On Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 3:42 PM Romain Beauxis <romain.beau...@gmail.com>

> Hi John,
> the parameter in the cross() function is now called "duration_override"
> and the metadata is "liq_cross_duration". It'd be nice if you had a minute
> to confirm that it works as intended for you! The commit should be in the
> `remove-simple-cross` branch.
> I'll merge the working branch right away and we can then adjust for that
> duration_override there, as well as with anything else that might come up.

Good evening Romain,

I'm using the 'master' branch now as you've, indeed, merged the changes.
All my metadata is now adjusted so that each track has its "liq_start_next"
parameter changed to "liq_cross_duration".

It's possible I'm not adjusting things properly, but the next tracks' start
times appear generally not to abide by the "liq_cross_duration" parameter
for the track in question.

For example, news bulletins that have a "liq_cross_duration"=0.4 seem to
have the next track overlap their end by roughly 5 seconds, not 0.4
seconds. Music also seems to fire too early.

I'm calling crossfade() like this, to try to stop the 'smart' function from
doing anything except overlaying the end of one track with the start of the
next. The log indeed shows "Transition: crossed, no fade" in most cases,
which is exactly the behaviour that's wanted. Except the next track starts
at the wrong time.

myplaylist = crossfade(fade_out=0.01, fade_in=0.01, conservative=true,

I'm learning the source code so will keep looking for where my script might
be going wrong.
with best wishes,
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