never remember doing that.)

We pay $15/month for a plan that lets trac.sagemath.org's send up to 40K 
emails (they charge when we go over).  During the last month, trac sent 
23,237 emails.     Maybe there is a really good competitor for email 
today.  That page I linked to above says "SendGrid, Mailgun, and Mailjet 
offer a free tier for Compute Engine customers to set up and send email 
through their servers."   I have not investigated Mailgun or Mailjet, but 
would love to hear from Michael Orlitzky if either one of those are a 
reasonable option.



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