> It seemed there was a fair amount of interest, but it there wasn't a
> obvious winning solution, and no one had enough incentive to advocate
> and push through a full plan. (Usually this isn't an indication that
> no one wants it, but that everyone is already busy trying to work on
> stuff more relevant to their goals.)

I agree

> > I am willing to give new life to this discussion :) I am wondering
> > whether a brainstorming system (like the one adopted by Ubuntu -
> >http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/) could be useful to catch the
> > community's needs :)
> Yes, and thanks for the effort there. If I remember right, quantities
> (?) looked pretty good, but it only can accept numpy scalars. It
> would be good to summarize this discussion/the options on a wiki--
> threads are good for a discussion but it becomes hard to get a big
> picture once they get so big.
> - Robert

You remember right, in fact that was an annoying issue: in my opinion
adapting the external package to use the built-in SAGE numerical types
is a huge advantage in terms of usability.
For this reason, we contacted the quantity author, which took part to
the discussion. He recognized that interaction with SAGE types was the
first issue to deal with, but at the same time he was a little busy,
so he probably thought that we should have figured out the way to
solve this first issue at least.

I can probably work at a wiki page summarizing this stuff (not that
much of material, actually), but do you think anybody is going to take
advantage of this? I often see abandoned page in the wiki, and
moreover, if there had been enough interest in that, don't you think
that people would have shown up in the thread? This group has the
advantage that it has still quite good visibility, in my opinion
higher than that of the wiki (but I could be wrong). What do you
think? If you consider that a good point to start with, you could
start creating the wiki page and I could try to edit that a little,
and then we will see how it goes.

All the other people involved, and interested in a unit package,
please show just to say "hi"


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