On Mar 16, 2011, at 5:12 AM, ext Han Hartgers wrote:

Many thanks for the explanation. I did read about the tools root, but disregarded that as unimportant.

long time ago it was possible to use "devel" without a separate tools root, I think. But obviously that haven't been tested lately, and on the other hand, it is a feature which isn't really useful anyway, as we have learned.

I'll try to explain the history of these more complex mapping modes, "devel" and "accel", hopefully that clarifies something:

Can you be a bit more specific about what this tools root should include? Should this file system include the same libraries and header files as the target rootfs?

The short answer is that it should contain all executables, libraries and other files needed by the tools that you select to use as native binaries. That is typically a subset of programs that you have in the target filesystem. But don't forget that some tools need some programs indirectly, i.e. if a tool is written in perl, then you need to have the complete perl system also in "tools". Header files should not be needed, but those won't cause any harm either.

Of course, it isn't that simple in practice - if it was, then you could live with the "simple" mode as well. "simple" is enough for many things - maybe 80% of existing software packages can be built with it. But then there are things that don't work at all, or just produce incorrect result with that kind of simple approach.

The first thing to keep in mind is the reason why we are trying to use native tools: If everything was running as emulated binaries (using Qemu), the system would be awfully slow.

But the second thing is that you can't just replace all tools with native versions in real life (as the "simple" mode is doing), because some of those tools really depend on the cpu architecture.

Some specific cases that have presented problems in this sense are related building extensions for the scripting languages (perl & python, which are in fact so special cases that the executables need to exist both in the "target root" and "tools root", and both versions are used!)

Selecting the set of tools that can be installed to the "tools root" is a somewhat iterative process... if unsure, having only target's version in target root is a safe, although slow choice. Sb2 runs it with Qemu as usual. One way to go is to start by having just the most common things in the tools root, and continue by adding programs whenever a time-consuming program has been identified (tools root can be managed with "sb2 -m tools -R")

Yet another thing to notice is that there may be more or less hard bindings between the versions of the tools and some files (config files, etc) in the source packages that you are trying to compile. "Autotools" are even too famous in this sense :-(

So, when we had noticed that the "simple" mode is not comprehensive enough for us, another mapping mode was created - the "maemo" mode, which was later renamed as "devel". There are several reasons why it uses tools from a separate directory, but the biggest ones are related to management of the complete development environment: We must be able to control what tools and what versions of the tools are available. Also, this strategy also allowed us to use the SDK on a host that is not based on debian.

In the early days we took the tools directly from debian, because Maemo is based on debian. At that time (>3 years ago) we didn't have all tools available in Maemo's repositories (since they were separately available for SB1, there had been little need for them in Maemo itself), and so we installed tools for sb2 directly from debian repositories.

At least theoretically "devel" can still be used with a set of tools which does not fully match your target's OS. But I don't recommend that:

Maemo is based on Debian, but it isn't Debian. Being based on something does not mean that the sources would 100% compatible when OSS tools requirements are considered. Some source packages have had really strict requirements considering versions of some tools, in fact stricter than what is announced in the packaging/control files... we found out (the hard way, of course) that sometimes debian had things that were too old, sometimes it had too new versions!

I could probably spend several hours or days telling stories about unbelievable incompabilities that exists somewhere between open-source software packages and the tools that they require. Many, if not all of those stories are also true for the current SB1. But lets skip that, and go directly to the next step:

At some point we had to admit that the only relatively safe way is to use "target" and "tools" filesystems that are both based on the completely same sources. This leaves the risk that some tools are aware of the CPU architecture, but it eliminates other risks.

Also, a nice consequence was that this allowed to do both simplifications and extensions to the mapping mode which is used for development. Such changes also contained some new risks, of course. I didn't want to break existing systems; That is why the "accel" mode was born - it is a successor, but not a direct replacement for "devel" (one example about differences is that "accel" assumes that contents of /usr/share can be taken from either place, target or tools root, whereas "devel" tries to solve things with a set of hard-to- maintain mapping rules)

So, a built-in requirement of "accel" is that the set of tools is built from the exactly same sources that you are using in the target. Which is the only configuration that can be recommended anyway, as we have learned. Alternatively, "devel" can be used, but it should not offer any advantages over "accel". (In fact, because I don't know any cases where "accel" would be worse than "devel" if the same-codebase- for-both requirement is met, I'm planning to drop the aging "devel" mode from the next major version of SB2)

BTW, sb2 will be using the dynamic linker/loader (ld.so = ld- linux.so.*) from the tools root in "accel" and "devel" modes. There are some things that work better if you apply the patches that are shipped with SB2 and rebuild glibc; see external_patches/README for details.

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