Cheers Dan for nvg`ing for me, I`ll learn how to upload to the incoming soon :)

Just been trying out the SCPDU5 disk, and if you boot samdos 2 from another 
disk the disk seems to work fine, and there`s some interesting stuff on it... I 
do seem to remember that one (or two) progs didn`t work, so I`ll see if I can 
get a disk put together with normal dos, for now, so it`s not too fiddly.

I originally ripped that disk on a 98 box with some dos prog, but noticed when 
I re-ripped some other disks under XP with Simons SamDisk, that disk that 
originally didn`t rip well (i.e. sector errors etc) ripped perfectly, so I`ll 
re-rip it if it has any errors...

Dan Dooré <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Calvin Allett wrote:


Verified and pushed to incoming/ on NVG

> Can`t find issue 4 at the mo, but I`m sure I had it, so will see if there`s
> any disks I forgot to rip... also noticed that I couldn`t find any 
> issue`s of SCPDU
> on nvg, so have upped issue 5 to :-

Ooh, not good this one - it's one of Cookies Maxidos+ disks with the 
extra tracks so DSK format won't do the do.

Si - does SamDisk write EDSK's yet - I had a looksey at but it's not changed :-(

> Also, sorry Dan, as I think it was you whom I said I`d mail them too 
> AGES ago :)

Probably, but being old and addled I've forgotton :-)


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