on 28/2/01 10:30 pm, Johnna Teare at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Similarly, why not just copy World of Spectrum by publishing EVERYTHING that
> wa smade for teh SAm on a website for downloads, and taking it down when
> asked by the authors. You may call me disrespectful to the original authors,
> but what's the point in holding hth ecopyright to software in a market where
> there is no money to be made anyway? Surely better to give the whole lot
> away and keep this feeble SAM scene going?

Didn't we go through this a few days ago? Maybe I'm not reporting enough
info back or something to the list but basically this is what I'm trying to
do at the mo:
I've made up a big bastard list of all the authors, publishers etc I can get
contact info about. I'm contacting them in whatever way possible (and I'm
actually getting replies in most cases). I'm putting together a list of
software that I have got permission to distribute, a list of software that I
have got permission with certain conditions attached, and a list of software
that I haven't got permission to distribute. Dave and I have already said
that quite a few nice Persona titles are going to become available again (in
a matter of days). 

You said what's the point in not dumping everything on the net when there's
no money to be made, but it's not about money at all I don't think. Not
everyone feels the same way, but there are a number of people who would be
furious if we put their stuff up. There *will* be a library of software up
very soon, I'm working on it best I can. You will see progress being made
soon, trust me :)

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Also contains Coupé info, news, mailing list help and much more to come.
Last update: 27/2/01

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