on 27/2/01 6:37 pm, Aley Keprt at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> My shit-favourites include Future Ball, Defenders, Sam Strikes Out, and all
> those hundreds of really stupid "games" written in Basic. (Of course there
> are also reasonable games written in Basic, I'm not insulting Basic.)

The question was about commerical games - I don't think there were hundreds
of "stupid" BASIC games released commerically.

> As I've seen on Sam parties in my country and around me, the no.1 here is
> Snake Mania (by E.S.I.). Similarly to no.1 smash-hit Tetris 2 (by Fuxoft) on
> ZX Spectrum. (What's interesting: Both these games were made outside UK.)

Possibly it's number 1 (in your opinion) in your country *because* it was
made outside the UK?
> I probably wrote this already, but I must note that really big bunch of
> :games: made in UK were really terrible. Not in graphics or sound, but in
> absolutely missing playability.

I'm not sure which ones you are referring to but then of course there is
likely to be a large amount of relatively poor stuff from the UK, because
the SAM was made in the UK (and therefore most of its users were/are here
(although it's great to see people from other places taking more of an
interest now)) - so most games were made here - obviously. Then there's the
fact that the SAM never really got off to the start it should have - if it
had, perhaps we would have seen quality games such as Lemmings, Defender,
Stratosphere etc a lot earlier in the SAM's life. As it was, it was mainly
left up to guys typing away on the SAM in their bedrooms. I think the SAM
has done very nicely in terms of software - far from perfect, but all

> You can also count all action games on Sam - none of them is enjoyable of
> funny. Maybe Prince Of Persia has superb graphics and music, but isn't it
> quite boring?

No, it's a *great* game! Bloody hell! (Disregarding the bugs though :)

> (I expect this is another discussion which will bring tens of mails to
> sam-users.)

A little voice in my head keeps telling me you're just trying to start flame
wars but I will of course ignore it ;)


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