>At 5:21 pm +0100 29/3/99, Psycho Billy wrote:
>>> How do you mean, "PD yet?"? Copyright will not expire, as such,
>>> until 72[1] years after the copyright-holder's death.
>>Sorry pedant ;-) - I meant has Colin declared any issues PD, and if
>>not, why not? There can't be much sales volume in issues 1-50 can
>Well like I said, I think issues 1 to 12 are on ftp.nvg already but I doubt
>there are plans to upload any more. It's all a very hazy area, but to
>declare those FRED issues as PD would be changing the legal status of some
>of *my* software. I'm not sure that decision would be in Colin MacDonald's
>hands, not unless he'd contacted every author of every program on every

I don't think so.
If Colin MacDonald declare Fred issues as PD, they will be.
If we put them onto ftp.nvg we don't need to bother with other copyrights,
we won't change the original Fred issues. If we only put them on the net, we
will still have the original Fred issues. Or not?
Although we will change the medium from floppy do DSK file, the software
(and Fred's magazine is the software, not floppy diskette) will remain
It is Colin MacDonald's choice, whether he will want to 'distribute' Fred in
DSK format instead of regular floppies.

But I must mention, that I am NOT a judge, and everything I've wrote is only
my opinion.

Aley Keprt

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