On Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 11:39 PM Romain Beauxis <romain.beau...@gmail.com>

> Hi John,
> Indeed, it looks like there was an issue with this part of the code. It
> _should_ be fixed now. Let me know if you get a chance to try it!
Good morning Romain,

Something is working. And (based on three transitions auditioned so far),
behaving as you intended!


I have to attend a lunch just now, but will leave your code from last night
going (as it has safely run for months now), and see how it fares.

Thanks for putting the debug code in. It lets me see my
'liq_cross_duration' is being obeyed.

I may rewrite crossfade() simply to remove all transitions other than
'crossed, no fade' just because the annotate: metadata is usually in charge
of this. With news bulletins starting from silence and ending the same way,
the transition "default (sequence)" is sometimes triggered.

The changes you've made to the underlying OCaml code certainly seem to make
it obey my metadata.

You know, this is prompting me to learn OCaml.

with thanks and best wishes,
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