Dear all / lauri,

(This is a resend: the log files were to big to make it to the list the
first time.)

It looks if the mapping is indeed not correct everything is mapped to the

I have put my answers more or less inline

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 10:04 PM, Lauri T. Aarnio

> On Mar 10, 2011, at 1:14 PM, ext Han Hartgers wrote:
>  3) I do have my python headers installed on my target but I am for some
>> reason not mapping this.
> You can check the effect of path mappings by e.g. "sb2 -m devel sb2-show
> path /usr/include/foobar.h".
hansan@mediachan:~/freevo_src/kaa$ sb2 -m devel sb2-show path
/usr/include/foobar.h => /usr/include/foobar.h (readonly)

But the simple mode does the correct mapping:
hansan@mediachan:~/freevo_src/kaa$ sb2 sb2-show path /usr/include/foobar.h
/usr/include/foobar.h =>

>> Please check that the tools are mapped properly; for example, does "sb2 -m
> devel sb2-show path /bin/sh" map to your tools collection, and not to host's
> /bin/sh?
This looks to be mapped to the host as well.
shansan@mediachan:~/freevo_src/kaa$ sb2 -m devel sb2-show path /bin/sh
/bin/sh => /bin/bash (readonly)

The simple mode makes it not readonly but the location is the same as in the
devel mode.
hansan@mediachan:~/freevo_src/kaa$ sb2 -m simple sb2-show path /bin/sh
/bin/sh => /bin/bash

> Also, checking how the target was configured could reveal something: Please
> run "sb2-init" without parameters and send those lines that refer to your
> target.
> This is the relevant (?) output of the sb2-init command.
configured at 2011-03-10_17:38:35 by user 'hansan', with command
( cd /home/hansan/Beagelboard/angstrom_rootfs;
sb2-init beagle_angstrom
/usr/local/angstrom/arm/bin/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-gcc )

I tried to do the above steps with the git version  as with version 2.2.0
and that gives the same output as with the 2.2.1 version.

But there is something strange when I try to compile a simple "hello world"
test program.

hansan@mediachan:~/freevo_src$ sb2 -m devel sb2-show path gcc
gcc => gcc (readonly)
hansan@mediachan:~/freevo_src$ sb2 -m devel sb2-show path test.c
test.c => test.c (readonly)
hansan@mediachan:~/freevo_src$ sb2 -m devel gcc test.c -o test
Exit reason and status: signal 6

It looks if I map to my host GCC and it does not work in the devel mode but
it does function in the normal mode.

hansan@mediachan:~/freevo_src$ sb2 gcc test.c -o test
hansan@mediachan:~/freevo_src$ sb2 file ./test
./test: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked
(uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.16, not stripped
hansan@mediachan:~/freevo_src$ sb2 -e ./test
Hello, World!
hansan@mediachan:~/freevo_src$ ./test
-bash: ./test: cannot execute binary file

There must be something wrong with how I do the setup of the system. I have
installed it as follows:
hansan@mediachan:~/Beagelboard/scratchbox2$ ./
hansan@mediachan:~/Beagelboard/scratchbox2$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/sb2
hansan@mediachan:~/Beagelboard/scratchbox2$ make install prefix=$HOME/sb2  >
Mycompile.log 2>&1

(The configure step  is actually not needed because the make install would
do this as well. But now I have a configure.log)

I have added the log files to this email. I hope someone can spot my

Many thanks in advance!


Attachment: config.log.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: Mycompile.log.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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