In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Stephen McGreal
>I stupidly put up free versions of games with Colin Piggot's Quazar sample
>player code which isn't supposed to be distributed free....


>Have you done anything since the gfx to Stax (or whatever that rather funky
>tetrisesque game was called)? And is there any news at all on the release of
>Kaboom (of which I had the privelidge of owning a working demo to until the
>disk got corrupted), other than we'll probably get it just after Statues of

Done nowt on the SAM, no. For info on stuff I'm kinda' involved in at
the moment, pop over to and have a shufty. Kaboom?
Ha! Wayne keeps promising, but I reckon hell will freeze over first.

Graham Goring


| Ber-Limey! There's not even enough |
|room to swing a cat in this sodding-|
\=========== ICQ: 5333545 ===========/

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