Questions about rovac, aca robotic vacuum cleaners

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Questions about rovac, aca robotic vacuum cleaners

Hi. Since my lady and I have two dogs, both really hate hoovering and don't currently have enough cash to afford to pay someone to do it instead, a rovac seems like a really good idea. The problem is which rovac? Firstly, it has to be one which will handle dog hair, which apparently not all of them will. Secondly however, it needs to be one which is blind person friendly and doesn't have an annoying touch screen control or the like. Indeed, this is the chief reason I  bought one myself from Amazon or the like, since it'd be a right pain to get one, and then find it was entirely unusable. So,  could anyone recommend a specific make and model of Rovac? Any advice much appreciated.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python, input, and breaking the program

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python, input, and breaking the program

#3:Parent is a parent window, caption is the title of the dialog, and message is the contents of the dialog (not the default text inside the edit field, that's text). What I had failed to take into consideration is that if you're using pygame, you might not be able to use wx dialogs, at least not without some effort. I have seen some games do it though (Undead Assault), but I don't know how much effort it took those.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: upload audio to youtube

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arturminyazev via Audiogames-reflector


Re: upload audio to youtube

when i click save movey i returning to window where i have my added files


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Python, input, and breaking the program

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python, input, and breaking the program

#3:Parent is a parent window, caption is the title of the dialog, and message is the contents of the dialog. What I had failed to take into consideration is that if you're using pygame, you might not be able to use wx dialogs, at least not without some effort. I have seen some games do it though (Undead Assault), but I don't know how much effort it took those.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Grail ords, a text-based browser game

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Lord Arogandor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail ords, a text-based browser game

Added headings across the game, hopefully this will further improve the accessibility and speed while browsing through the Realm.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Way of the Passive Fist

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Way of the Passive Fist

Yep the game is uncompletable by the blind. Don't bother.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Crypt Shyfter, light hearted rpg gamebooks

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crypt Shyfter, light hearted rpg gamebooks

Sadly no, its not a new adventure, but the good news is kfsb has redone his website (there is a truly hilarious description of why text games are cool). Also, looking at the update dates on it seems pretty much all of his games have been updated, and are no longer downloadable, but hay, they're still quite possible to play on newgrounds or directly, plus he's now got a rather cool directory which gives the correct order of all the adventures too. Find The website of badassary hereThese are so getting a db page, indeed I might well drop a donation when finances permit.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the walking dead the game: the difinitive seerese.

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aarush via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the walking dead the game: the difinitive seerese.

I feel you bruh. but that doesn't make it any less ausumn, at least for me. regards


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the walking dead the game: the difinitive seerese.

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the walking dead the game: the difinitive seerese.

If only we can play it...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: your favorite sound chip?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your favorite sound chip?

the seco epson melody IC was used in various musical toys put out by fissure price in the early 2000s, and the sharp one was used in some alarm clocks. the third one is used in some landline phones in the US (I know that because our old home phone was one of them), and the fifth one was used in a childrens Electronic engeneering kit that we had in Science class.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

I'm in the middle of Episode 2 now and I really like the game. Great job. The muffin levels are very cool.Very minor spoilerI love that completely random DDLC reference in one of the mails.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Any acsesible apps to earn itunes giftcards out there?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Urh via Audiogames-reflector


Any acsesible apps to earn itunes giftcards out there?

Hi, guys! I want an acsesible app in which you can earn rewords like itunes giftcards. I will be really happy if you can recomend some of that kind of apps.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Text-based Roguelike For IOS and Android: Path Of Adventure

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Benf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Text-based Roguelike For IOS and Android: Path Of Adventure

Ya, I had to redownload the ap to get the new version, for some reason after installing beta I couldn't upgrade the ap, but after redownloading the ap it's working fine. One thing I noticed right away is that I need a lot more keys, those eels are nasty, although now that I can buy sharpening stones from the merchant, I don't have to free knights as often, and what, are they impervious to fire? I don't think I'd want ropes burned off my skin, but to each their own. The new content is great, there's a lot more going on now that's for sure. If you could make using the wizard staff optional it would help with overall strategy. I'm pretty impressed with how much was added, and the new heal mushrooms are a treat.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Shooter Concept Demo

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shooter Concept Demo

Mines can get buggy occasionally, where they refuse to trigger, similar to how some items will not allow themselves to be picked up. The thing is though, a mine can just spontaneously decide it's not broken anymore, and baboom! I walked past a bugged out mine probably close to 10 times, enemies have spawned and walked in that area, then all the sudden, I walk past one more time coming to the other end of the map, and bam, like to have skeert the shit outta me, lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Seedship: A Space Exploration Game for IPhone

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seedship: A Space Exploration Game for IPhone

Wow, there is an Ios version? I ran across the browser version on google a while ago and indeed it has its own db page here. Nice to know the game is expanding. Does the Ios version come with achievements, records or the like? @caio at least with the pc version, the point of the game was always to find a new planet, the better planet you found, the better your people would do and the better your score. its not intended as a slow strategy game, but the decisions are always fun. The only thing I really regretted, is that there wasn't usually much benefit holding on too long, despite getting survey upgrades and the like since your fortunes were always more likely to worsen. It might have been cool say if there was some sort of advantage to going a long distance, like perhaps Earth had been destroyed by alien invaders and the further  away you planted your colony, the less likely the invaders were of discovering them. Now, if only someone would! make that full scale colonisation management game, but in the mean time, Seedship is rather cool.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

My personal opinion is that I guess I have to unload now, lol.Here's some of the flaws in capitalism:- Money doesn't really accurately reflect value of labour. For example, lets say you have 10 lead developers on each important team and their wage is no more than 5 million dollars combined. While a CEO could be replaced, despite being risky, the value of the developers is probably a lot more intregral to the success of the company because that entire sector of the company could fail without the knowledge being passed down properly. So if one of the leads decided to leave, they would be in a much stickier situation than the CEO. Especially if all the leads left. But the CEO still gets paid many more times the value than these 10 developers combined - is that really justified?- to elaborate on the first point, money doesn't reflect labour at all with things like rent, investment, IP or nowadays, cryptocurrency. Many of the wealthiest people didn't really innovate anything at all (true for all those except IP). Also, notice all of those things require the ability to make prior investment, that means that those who are in poverty will have a much harder time being able to make income through passive means.- the idea that capitalism leads to innovation is inherently flawed. First, its important to point out that innovation occured before the existence of capitalism. Second, it actually stiffles most innovation by weakening the workforce with repetitive work. It encourages the consumption of media that are based on what will sell rather than something that makes people think, so over time, things become more and more meaningless. This kills innovation. Under capitalism, the motivation isn't to create, but rather to escape the frustration and misery of pointless work. Third, because under capitalism products must survive market competition, over iterations, diversity dissolves and monopolies form. Innovation is focused around surviving in the market rather than producing actual meaningful innovations that are useful to consumers - it's just that in ideal conditions they correlate much more strongly.- Capitalism directly interferes with the direction that technology is going. Accessibility in technology is a good example of how capitalism and the spread of accessibility are inherently conflicting ideas, and that JAWS thread I made is a good example of this. However, the problem extends far beyond just accessibility. We are seeing that social media being centralized around corporate control is both encouraging blanket censorship and privatized control of technology. Because of capitalism, we can't use the immense power of the internet to share our code and make essentially the best software possible - this code hoarding slows down progress. And really, the only reason why its done this way is so that programmers can survive. Is this really necessary?- To build on the last point, Capitalism interferes directly with automation. Why don't we automate many of the tasks that we have people working? Because if they don't work, they will starve. One major problem with communism in the 20th century is that human automation isn't practical; but technology can be seen as an extention of humanity. If technology is able to progressively automate more and more necessary production, then what need is there for work at all? Humanity can focus on different matters that have more to do with what they want to create, such as arts/communications/ect. Technology and automation work very well with the propogation of ideas but interferes directly with capitalism.If we used technology to automate agriculture for example, we would have no need for thousands of workers, but because we are dependent on an economy, we can't do this even if the technology existed, because it would destablize other sectors that are not automized yet.- IMHO, using technology, humanity can slowly transition safely towards fully automation production, allowing people to focus more on communication and propagation. Essentially I view this as a transhumanist step towards eusociality. Right now, capitalism is one of the biggest things in the way of actually reaching this goal.These are really not things that I think are acceptable and people shouldn't be looking at the situation like a dichotomy between capitalism and socialism/communism. In my opinion the biggest problems that socialism faces is the problems that are inherent to statehood, and how to maintain production while technology catches up. If technology is suitable I find literally no excuse to not embrace non-state communism, but I think that trying to put this in place now is hasty and honestly ridiculous. I have a really unusual position on the matter that I don't really want to get into but I think this helps illustrate a wider image of the problem - I don't want to encourage people to think like me, but rather to think about the problem from their own 

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

A lot of the young want Socilism I would think because of all the student debt they ract up but then again I would say that is there own fault and the banks shouldn't be loaning money to young people who might never pay it back.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

I can't figure out the man in the middle attacks. I keep getting cot.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

@Origine, a lot of extra info can still be got by mouseovering on things, EG mouseover on trimps will tell you breeding rate and stats, so until Green satellite gets around to some fixes that is always a way to check things. In terms of maps, bare in mind that between the repeat toggle at the top of the map (just under the name and heading), and setting the number of times to repeat down at the bottom near the save link, you can often control what maps do while you idle, EG repeat for items, or repeat until ten for the 200 bonus.The map  chamber screen is still a work in progress, indeed while there are buttons to load preset map configurations, I don't seem to be able to save quite as easily, or at least when I try saving with one of the extra option presets it doesn't take, though I gather Green satellite is having a well deserved break. As I said, being rather busy last week I wasn't able to do as much challenge wise as I would've liked, but I do seem to be getting on. I'm currently on 34 k total helium, though I would like to try and make it to zone 80 this time around so we'll see what I get there, and the helium rewards post zone 60 really ramp up.Thus far, I've completed discipline, size, metal, balance (twice), scientist and scientist ii, and have just finished meditation.I will probably try Trimp next, particularly  because decay looks rather daunting, though given how quickly I got to zone 60 this time around  am probably worrying needlessly. Indeed, I will say at this point with agility at 16, I would be struggling with the game's speed without the access fixes and summary.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an accessible Ssh client?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mazen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible Ssh client?

I fixed the issue in putty, but i want to paste commands, how to do it? Ctrlv doesn't work. I try to open openssh but idk how to lonch it. I have it installed


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

My personal opinion is that I guess I have to unload now, lol.Here's some of the flaws in capitalism:- Money doesn't really accurately reflect value of labour. For example, lets say you have 10 lead developers on each important team and their wage is no more than 5 million dollars combined. While a CEO could be replaced, despite being risky, the value of the developers is probably a lot more intregral to the success of the company because that entire sector of the company could fail without the knowledge being passed down properly. So if one of the leads decided to leave, they would be in a much stickier situation than the CEO. Especially if all the leads left. But the CEO still gets paid many more times the value than these 10 developers combined - is that really justified?- to elaborate on the first point, money doesn't reflect labour at all with things like rent, investment, IP or nowadays, cryptocurrency. Many of the wealthiest people didn't really innovate anything at all (true for all those except IP). Also, notice all of those things require the ability to make prior investment, that means that those who are in poverty will have a much harder time being able to make income through passive means.- the idea that capitalism leads to innovation is inherently flawed. First, its important to point out that innovation occured before the existence of capitalism. Second, it actually stiffles most innovation by weakening the workforce with repetitive work. It encourages the consumption of media that are based on what will sell rather than something that makes people think, so over time, things become more and more meaningless. This kills innovation. Under capitalism, the motivation isn't to create, but rather to escape the frustration and misery of pointless work. Third, because under capitalism products must survive market competition, over iterations, diversity dissolves and monopolies form. Innovation is focused around surviving in the market rather than producing actual meaningful innovations that are useful to consumers - it's just that in ideal conditions they correlate much more strongly.- Capitalism directly interferes with the direction that technology is going. Accessibility in technology is a good example of how capitalism and the spread of accessibility are inherently conflicting ideas, and that JAWS thread I made is a good example of this. However, the problem extends far beyond just accessibility. We are seeing that social media being centralized around corporate control is both encouraging blanket censorship and privatized control of technology. Because of capitalism, we can't use the immense power of the internet to share our code and make essentially the best software possible - this code hoarding slows down progress. And really, the only reason why its done this way is so that programmers can survive. Is this really necessary?- To build on the last point, Capitalism interferes directly with automation. Why don't we automate many of the tasks that we have people working? Because if they don't work, they will starve. One major problem with communism in the 20th century is that human automation isn't practical; but technology can be seen as an extention of humanity. If technology is able to progressively automate more and more necessary production, then what need is there for work at all? Humanity can focus on different matters that have more to do with what they want to create, such as arts/communications/ect. Technology and automation work very well with the propogation of ideas but interferes directly with capitalism.If we used technology to automate agriculture for example, we would have no need for thousands of workers, but because we are dependent on an economy, we can't do this even if the technology existed, because it would destablize other sectors that are not automized yet.- IMHO, using technology, humanity can slowly transition safely towards fully automation production, allowing people to focus more on communication and propagation. Essentially I view this as a transhumanist step towards eusociality. Right now, capitalism is one of the biggest things in the way of actually reaching this goal.These are really not things that I think are acceptable and people shouldn't be looking at the situation like a dichotomy between capitalism and socialism/communism. In my opinion the biggest problems that socialism faces is the problems that are inherent to statehood, and how to maintain production while technology catches up. If technology is suitable I find literally no excuse to not embrace non-state communism, but I think that trying to put this in place now is hasty and honestly ridiculous. I have a really unusual position on the matter that I don't really want to get into but I think this helps illustrate a wider image of the problem - I don't want to encourage people to think like me, but rather to think about the problem from their own 

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

My personal opinion is that I guess I have to unload now, lol.Here's some of the flaws in capitalism:- Money doesn't really accurately reflect value of labour. For example, lets say you have 10 lead developers on each important team and their wage is no more than 5 million dollars combined. While a CEO could be replaced, despite being risky, the value of the developers is probably a lot more intregral to the success of the company because that entire sector of the company could fail without the knowledge being passed down properly. So if one of the leads decided to leave, they would be in a much stickier situation than the CEO. Especially if all the leads left. But the CEO still gets paid many more times the value than these 10 developers combined - is that really justified?- to elaborate on the first point, money doesn't reflect labour at all with things like rent, investment, IP or nowadays, cryptocurrency. Many of the wealthiest people didn't really innovate anything at all (true for all those except IP). Also, notice all of those things require the ability to make prior investment, that means that those who are in poverty will have a much harder time being able to make income through passive means.- the idea that capitalism leads to innovation is inherently flawed. First, its important to point out that innovation occured before the existence of capitalism. Second, it actually stiffles most innovation by weakening the workforce with repetitive work. It encourages the consumption of media that are based on what will sell rather than something that makes people think, so over time, things become more and more meaningless. This kills innovation. Under capitalism, the motivation isn't to create, but rather to escape the frustration and misery of pointless work. Third, because under capitalism products must survive market competition, over iterations, diversity dissolves and monopolies form.- Capitalism directly interferes with the direction that technology is going. Accessibility in technology is a good example of how capitalism and the spread of accessibility are inherently conflicting ideas, and that JAWS thread I made is a good example of this. However, the problem extends far beyond just accessibility. We are seeing that social media being centralized around corporate control is both encouraging blanket censorship and privatized control of technology. Because of capitalism, we can't use the immense power of the internet to share our code and make essentially the best software possible - this code hoarding slows down progress. And really, the only reason why its done this way is so that programmers can survive. Is this really necessary?- To build on the last point, Capitalism interferes directly with automation. Why don't we automate many of the tasks that we have people working? Because if they don't work, they will starve. One major problem with communism in the 20th century is that human automation isn't practical; but technology can be seen as an extention of humanity. If technology is able to progressively automate more and more necessary production, then what need is there for work at all? Humanity can focus on different matters that have more to do with what they want to create, such as arts/communications/ect. Technology and automation work very well with the propogation of ideas but interferes directly with capitalism.If we used technology to automate agriculture for example, we would have no need for thousands of workers, but because we are dependent on an economy, we can't do this even if the technology existed, because it would destablize other sectors that are not automized yet.- IMHO, using technology, humanity can slowly transition safely towards fully automation production, allowing people to focus more on communication and propagation. Essentially I view this as a transhumanist step towards eusociality. Right now, capitalism is one of the biggest things in the way of actually reaching this goal.These are really not things that I think are acceptable and people shouldn't be looking at the situation like a dichotomy between capitalism and socialism/communism. In my opinion the biggest problems that socialism faces is the problems that are inherent to statehood, and how to maintain production while technology catches up. If technology is suitable I find literally no excuse to not embrace non-state communism, but I think that trying to put this in place now is hasty and honestly ridiculous. I have a really unusual position on the matter that I don't really want to get into but I think this helps illustrate a wider image of the problem - I don't want to encourage people to think like me, but rather to think about the problem from their own perspective to offer more meaningful input, because imho late stage capitalism is a serious problem that needs solving regardless of communism or not. Also, I think anyone trying to start a 20th century 

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

My personal opinion is that I guess I have to unload now, lol.Here's some of the flaws in capitalism:- Money doesn't really accurately reflect value of labour. For example, lets say you have 10 lead developers on each important team and their wage is no more than 5 million dollars combined. While a CEO could be replaced, despite being risky, the value of the developers is probably a lot more intregral to the success of the company because that entire sector of the company could fail without the knowledge being passed down properly. So if one of the leads decided to leave, they would be in a much stickier situation than the CEO. Especially if all the leads left. But the CEO still gets paid many more times the value than these 10 developers combined - is that really justified?- to elaborate on the first point, money doesn't reflect labour at all with things like rent, investment, IP or nowadays, cryptocurrency. Many of the wealthiest people didn't really innovate anything at all. Also, notice all of those things require the ability to make prior investment, that means that those who are in poverty will have a much harder time being able to make income through passive means.- the idea that capitalism leads to innovation is inherently flawed. First, its important to point out that innovation occured before the existence of capitalism. Second, it actually stiffles most innovation by weakening the workforce with repetitive work. It encourages the consumption of media that are based on what will sell rather than something that makes people think, so over time, things become more and more meaningless. This kills innovation. Under capitalism, the motivation isn't to create, but rather to escape the frustration and misery of pointless work. Third, because under capitalism products must survive market competition, over iterations, diversity dissolves and monopolies form.- Capitalism directly interferes with the direction that technology is going. Accessibility in technology is a good example of how capitalism and the spread of accessibility are inherently conflicting ideas, and that JAWS thread I made is a good example of this. However, the problem extends far beyond just accessibility. We are seeing that social media being centralized around corporate control is both encouraging blanket censorship and privatized control of technology. Because of capitalism, we can't use the immense power of the internet to share our code and make essentially the best software possible - this code hoarding slows down progress. And really, the only reason why its done this way is so that programmers can survive. Is this really necessary?- To build on the last point, Capitalism interferes directly with automation. Why don't we automate many of the tasks that we have people working? Because if they don't work, they will starve. One major problem with communism in the 20th century is that human automation isn't practical; but technology can be seen as an extention of humanity. If technology is able to progressively automate more and more necessary production, then what need is there for work at all? Humanity can focus on different matters that have more to do with what they want to create, such as arts/communications/ect. Technology and automation work very well with the propogation of ideas but interferes directly with capitalism.If we used technology to automate agriculture for example, we would have no need for thousands of workers, but because we are dependent on an economy, we can't do this even if the technology existed, because it would destablize other sectors that are not automized yet.- IMHO, using technology, humanity can slowly transition safely towards fully automation production, allowing people to focus more on communication and propagation. Essentially I view this as a transhumanist step towards eusociality. Right now, capitalism is one of the biggest things in the way of actually reaching this goal.These are really not things that I think are acceptable and people shouldn't be looking at the situation like a dichotomy between capitalism and socialism/communism. In my opinion the biggest problems that socialism faces is the problems that are inherent to statehood, and how to maintain production while technology catches up. If technology is suitable I find literally no excuse to not embrace non-state communism, but I think that trying to put this in place now is hasty and honestly ridiculous. I have a really unusual position on the matter that I don't really want to get into but I think this helps illustrate a wider image of the problem - I don't want to encourage people to think like me, but rather to think about the problem from their own perspective to offer more meaningful input, because imho late stage capitalism is a serious problem that needs solving regardless of communism or not. Also, I think anyone trying to start a 20th century revolution in the modern era needs to 

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

My personal opinion is that I guess I have to unload now, lol.Here's some of the flaws in capitalism:- Money doesn't really accurately reflect value of labour. For example, lets say you have 10 lead developers on each important team and their wage is no more than 5 million dollars combined. While a CEO could be replaced, despite being risky, the value of the developers is probably a lot more intregral to the success of the company because that entire sector of the company could fail without the knowledge being passed down properly. So if one of the leads decided to leave, they would be in a much stickier situation than the CEO. Especially if all the leads left. But the CEO still gets paid many more times the value than these 10 developers combined - is that really justified?- to elaborate on the first point, money doesn't reflect labour at all with things like rent, investment, IP or nowadays, cryptocurrency. Many of the wealthiest people didn't really innovate anything at all. Also, notice all of those things require the ability to make prior investment, that means that those who are in poverty will have a much harder time being able to make income through passive means.- the idea that capitalism leads to innovation is inherently flawed. First, its important to point out that innovation occured before the existence of capitalism. Second, it actually stiffles most innovation by weakening the workforce with repetitive work. It encourages the consumption of media that are based on what will sell rather than something that makes people think, so over time, things become more and more meaningless. This kills innovation. Under capitalism, the motivation isn't to create, but rather to escape the frustration and misery of pointless work. Third, because under capitalism products must survive market competition, over iterations, diversity dissolves and monopolies form.- Capitalism directly interferes with the direction that technology is going. Accessibility in technology is a good example of how capitalism and the spread of accessibility are inherently conflicting ideas, and that JAWS thread I made is a good example of this. However, the problem extends far beyond just accessibility. We are seeing that social media being centralized around corporate control is both encouraging blanket censorship and privatized control of technology. Because of capitalism, we can't use the immense power of the internet to share our code and make essentially the best software possible - this code hoarding slows down progress. And really, the only reason why its done this way is so that programmers can survive. Is this really necessary?- To build on the last point, Capitalism interferes directly with automation. Why don't we automate many of the tasks that we have people working? Because if they don't work, they will starve. One major problem with communism in the 20th century is that human automation isn't practical; but technology can be seen as an extention of humanity. If technology is able to progressively automate more and more necessary production, then what need is there for work at all? Humanity can focus on different matters that have more to do with what they want to create, such as arts/communications/ect. Technology and automation work very well with the propogation of ideas but interferes directly with capitalism.If we used technology to automate agriculture for example, we would have no need for thousands of workers, but because we are dependent on an economy, we can't do this even if the technology existed, because it would destablize other sectors that are not automized yet.- IMHO, using technology, humanity can slowly transition safely towards fully automation production, allowing people to focus more on communication and propagation. Essentially I view this as a transhumanist step towards eusociality. Right now, capitalism is one of the biggest things in the way of actually reaching this goal.These are really not things that I think are acceptable and people shouldn't be looking at the situation like a dichotomy between capitalism and socialism/communism. In my opinion the biggest problems that socialism faces is the problems that are inherent to statehood, and how to maintain production while technology catches up. If technology is suitable I find literally no excuse to not embrace non-state communism, but I think that trying to put this in place now is hasty and honestly ridiculous. I have a really unusual position on the matter that I don't really want to get into but I think this helps illustrate a wider image of the problem - I don't want to encourage people to think like me, but rather to think about the problem from their own perspective to offer more meaningful input, because imho late stage capitalism is a serious problem that needs solving regardless of communism or not. Also, I think anyone trying to start a 20th century revolution in the modern era needs to 

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

My personal opinion is that I guess I have to unload now, lol.Here's some of the flaws in capitalism:- Money doesn't really accurately reflect value of labour. For example, lets say you have 10 lead developers on each important team and their wage is no more than 5 million dollars combined. While a CEO could be replaced, despite being risky, the value of the developers is probably a lot more intregral to the success of the company because that entire sector of the company could fail without the knowledge being passed down properly. So if one of the leads decided to leave, they would be in a much stickier situation than the CEO. Especially if all the leads left. But the CEO still gets paid many more times the value than these 10 developers combined - is that really justified?- to elaborate on the first point, money doesn't reflect labour at all with things like rent, investment, IP or nowadays, cryptocurrency. Many of the wealthiest people didn't really innovate anything at all. Also, notice all of those things require the ability to make prior investment, that means that those who are in poverty will have a much harder time being able to make income through passive means.- the idea that capitalism leads to innovation is inherently flawed. First, its important to point out that innovation occured before the existence of capitalism. Second, it actually stiffles most innovation by weakening the workforce with repetitive work. It encourages the consumption of media that are based on what will sell rather than something that makes people think, so over time, things become more and more meaningless. This kills innovation. Under capitalism, the motivation isn't to create, but rather to escape the frustration and misery of pointless work.- Capitalism directly interferes with the direction that technology is going. Accessibility in technology is a good example of how capitalism and the spread of accessibility are inherently conflicting ideas, and that JAWS thread I made is a good example of this. However, the problem extends far beyond just accessibility. We are seeing that social media being centralized around corporate control is both encouraging blanket censorship and privatized control of technology. Because of capitalism, we can't use the immense power of the internet to share our code and make essentially the best software possible - this code hoarding slows down progress. And really, the only reason why its done this way is so that programmers can survive. Is this really necessary?- To build on the last point, Capitalism interferes directly with automation. Why don't we automate many of the tasks that we have people working? Because if they don't work, they will starve. One major problem with communism in the 20th century is that human automation isn't practical; but technology can be seen as an extention of humanity. If technology is able to progressively automate more and more necessary production, then what need is there for work at all? Humanity can focus on different matters that have more to do with what they want to create, such as arts/communications/ect. Technology and automation work very well with the propogation of ideas but interferes directly with capitalism.If we used technology to automate agriculture for example, we would have no need for thousands of workers, but because we are dependent on an economy, we can't do this even if the technology existed, because it would destablize other sectors that are not automized yet.- IMHO, using technology, humanity can slowly transition safely towards fully automation production, allowing people to focus more on communication and propagation. Essentially I view this as a transhumanist step towards eusociality. Right now, capitalism is one of the biggest things in the way of actually reaching this goal.These are really not things that I think are acceptable and people shouldn't be looking at the situation like a dichotomy between capitalism and socialism/communism. In my opinion the biggest problems that socialism faces is the problems that are inherent to statehood, and how to maintain production while technology catches up. If technology is suitable I find literally no excuse to not embrace non-state communism, but I think that trying to put this in place now is hasty and honestly ridiculous. I have a really unusual position on the matter that I don't really want to get into but I think this helps illustrate a wider image of the problem - I don't want to encourage people to think like me, but rather to think about the problem from their own perspective to offer more meaningful input, because imho late stage capitalism is a serious problem that needs solving regardless of communism or not. Also, I think anyone trying to start a 20th century revolution in the modern era needs to learn a little bit about the effect computers have had on the 21st century.


Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Arkandias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

Hi_Ok, don't know why, but the reception was a little buggy, raven's position didn't change. Probleme solved anyway. But it seems impossible to edit disguises once they have been created, in the list, I only see the first I've created, even if in the loading list they all appear normally.Any idea ?Best regard,Simon


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Invisible Dragons is Back in the App Store

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Invisible Dragons is Back in the App Store

@wlomas if you mean swarmsim, since its a browser based game I don't see why not, just try it over at Personally I've never found web browsing on Ios particularly easy, and the pages do have some complex controls, such as different tabs for each of the resource types and an individual page for each unit along with progress bars and different things to set, still feel free to give it a try. It'll be getting a db page soon (, indeed I have to do one for invisible dragons as well, though of course that means tearing myself away from my trimps for a while .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Invisible Dragons is Back in the App Store

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Invisible Dragons is Back in the App Store

@wlomas if you mean swarmsim, since its a browser based game I don't see why not, just try it over at Personally I've never found web browsing on Ios particularly easy, and the pages do have some complex controls, such as different tabs for each of the resource types and an individual page for each unit along with progress bars and different things to set, still feel free to give it a try. It'll be getting a db page soon (, indeed I have to do one for invisible dragons as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

Undoing all that though, I don't even see how it could be done. Large corporations rule now, and I don't know of a good way to take that power away from them but still be able to keep advancing. At some point, we need a functional space program and we need to learn to clean up our junk, both in orbit and on other planets like the stuff on Mars and on the moon. We need to be looking into other possibilities, because I think we will fuck this planet to the point where it can no longer sustain us.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

Okay. You say that we need drive to innovate. If we don't have something pushing us, nothing gets done.I disagree with this, but I see where you're going. some people absolutely do benefit from encouragement. But should that encouragement exist in the form of "do it or you're dead"? That seems...a bit off to me.Consider this:If you provide for someone's basic needs, they no longer have to actually spend as much time stressing about those needs. If they are innovators to begin with, this means they have more mental and even physical resources to put toward innovation. If they aren't worried about getting sick or making ends meet, they will be able to put their focus squarely on their task, whatever it is. The result is that people are even freer than normal to invest in their chosen field. Okay, yeah, you're going to get a few who really and truly fuck the dog if given half a chance. But those people exist in a minority. Studies on UBI have demonstrated that even when people were given enough money to live on, they largely still wanted to work, and in fact, often wanted to work harder, or in different areas, or wanted to expand on what they were doing somehow. Example: a woman who was previously just working at a fast-food place might start considering taking night courses to get her GED, and then who knows?Again, I'm not saying socialism is the answer tomorrow. It's not. No one's going to accept that. But I think, at base, you have to get away from the idea that everything costs money. It doesn't. Money is not literally turned into goods and services. People-power, labour, man-hours do that. So if you incentivize those man-hours in some fashion (i.e., people want to do it, don't feel like slaves doing it) then you end up with a win-win situation where people who want to do work are doing that work, but can still get by without requiring monetary compensation for it.Trust me. This is a mind-bender, because people have been taught to equate money to goods and services practically since birth. It's not true though, and if you really look at it, it's kind of ridiculous. When people say "Yeah, but that costs money", they're actually saying "yeah, but that costs effort and resources". Don't you think it's bad when those concepts are being inextricably welded together?


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Re: Python, input, and breaking the program

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Python, input, and breaking the program

Thank you all for your input. I'll respond to posts one by one.@3: What are the parent, caption, and message in your function? What would I pass along to each?@4: You kind of didn't help my problem. I had input in a way you described, but your input is limited. It will not detect capitals, the hole point of this topic. Lol@5: I looked around on the docs for pygame, and from what memory serves, I found a function called get_mods() which returns an integer of the mod keys like shift, alt, and ctrl. Is that what you intended for me to find? If so, would I just add in the if statement checking for the shift key being pressed and appending an uppercase letter to the string if it's the case? Can that type of input raise an exception? Would it be efficient?


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Esta status

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : emma88 via Audiogames-reflector


Esta status

Hello i received my Esta last year and it expires on December 2019. Today i tried to copy it because i have a flight tomorrow and i realize that i have forgotten my application number. So i went through official Esta status to check it . I wrote everything correct but the message says application expired. I know that this message doesn't mean that i don;t have ESTA but i need a printed copy for the airline companythank you


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Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

Accept the developer, since he made the game. Speaking of him and his games, is that other game he made (The Unded Lecaiaerd Sistert) or something weird as well like this game?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

ok so am not running any challenges this time but i want to see how far i can get.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an accessible Ssh client?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible Ssh client?

BTW, if you're a linux command line junky forced to use windows, you will want to go ahead and get Scoop.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

Capitalism does have its flaws, we're pushing people harder and harder and work is becoming the primary activity of life and it's causing all sorts of problems. People just break down because they are under tremendous pressure. When you hear people say I can't afford to be sick, literally, these hard working people if they had a flu that left them out of work for just 3 days, would feel the effects of it. That is not good, and it is all over the place. What capitalism does bring to the table though, is innovation. You're spurred to come up with new ideas, to make those ideas come to light. I couldn't imagine where we'd be without it. I'd like to see the work/home life thing balanced out, less stigma around physical and mental illness, and prioritization put on family. And no, that doesn't mean company activities. If you go to work, then you're constantly in the company activities, you're still technically at work, in a slightly different way, perhaps, but still.What motivates you to do anything under a socialist system. If you have a UBI, what drives you, because some people need pressure to be driven, and you don't have any. If you don't have the pressure to get out there and make money, or lose your house/apartment, then you might do nothing at all. I think socialism is more of a fantasy than something that can actually be put into practice. It's the way we'd all like things to be, and maybe one day they could be. I've always been a Trek fan. When I was younger, it was the sci fi stuff, all the tech and in the original series, people ending up dead all the time, and it was the new adventures. As I got older, I began to realize how much of a visionary Gene Roddenberry was. I think the man was born before his time, but then again, maybe not. Maybe, just maybe, he planted a seed that will take a hundred or more years to grow. We're a flawed species, the best of us, as far as being kind, generous, hard working, motivated, good parents, etc. seem to make up the minority. I can't speak about socialist politics with any degree of competency so I won't try to do that, but I think for right now, it just isn't going to work.


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Re: Weird Terraformers Issue

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : prajwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Weird Terraformers Issue

have u installed direct x friend? i wont getanny issues with tbis game  but dont know how to  find stupid  recharge stations so quick


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Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Arkandias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

hey hey_thanks for the spoiler not so spoily, just what I needed, I allready had part of those elements, just need to feel the gaps now.Thanks_Best regard,SimonHi again,a usual, spoiler... etc :actualy I thought I was laking few info, but actually I must be missing something more important. Near the elevator and the reception, I gain access to the guests scanner, which I had allready hacked actually, that gave me some of the face prints I could need.But the main disguise I could need is uncomplete, I think I'll need some kind of audio file to complete it, otherwise I automatically get caught. I've checked all around the district, without finding anything but some info about the different characters. That's fine, but doesn't lead me to audiofiles...Oh and I allready had the cam ID's, but I think outside of the security office they're not of any help...Best regard,Simon


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Re: Help with PCSX2 please?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with PCSX2 please?

if the game slows down, it's because your system isn't powerful enough to emulate the PS2 at full speed. I read in a Sony PS4 article one time that they posited it took about 10X the power of the original system to emulate that system on whatever machine you're wishing to use. That means your computer should be 10X more powerful than the PS2. There might be a bottleneck, and that honestly is probably the video card. You could try to set up frame skipping and the like, but the experience will never be optimal on that system.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NicklasMCHD via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

Hi.I will say quickly, that socialism and communism are to very different things and should not be mistaken.That said, coming from Denmark (born and raised) I will say, that is socialism done kind of right. Here in Denmark, we have combined socialism and a free market economy. Giving the pur and less fortune (that doesn't have a job for whatever reason) unemployment benefits that's actually quitte high (between 18000-25000 DKK, which translates to 2.710-3.764$) a month. That may not seam like a lot, but keep in mind, that here everyone has access to free healthcare (included most expensive medicine) free education (both normal school and universities), free maternity leave and much more.The downside here, is that we pay everyware from 35% up to 55% in taxes depending how how much you earn a year.When I think about it, I'm pretty sure, that most scandinavian countries work like this.- NicklasMCHD


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Re: we-need-more-cloning-in-the-audio-game-community?????

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: we-need-more-cloning-in-the-audio-game-community?

Oh, there's already an us versus them mentality, it's partly our fault, but mostly theirs. I don't see how this at all adds to that really.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : NicklasMCHD via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

Hi.Spoiler alertAnd Spoiler hint for the hotel.Many people and myself included were / are going about it the wrong way.I'll put in here, what the devs put on their discords accessibility hints (it's not the solution but it's should get you 90% of the way):1. Hint: Check everything on the ground level and outside around the Freya Hotel building.2. Hint: You need to get into the security office.3. Hint: Krisha Ramesh’s disguise will get you into the security office.4. Hint: Raven changes her position when you inspect. That’ll get you in reach of computers for Muffin! (Namely: Inspect Reception and Elevator)5. Hint: You can drop Muffin in the upper floors to access the cameras.SPOILER END.Hope that helps 


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Re: X3: Terran Conflict, like Smugglers on Steroids

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: X3: Terran Conflict, like Smugglers on Steroids

hi all,there's been another script update. notes below. i'll put the update in the db folder now. I finally found some time to make some changes again:- If you have a Freight Scanner installed, and a ship targeted, pressing the hotkey will write a ship log to logfile 150 containing the following data:1. Some generic data: Relation (omitted if it's your ship), ship name, sector name, position in coordinates, distance to your current ship.2. The wares (and their amount) that are installed on the ship, divided into weapons (listed by front and turret weapons), shields and softwares. If none of either category are installed, the log will say so.3. The wares that are not installed on the ship (i.e. which are located in the cargo room), only if wares are present in the cargo room. The log will contain the ware, its amount, volume, transport class, whether the ware is illegal in the space of the current sector owner, and for missiles and weapons whether the target ship can install (i.e. use) them.The ship log is called for your current ship, if you have no target selected. Currently not logged are Marines and other personnel. - If you have a Trading Computer Extension installed, and a factory targeted, pressing the hotkey will write production information about that station to logfile 150 containing the following data:1. Some generic data: Relation, factory name (contains sector name), position in coordinates, distance to your current ship2. The product(s) sold by the station, including the current amount and maximum amount, the product name, the current price, the min and max price, the volume and the transport class of the ware, and whether the ware is illegal in the space of the current sector owner, only if it is really so.3. The resource(s) (divided into primary and secondary) bought by the station, including the current amount and maximum amount, the product name, the current price, the min and max price, the volume and the transport class of the ware, and whether the ware is illegal in the space of the current sector owner, only if it is really so. If the station has no resources of either type, the log will say so.4. The production cycle information, including how many units of which product(s) are produced in what time as well as which and how many wares are required for one cycle.5. The remaining time for the current production cycle.6. Whether the station has enough resources to start the next production cycle. If it has enough resoures to start more than one, the log will tell you how many cycles it can run with the current amount of resources. If it doesn't have enough resources, it tells you which ware(s) and how many units of them are missing.The current production log will not work very good with player complexes consisting of lots of different production chains. But for single NPC stations and NPC production complexes, as well as single player stations or complexes just containing one production chain, it should work fine. I'll see about changing that in the next version.- I also fixed / changed a couple of minor things:• The ware order for factories was incorrect (i.e. wares weren't logged in the correct order).• I replaced the long version of the transport class with the short version (e.g. "Extra Large Container" turns into "XL").• For ware containers floating in space, it is now also logged whether the ware is illegal in the space of the current sector owner.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: we-need-more-cloning-in-the-audio-game-community?????

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : 1 . 618 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: we-need-more-cloning-in-the-audio-game-community?

First of all, i don't have a problem with cloning games, as long as you get permission from the original creator. I mean,look what the famous game Space Invaders has turned out to be. There are many variants of that game, yet the simple objective still lives on. However, I think that we should be cloning audio versions of games that sighted people already enjoy, and then somehow integrate that clone into the regular version of that game. The example i can think of is AudioQuake. Quake, the visual/mainstream FPS was quite known in the late 90's. Then, in 2003, a project was created to try and make Quake accessible to the blind. The project's aim was to create a coexistence of blind and sighted people playing the exact same game. Unfortunately, AudioQuake-like so many other good ideas-died out. Imagine if an audio version of Minecraft, Fortnite, Call of Duty, Apex Legends, and others could have an audio counterpart. This would allow blind people to play with hundreds of millions of gamers. Because of the minuscule presence that the blind community has in the world, we should try not to isolate ourselves. I'm not against originality in game creation, but if we wish to clone existing games and tailor them to our specific purposes,, why not let the sighted world in on it? If we do isolate ourselves from the rest of the world, it creates an "us verses them" mentality, and in all things-audio games included-we will lose.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

My personal problem with socialism in of itself and especially how communism was practiced in the 20th century is the focus around the state; I just don't think the two are compatible. Like, it could work for a while but its also risky and vulnerable to exploitation. I'm actually getting really into studying the history of socialism/communism in the last few months and exploring how it failed in the 20th century is really interesting, not just for political reasons but also for understanding centralization vs decentralization models.IMHO a large part of the problem with a lot of soviet bloc countries was that the soviet union imho was a bit... eugenicist. They were also not keen on homosexuals either. Heck, this is part of the problem with centralization (although this problem is related to the state existing as an authority rather than the structure of the state). Actually, I think the biggest debate I have with modern communists is trying to prove that the state isn't "the people" but is something "else" and that's the biggest flawed in centralized planning (and I say the same thing about the right too). When the state decides your fate you're no longer free, you're no longer "the people".I DO definitely think that accessibility should be socialized though. However, instead of being managed by the government, the government should fund non-commercial entities help fund accessible solutions. Like, think world governments donating large sums to the NVDA project so that they can have more developers dedicate more time to it.P.S. Capitalism is super flawed but I don't want to go into detail with my criticisms right nowEDIT: This seems like an appropriate time to point out that Vladimir Lenin was probably the best ruler that Russia ever had. If you ever want a trip, read about the history of the tsars; suddenly the bolshevik revolution makes a lot more sense lmao


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Re: Music notation

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : victor01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Music notation

Thank you for answering the topic, but it's a little discouraging.  I have to go back to looking at lilypong, but I would like something more interactive.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

My personal problem with socialism in of itself and especially how communism was practiced in the 20th century is the focus around the state; I just don't think the two are compatible. Like, it could work for a while but its also risky and vulnerable to exploitation. I'm actually getting really into studying the history of socialism/communism in the last few months and exploring how it failed in the 20th century is really interesting, not just for political reasons but also for understanding centralization vs decentralization models.IMHO a large part of the problem with a lot of soviet bloc countries was that the soviet union imho was a bit... eugenicist. They were also not keen on homosexuals either. Heck, this is part of the problem with centralization (although this problem is related to the state existing as an authority rather than the structure of the state). Actually, I think the biggest debate I have with modern communists is trying to prove that the state isn't "the people" but is something "else" and that's the biggest flawed in centralized planning (and I say the same thing about the right too). When the state decides your fate you're no longer free, you're no longer "the people".I DO definitely think that accessibility should be socialized though. However, instead of being managed by the government, the government should fund non-commercial entities help fund accessible solutions. Like, think world governments donating large sums to the NVDA project so that they can have more developers dedicate more time to it.P.S. Capitalism is super flawed but I don't want to go into detail with my criticisms right now


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

My personal problem with socialism in of itself and especially how communism was practiced in the 20th century is the focus around the state; I just don't think the two are compatible. Like, it could work for a while but its also risky and vulnerable to exploitation. I'm actually getting really into studying the history of socialism/communism in the last few months and exploring how it failed in the 20th century is really interesting, not just for political reasons but also for understanding centralization vs decentralization models.IMHO a large part of the problem with a lot of soviet bloc countries was that the soviet union imho was a bit... eugenicist. They were also not keen on homosexuals either. Heck, this is part of the problem with centralization (although this problem is related to the state existing as an authority rather than the structure of the state). Actually, I think the biggest debate I have with modern communists is trying to prove that the state isn't "the people" but is something "else" and that's the biggest flawed in centralized planning (and I say the same thing about the right too).I DO definitely think that accessibility should be socialized though. However, instead of being managed by the government, the government should fund non-commercial entities help fund accessible solutions. Like, think world governments donating large sums to the NVDA project so that they can have more developers dedicate more time to it.P.S. Capitalism is super flawed but I don't want to go into detail with my criticisms right now


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Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

Without doubt, the game is one of the most weird text games in the world. The Japanese word "hachamecha" implies that. Literally, when you find something that does not make sence in this game, you mustn't wonder "why is this blah blah blah... like that?". You must not. Because no one has the answer. lol!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: JAWS and its license history

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: JAWS and its license history

Thanks for the clarification, Carver.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

My personal problem with socialism in of itself and especially how communism was practiced in the 20th century is the focus around the state; I just don't think the two are compatible. Like, it could work for a while but its also risky and vulnerable to exploitation. I'm actually getting really into studying the history of socialism/communism in the last few months and exploring how it failed in the 20th century is really interesting, not just for political reasons but also for understanding centralization vs decentralization models.IMHO a large part of the problem with a lot of soviet bloc countries was that the soviet union imho was a bit... eugenicist. They were also not keen on homosexuals either. Heck, this is part of the problem with centralization (although this problem is related to the state existing as an authority rather than the structure of the state).I DO definitely think that accessibility should be socialized though. However, instead of being managed by the government, the government should fund non-commercial entities help fund accessible solutions. Like, think world governments donating large sums to the NVDA project so that they can have more developers dedicate more time to it.P.S. Capitalism is super flawed but I don't want to go into detail with my criticisms right now


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

The game is one of the most weird text games in the world. The Japanese word "hachamecha" implies that. Literally, when you find something that does not make sence in this game, you mustn't wonder "why is this blah blah blah... like that?". You must not. Because no one has the answer. lol!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

Before this train goes any further down the wrong track, I feel it is important that I point something out.This isn't socialism or communism done right. It's socialism or communism done very, very wrong.I am horrified by the things done in the name of certain ideologies (democracy and capitalism most definitely included, by the way). Just because you dress up and call yourself a member in good standing of group x doesn't mean you actually are one, I'm afraid.Socialism done right would set up the following:1. Everyone would have a basic living allowance, and this would cover living expenses. You would be extremely unlikely to straight-up starve or to have no place to live.2. Necessary health care would be covered by the government. Ditto education. This means no tens of thousands of dollars from student debt, and means you aren't going to be in the black for the rest of your life because you needed surgery for a medical condition.3. Technology would be employed to make sure things like food, shelter, energy, health care, transportation and the like were all properly regulated.4. People could and very likely would work, but they'd do it in order to afford non-essential items, luxury items and the like.See, here's an interesting concept to bust your head open on. Capitalism has us convinced that the only way to live is to make as much money as possible, because we need that money for food, shelter, health care, education and virtually anything else we might want. It has convinced us that money is what makes the world go round; because of human greed, right now this is absolutely true. But consider a few facts:1. We already have enough food to feed everyone in the world nearly three times over, at last check; we're also still improving farming techniques so this will only get better2. We're reaching a point where we're finding cheaper energy sources, which means that once this infrastructure is set up, providing energy will also be much cheaper3. As long as we don't go completely nuts, we've got plenty of space for people; there are tons of houses with no one living in them, and tons of homeless...and I don't know about you, but I see a correlation there. Home the homeless.4. The aim is eventually to reach a point where money itself is not required in order to make things happen. Improving technology is only going to make this easier (3d printing is especially lucrative here).5. If we hit this point, capitalism explodes.Is this likely in the next couple of decades? Hell no. It's all a dream in that regard. But it is theoretically possible if people actually try and do it right.But it bears mentioning that capitalism is killing the world.1. Approximately eighty-eight percent of money is virtual (not real). If every creditor reached out to every debtor all at once, nearly nine out of ten owed dollars simply couldn't be produced, and so almost ninety percent of debt would still exist. Figure that one out.2. That whole thing where 2 percent of the population controls 98 percent of the wealth? It might not be right on the nose, but it's close. Now remember that unless you are extremely fortunate, you're part of that 2%. Your financial earnings and contributions don't really matter much, and if you work, you probably generate far more income than you will ever see for your employers and for the people above them. This means that you will remain relatively paralyzed, while people at the top own their own islands, have private jets, get six and seven-figure salaries and generally never want for anything.3. Prices keep going up, but a head of lettuce is still a head of lettuce. If inflation continues this way, it's eventually going to lead to a situation where all but the very rich are slaves to their work just so they can continue to eat. This is what happens when you essentially outsource everything. If you buy food and ask for shelter from faceless groups (rather than doing as we once did, providing our own or setting up arrangement with neighbours or whatnot) they can basically charge whatever they want because they know you don't have a choice. Capitalism is the embodiment of greed.4. Capitalism has no human wellness variable. It doesn't care how happy you are, so long as you are a cog in the machine. Work-related stress is skyrocketing. the work week keeps getting longer. Mental health is bigger now than it has apparently ever been. More and more people are suffering and unable to change their lot. The idea that you'll get better somehow if you just try hard enough is noble enough, I suppose, but it's a privileged sort of idealism.So I hope this gets you to realize that while socialism or communism have definitely been badly misused in the past, and may be again, capitalism is by no means a clean alternative. It's not working. It's only that it's also not quite ready to self-destruct just yet.



Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

The game is one of the most weird text games in the world. The Japanese word "hachamecha" implies that. Literally, you mustn't wonder "why is this blah blah blah... like that?". You must not. Because no one has the answer. lol!


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Re: Seedship: A Space Exploration Game for IPhone

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seedship: A Space Exploration Game for IPhone

This one is also on amdroid.


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Re: the walking dead the game: the difinitive seerese.

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aarush via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the walking dead the game: the difinitive seerese.

they put a lot of hard work into this, so let's show them some love guys


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the walking dead the game: the difinitive seerese.

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aarush via Audiogames-reflector


the walking dead the game: the difinitive seerese.

after a heart-wrenching final episode, skybound has a cupple more surprises for us! the difinitive edition! with neet stuff in it! also hold your breth for a potential spinoff seerese/dlc! personally, i'm really glad that skybound games took this project over after telltail died, it would have been so fucking sad, if it were left unfinished on the s4 ep 2 clifhanger. , so, throw this post a thumbs up if you are fans and also throw a like to those well deserving skybound people and the still not bitten team! !,aarush


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Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

Coming from a post socialist/communist country, I will tell you everything that happened then, when the country was controlled by a strong duo of dictators (president plus prime minister), and we will gradually come up to the present time in Albania.So, The first special school for the blind in Albania was founded in 1967. In setting up, managing and maintaining the school, our ally Russia was of utmost help. Although our very enlightened dictator had ruined our alliance quite a long time ago, I don’t know how they managed to set up everything as it was in Russian special schools. But anyway, what was the Russian special school like?A Russian-based school contained the regular curriculum of a normal school. In addition, it specialised pupils/students in crafting and playing musical instruments. At that time, there were so many talented musicians who really benefited from this asset. They managed to play in prestigious halls and theatres. I can understand why the Russians had added these skills like crafting and musical instruments to special schools. Blind communities were not allowed to have rehabilitation centres, local/national associations and foundations, and so on. They were considered equal members of the party and either the party/brigadier would find them a job in crafting or doing an easy task that would secure them a meager amount of money, or they would be left at home at the mercie of their families. So, at this point, it was better to employ the blind citizens in jobs that most of them wouldn’t like anyway, than leave them at home without any contribution to the community. In a meeting we had with the old president of our National Association for the Blind of Albania, who is an asshole anyway, he told us that he and his friends made efforts to open an association for the blind in 1983. He asked the regional party of our capital for this, and the response was: isn’t the party enough for you? You are undervaluing what the party has done for you all and you should feel ashamed of this.Then Albanians decided to say stop to communism and embraced democracy or so to say, as we never had any kind of democracy in our country. The people who formed these new progressivist parties were just leftovers of communism and grew in the school of communism. I think, just as you have particular schools of philosophy or language, you also have particular schools of politics, and this was the case with our country. All of those who had managed to step up the latters of the communist party in Albania were educated to have a special form of thinking, judging, responding, greeting, making decisions, and so on. While in true-face these leaders who established the democratic parties after 1991 bosted about having democratic/liberal visions, they would be willing to kill the whole population to keep their power going. Typical communist mentality!But anyway, getting back to the state of blind community, in Albania, when democracy reached our country, we could finally establish an association for the blind. Thanks to the help of countries like Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, and many more, we could bring new technology to our country such as typewriters, braille printers, braille displays, computers and more. This association went on to urge the parliament to ratify many protocols of the European Union. They didn’t have any significant effect on the state of blind community in Albania, but they helped us somehow gain some more rights. But little did we know as a community that this president of the National Association for the Blind in Albania had the same mentality as other people in power. He would steal thousands and sometimes millions of euros that would come as funds or donations by foreign organisations or foundations. He regarded himself as our rescuer, protector, God, and God knows what else. Everytime when the government would make any movement against us, this man would pretend to defend the blind community by organizing false protests, demonstrations, TV appearances, and so on. In fact, what happened behind the scenes was that this man was cooperating with the government leaders or it was the other way around, the government wanted to take the money that came out of services for the blind from our association to the social institutions of the municipality or to any other institution managed by the government, which was a quite normal thing, in my opinion.Anyway, this man who led our national association went on to steal and steal more and more funds, until it came to the point where the government decided to completely cut the funds for the national association for the blind. It happened in 2014.But what services for the blind do we have today in Albania?A newly born blind child is examined by a special doctor and he is the person who measures the degree of blindness, which, upon doctor’s report, the social services issue a monthly pension. The division is 

Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

I don't need any of that now, I just made it and man, I need to level up or something because that boss is really, hard. It's the boss ware the examiner says that he or she is bringing out an animal that has 30 HP, 10 defense and magic doesn't work. About shops, another thing that doesn't make sense. The toy shop in the first town, that sells equipment. I'm now beginning to wonder how that other game he made works, if it's the same system as this one. And for new players, the answer to the math problem in the test area is 11 16 20 or something. Last option, and the numbers are in Japanese. That's, why it's good I know the language!


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Re: recommendations for audio games for Mac OS

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Shin_Goenitz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: recommendations for audio games for Mac OS

Thank you very much for the replies guys! I only have gotten to play Cyclepath so far but this sure was an extremely addicting little thing with a lot of replay value, just what I was looking for! Loved it! I'll check out some of the other stuff this easter methinks. Again, thanks guys!@Jack I'll certainly begin with the Silver dollar game since I used to love that running joke back in the day. That saloon popped up in a lot of their games and a good running gag can't be repeated to often in my opinion.


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Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

I don't need any of that now, I just made it and man, I need to level up or something because that boss is really, hard. It's the boss ware the examiner says that he or she is bringing out an animal that has 30 HP, 10 defense and magic doesn't work. About shops, another thing that doesn't make sense. The toy shop in the first town, that sells equipment. I'm now beginning to wonder how that other game he made works, if it's the same system as this one.


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Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

Ok, i ones made it through the lab, but stupid me has forgot the foto I need to create the sicurity cards.I have enough of this crap now.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Please, make topic resurrection illegal on here

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : derekedit via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Please, make topic resurrection illegal on here

If a topic has been dead for quite literally 14 years it's probably a safe assumption that it's well and truly dead. So I'd say bumping it up to the top with a pointless reply probably deserves to be called out in some fashion. Once? Ok fine. Maybe you were really, really dumb and didn't check the date. But raising 5 or 6 of these from the dead for no good reason? On the same day? From roughly the same time period? Threads that only ever had a couple messages to begin with? Yeah that's something else. I'd think the least that deserves is a warning, which is what was given. But I think it also depends on the case. I'm pretty sure no one would have batted an eye if it was one of the big threads for games that are several years old that people are still discovering and playing. But these were threads to which no one has posted anything in over a decade. One of these was in reply to someone who doesn't appear to have posted anything on the forums in any capacity since 2014. Just a bit ridiculous, don't you think?


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Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

Yes, exactly. I don't remember shop details or step-by-step directions. Sorry. The last time I played it was about 12 years ago.


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Re: Dreamland-official version

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : liseo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreamland-official version

I cant seem to make qtranslate work can some right a guide wor something? how do you set this up? i have the shortcut set for ctrl e set up but when i pres it i geta box up with nothing in it  i am playing iwth no translation


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Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Arkandias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

After further examination, I think there's a real probleme with this part, again , spoiler alert.Some of the hotel rooms are missing apparently, like room 122, 39... According to the hotel's files, there are guests in these rooms, but ...Best regard,Simon


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Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

Do you mean have all my characters in the game die? Also, another thing, is their a place ware I can buy weapons and armor to equip or is that in the next town?


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Re: an accessible Ssh client?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an accessible Ssh client?



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Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hatyametya Adventure, how to complete the first part?

You need to die to go to the next town. It doesn't make sence, but that's how the game works. Only the developer knows why it's made so.


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Re: Second Castaways 2 public beta

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : the blasting gd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Second Castaways 2 public beta

The closest thing to an official statement is the following:Aprone wrote:Yeah this has been a tricky project because so many of the original plans didn't work out as I had imagined.  The quick solution seems to be to tear out huge portions and re-code the game to something that a larger group of players will enjoy, but that would "kill" the game for people who like that original direction.  There's a voice in my head telling me that it makes the most sense to forget what the game is Now and focus on making it a game that more people will want to play, but then again, growing up I've always hated seeing games changed around to appeal to the masses.  I remember a few games I really enjoyed, but the majority of players found it either too hard or something, and complained until the entire game was changed to accommodate them.Of course I'm not saying that any group is whining about Castaways 2 to get it changed.  With this game I'm interpreting the silence as complaining, since very very few people enjoy playing it.  That's actually a more severe form of complaint than a group who complains but continues to play the game, lol!  Something has to be done to fix this game, but I still can't decide on exactly what that needs to be.He doesn't directly say it is officially abandoned, but there haven't been any updates since, except this small patch last year to make multiplayer work again.


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Re: Trimps

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

there is some new stuff? i havent seen it?


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Re: Seedship: A Space Exploration Game for IPhone

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seedship: A Space Exploration Game for IPhone

After you pick a planet, what helce is there to do?


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Re: Creating an RPG audio game using Sable (video 10), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an RPG audio game using Sable (video 10), by Ebon Sky Studios

Hay Lemm, what's the party limit in Sable, as in, how many members can be in a party at any one time?Also, is it going to be possible to have extra party members that you; as the creater; can swop in and out as the story progresses?And, one last thing, is it going to be possible to let the player enter names at later points in the story instead of doing it all at the beginning?I understand that some things are set up for your first game, and that's completely fine, I'm just asking these questions in the interest of the feuture of Sable.Later!


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Help with PCSX2 please?

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danang137 via Audiogames-reflector


Help with PCSX2 please?

Hello all.I am playing dbz budokai tenkaichi 3 with pcsx2. But when the battle starts, The game starting to slow doun. But All the menus is at normal speedWhat setting is good for this game?I am running windows 7sp1 64bit & my ram is 2.0GB.


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Re: I can't upgrade my win 7 to win 7 SP1

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : danang137 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I can't upgrade my win 7 to win 7 SP1

Now I have sp1 install on my pc thanks to windows update.Thank you for all your help! 


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Re: I can't upgrade my win 7 to win 7 SP1

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : danang137 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I can't upgrade my win 7 to win 7 SP1

Now I have sp1 install on my pc thanks to windows update.Thank you for all your help!. 


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Re: Get me more excited about android than I already am.

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Get me more excited about android than I already am.

I do not know, at least on my device, you can not transfer apps onto the card.At least my J4 plus has 32 gigs which is mostly enough.


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Re: Get me more excited about android than I already am.

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Get me more excited about android than I already am.

Hello.I agree with Socheat, I'll just insert a sd card and I'm ready to copy whatever I wish to the phone.


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technoshock under windows 10

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


technoshock under windows 10

Hi,Yesterday, I wanted to try the game technoshock.But after opening the game, it played the intro and then showed a "not responding" window.My question is: does technoshock even work under Windows 10 and if so, can someone tell me how I can get it to work?


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Re: yuzu

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fredd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: yuzu

you meen the folder?


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Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Arkandias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

Hi,little bug herespoiler : in the hotel, room 407 seems to freeze the game if you try to deploy muffin. Actually it deploys properly, but if you try to access its network, once you've seen that there were no related network except muffin itself, you can't go back and you're forced to close the game. Hope my save file hasn't been impacted by the process interruption by the way.Speaking of the hotel, I think I've visited every possible room, considering the faceprints I have, and visited all possible buildings in the area, with muffin's scan everywhere. My database is full of useful information, but nothing that could be used directly.I really thought that Genna would have access to her mother's room too, but apparently not, wrong guess I suppose... Best regard,Simon


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Re: Strange ear problem that started this morning

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ManFromTheDark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Strange ear problem that started this morning

@Zarvox: no, definitely not.Especially for those, who have been blind from birth or very early childhood hearing just seems to hold much bigger importance than for all the others, thus we tend to react and notice every smallest change in that, may-be even the most important sense to us.


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Seedship: A Space Exploration Game for IPhone

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Seedship: A Space Exploration Game for IPhone

I first read about this on Applevis.Seedship is a text-based space exploration game that requires you to visit planets, assess their likelihood for human habitation, and make decisions based on what the AI and the scanners can tell you.It is a simple game, but then again, you have to make decisions that affect the lives of the last surviving humans.It lacks complexity, in that when you do colonize a planet, you don't craft and build specific things.But it is a fun "pick up and play" and analyzing those different planets really draw you into the game. You can make it as short or lengthy as you want it to be, depending on how many planets you choose to explore before settling one.It is fully accessible, although a little bit clunky when you're looking for information quickly.In the opening screens, you have to move your finger around the screen to get to the text, because it says "bullet" if you swipe around. That's the only problem, but it only took me a minute or two to get through those initial screens and into the game.It is a free game, and I enjoy playing it.


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Re: Let's share some useful Python code

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's share some useful Python code

I don't want to bring up old postas but i can't download the file, chrome tells me there is a server problem


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Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

China can be much much better than north korea. Even for sighted. I don't like to ruin a country's reputation like this, but the things I heard about north korea makes me afraid of even visiting it as a traveler


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Re: Get me more excited about android than I already am.

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Get me more excited about android than I already am.

@Angel, 16GB is not a problem for me. I can just insert another 32GB memory card, and I'm set to go. Plus, I have removed some stock apps like Samsung Internet, Google Duo which I don't use. That's why  I've got rid of it.


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Re: Get me more excited about android than I already am.

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Get me more excited about android than I already am.

@Angel, 16GB is not a problem for me. I can just insert another 32GB memory card, and I'm set to go. Plus, I have some stock apps like Samsung Internet, Google Duo which I don't use. That's I've got rid of it.


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Re: Mortal Kombat 11

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat 11

What do you think about those who pre-order the hard copy getting the game a day early? I don't think that is right.Especially for those who have pre-order the premium edition.


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Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GauravSharma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

you'd not want to be in China and North Korea. Trust me when I say that sources like this and this  present really grim picture. while much work is being done, people there still struggle a hell lot more when compared to other capitalist countries. I'm not saying that other countries don't have their own share of challendges, but the socialist/communist mentality of China and North Korea doesn't allow for much flexibility when it comes to employment/inclusion for disabled into the mainstream. here and this the sources for information  about disability in North Korea.I actually knew quite a fair bit about the China situation of the disabled people, thanks for making me research stuff about North Korea. Note: I didn't find many such sources about NK, so that, in itself, should be an indication about how bad the situation there really is. I'm not surprised, though, given their record of human right's violation, that in itself is nothing new.


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Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GauravSharma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

you'd not want to be in China and North Korea. Trust me when I say that sources like this and this  present really grim picture. while much work is being done, people there still struggle a hell lot more when compared to other capitalist countries. I'm not saying that other countries don't have their own share of challendges, but the socialist/communist mentality of China and North Korea doesn't allow for much flexibility when it comes to employment/inclusion for disabled into the mainstream. here the source for North Korea.I actually knew quite a fair bit about the China situation of the disabled people, thanks for making me research stuff about North Korea. Note: I didn't find many sources about NK, so that, in itself, should be an indication about how bad the situation there really is.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GauravSharma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Disabled In Socialist Countries

you'd not want to be in China and North Korea. Trust me when I say that sources like this and this present really grim picture. while much work is being done, people there still struggle a hell lot more when compared to other capitalist countries. I'm not saying that other countries don't have their own share of challendges, but the socialist/communist mentality of China and North Korea doesn't allow for much flexibility when it comes to employment/inclusion for disabled into the mainstream. here the source for North Korea.I actually knew quite a fair bit about the China situation of the disabled people, thanks for making me research stuff about North Korea. Note: I didn't find many sources about NK, so that, in itself, should be an indication about how bad the situation there really is.


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Re: embarrassed to hold the white cane

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: embarrassed to hold the white cane

I'm reminded somewhat of when I walk down the super crowded market pavement behind my university. I usually go there with my half friend, half student who's also blind, and I'm usually the one in front while she holds my elbow. It's funny how some people around here don't even care to notice my cane, until I actually slam it on their leg or foot or anything. Some speople rushed so fast they stumbled onto my cane and slam it on my stomach. They they say "sorry" and walk away. Sometimes I have to slam my cane so hard while walking just to let them know this is a blind walking and they should give me space already, before I accidentally whip them with this mighty weapon of doom.I don't really get the public image you guys speak of here, not to the full extent that is. Cane is a necessary utility for me. It helps me to both navigate the way and balance myself. If I have to choose between camera or other technology  than cane, I'd rather go with cane. I won't even choose guide dog because there's nothing that keeps my balance as good as cane.


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Re: My worst encounter with crazy people [cross post from Reddit]

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My worst encounter with crazy people [cross post from Reddit]

If this is real, I have no words. I'm laughing too hard.If you're a writer, and you're pranking us, God bless you, because it's the best one I've seen anywhere!


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Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Naruto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

What is the new accessible setting in the settings menu for?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Invisible Dragons is Back in the App Store

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Invisible Dragons is Back in the App Store

Invisible Dragons is an app, and as far as I know, they don't have an online version that you could play using Safari.If I find one, I'll post here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Please, make topic resurrection illegal on here

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Please, make topic resurrection illegal on here

they should be locked, they're like 15 years and 13 years old, they could have been left to go, but some numpty had to go and start them back up again for no reason than to troll.


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