Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

@turtlepower17,Yours sounds more like an issue of trust as opposed to one of inability.  From all I've read in your above post, you've been gradually, subtly told and schooled and trained from an early age to trust nothing and noone; whether this was intentional or not is another subject altogether.  The disgusting aspect lies in that this kind of nonsense ends up making you question whether you can in fact, trust your own judgment, particularly if you have always been at a disadvantage in any respect.I was 10 years old when my O&m instructor decided she was going to deliberately drop me off by the side of a busy street in the middle or downtown area of a city I had never traveled alone, where I would then be told, "Your goal is to find JCPenney: I'll see you in awhile."  I froze.  "How in the world am I supposed to do that?"  I replied.  "I don't even have an idea where I am now, what's around me, which direction to go and what kind of landmarks I'm looking for!""You've been taught to ask for instructions and solicit assistance!  This coupled with your orientation and mobility training is enough."  and without much else, she sneaked off in the midst of all that sound, leaving me with the glaringly obvious truth that, unless I did something fast, I was going to end up standing there for at least an hour or so before she decided to give this stupid business up.That day was a day I'll never forget, because I learned a few things of great importance.  first, the fear of doing something is usually greater than the something you fear doing.  Second, humanity needs trust; people, marriages, families, neighborhoods and whole societies  can't function without it.  From schools and other training facilities to government to immense corporations, all have shown that honesty and integrity are essential in order to survive in a world poppulated with people just like you, yet different from you in many respects given that no two persons are entirely the same.Finally, in life, failure is entirely imminent if you do not plan to succeed, or to put it another way, if you aim at nothing, you're bound to hit it.  As long as we measure success based on the amount of things we've accomplished rather than the character with which we accomplish them, our story will always be one in which we strive to do more and feel like we're always doing less because there is always someone near or around you who is doing more than you, even if you haven't met them yet.  Should my success on ag net be determined by the fact that I've attained moderation duties, written a bunch of posts and banned a few offenders?  Nah, because Dark's been doing it longer than I have, and on top of that he helps moderate other places as well, and he has more forum Karma than I do, and Aprone has even more than that!  If I measure it based on the way I approach things, however, I find myself feeling successfull if I manage to help even just one person in a world of 7 billion plus individuals.  Sound like a shot in the dark?  Maybe, but it's less of a shot in the dark than you think, because at the end of the day, I was the one person out of 7 billion who actually conclude, while you may not have the power to decide that you're going to become the next president of the united states because so many people are fighting for that spot, you do have the choice to try.  Will you determine your success by whether you reach the whitehouse, or by the work you did, the people you helped, and the agendas and legacies  you've helped to establish?  Very few people know that I had first dibs on both sound designing and scoring the soundtrack for AHC; I say it with all modesty... I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to write a puff piece about myself as I honestly don't need or want the attention.  If I determine my success based on the fact that I obviously did neither, I'm a failure.  A girl I had met just a little before being asked to work on the project got sick, was down with pneumonia and needed help with her child, her x-husband had just walked out on her leaving her in a heap of financial strain, and she was still trying to pursue a college education.  I left my home to help, ended up getting married, had a child, lost an apartment to a busted water pipe, lost another to an organization's greed, moved into  an old but mostly comfortable little house, braced for Hurricane Matthew, dealt with more flooding thanks to an old washing machine and an ancient garbage disposal, had another child, had an AC unit break down owing to a lightning strike or a tornado-I'm still not sure on which, was thoroughly banged, bruised and bashed by hurricane Irma, lost $400 worth of recently purchased groceries to the resulting power outage that lasted nearly a month, lost $200 more after the fridge mysteriously quit working, and somehow managed to start a contest in which my wife and I planned on

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

For meno. I've had mostly, say, 99% positive interactions with people in general outside of social services/advocacy groups which have been extremely, EXTREMELY negative in their attitudes and perceptions. If anything I'd argue it's the aformentioned prison/monster experiments again with social services/advocacy groups being closed minded, arrogant, pushy and extremely demeaning. Take that away, I have no issue with the world at large. I could have full vision and run into assholes, that's just a fact of life, nothing to do with ability or not.I don't fit with the OH MY GOD YOU HAVE TO BRAILLE LABEL EVERYTHING!111 type of blind people, I don't fit with the Jaws is X, NVDA is Y type, I'm somewherer on the edge of it doing my thing, I mentioned earlier I broke a disabled riding organization by being good at riding (to the point where I'd go for long trail rides and showjumping and suchlike and barrel racing) and they had no idea where to put me next, so as said I got trained by the stable's instructor. She was always willing to treat me as somebody who can ride just as well as the next guy, but just can't see that well/at allsuits me fine.Do I feel limited? No, but again I was not raised as blind with input from blind services, ahem, 'blind services' so I did stuff normal kids did, games, watching TV, reading and so onyet blind services would, and had this happen, limit me from those things because,paraphrasing what I've heard, 'blind people do not watch TV or play games', which from both RNIB/NFB stances, is completely and utterly false, I'd rather stretch out on a couch, find a good show to get into and not deal with audio description since I find it extremely intrusive, personally, but I don't feel like that's  a limit at all. It's who I am.Maybe part of it's giving the finger metaphorically to the worst parts of being blind, the stereotypes, the stereotypical culture o having every tiny tiny bit of yer house Braille labled and such, of doing what blind services tel you like some dog. I'm sorry but that's completely and utterly fucking demeaning to my way of thinking, having somebody come in, not even know you and say oh, this this this this and this have to change, stop doing this because you shouldn't and you have to do this from now onya, no. No thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is there a way to live stream without your screen reader being heard?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is there a way to live stream without your screen reader being heard?

@CrystalD,It really depends on how much you're willing to spend in the money department.  VAC is a wonderful and convenient little option I myself don't use because I have an audio interface/10 input stereo mixer and can rout audio in ways I never was able to before now, with just a few button pushes and knob twists.  I can monitor things without having them heard, have people hear things I myself don't want to hear, which is rather useful when someone on my TT server is enjoying something I myself am not interested in or have already heard, and beyond that, spice up my audio life with audio processing and a bunch of other bells and whistles you probably don't need.  The options are there though, so the long and short of it is, yes, there is a way, a myriad of ways, in fact, to do what you wish, and we're here to help you, based on what you choose to do.


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What do you thing about Bokura No Daiboukenn games story?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


What do you thing about Bokura No Daiboukenn games story?

Hello,as the topic says. Let's discuss this games' story.I personally thing BK1 has the most deep story of all the trilogy, even though the topic is a bit childish. The thing that ruins BK2 and BK3 story immersion is the fact, that characters remind the players that this is only a game!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

me not, because if i  get it back, i'll face a new strange world i bet i'll die in the first day of it


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is there a way to live stream without your screen reader being heard?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is there a way to live stream without your screen reader being heard?

yep, using virtual audio cable, setting audio to it, and setting your screen reader to headphones will do the job nicely.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

someone asked why we would want sight back, whether it's past experience, or something else. first, I'll be the first, to admit that I  have trust issues, and I often feel insecure. anyone who knows me here will confirm that. but for me, it's the independence, that I'm after. the sighted just do things naturally, or they can look at how others do things. I don't remember any sighted reading user guides for their phones, I don't remember any sighted learning how to cross the road. it all comes naturally. and in some ways, I kind of feel isolated. there are just some things we simply can't, and will never join in with.


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Re: Clearing the Screen(Or not)

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : gjp1311 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clearing the Screen(Or not)

Hello!Thanks for the feedback! I've already put the tolk library to work on my project, and at least for now, it is working with NVDA.I have these dlls in my bin folder : dolapi32.dllnvdaControllerClient32.dllSAAPI32.dllAre these enough to support or does I need another one?Thanks!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

@Braille:That happens though even if you don't remember it...okay maybe not so much now for the user guide stuff but certainly 10+ years ago when everything had printed manuals.which is one thing I miss about modern tehnology, now you get a little slip of paper in a box instead of a nice printed manual. Even flat pack furniture skips out on the cheap stuff, or so I ben told. That being said I got into the same discussion with family who work in preschool settings and an interesting point was raised. I was asked if it's easier not seeing the traffic that's coming, that got me thinking that in some situations,not seeing what's coming is a good idea. I've been skiing and it was more interesting not seeing where I was heading and going by feel, not by sight...though admittedly I had my head down the whole time anyhow.


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Re: Eurofly Version 2.0 now available

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Eurofly Version 2.0 now available

There is a script to put jaws to sleep so it does not intercept keys


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Beatstar decision

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Beatstar decision

Hi all!So as some of you know, I am making beatstar cross platform.I am currently building the core of the game and I am trying to decide something and I need your input.The question is, are beatcoins really worth it?Should I just let anyone play any pack they want at any time, without having to unlock?There are hundreds and hundreds of packs, so having a pack shop seems a bit unnecessary at this point because it's hard to get this many beatcoins to buy all the packs.what do you think?Cheers.


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Re: Beatstar decision

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar decision

I love the beatcoins option. It gives you something to work for, a reward when you've finished a pack, and means that your always progressing at the game in unlocking new packs. Plus of course when you get good enough you'll get lots of coins. I'd definitely say please leave it in, indeed I'd love to see more unlockable options with beatcoins since they make the game truly progressive.


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Re: A few questions about creating a big game

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : gjp1311 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A few questions about creating a big game

jonikster wrote:Hello.For a long time already, I had an idea to create a game like a real world. But not like the real world, with their countries, etc. Not text, sound, like GTA.But there are a few questions that I can not solve. Help me please:1. The client I want to develop on C#. But in which programming language is better to develop a server? I know that C++ is faster than C#, but C++ is difficult. Will it effectively use sockets in C# or Python?2. What is the best way to implement maps? Create multiple maps for homes, each state, or one large map? And the problem is that I know how to create different steps sounds, but how to create walls, different background sounds in different places, etc? Maybe there is literature on creating maps?3. How best to store information on the server? In a database or in files?Thanks in advance!Hello Jonikster!I'll address the points you made:1 - When developing games for the first time, I don't think it is worthy to decide which language to create your application, simply by their speed. I can't tell about python, but both C++ and C# are capable of using sockets effectively, and the speed gap between them is negligible for this case. Nowadays people are building muds with NodeJS. It doesn't mean you should pick the "flavour of the month" language.You should pick up a language you are comfortable with, stick with that language and only them you will have results;2 - It depends on which platform you want to build. Is this a 3D game in unity or a text based one? I don't have much experience with 3D, but in 2D it's usually easier to split your maps into chunks of two or three dimensional arrays and link them together. Even big open world 3d games do something like that, like World of Warcraft. In the cases of MUDs, you could have only a big array/list of Rooms with x and y positions(and z if you want to simulate depth).The states you can implement with a finite state machine, and I'm not sure what do you mean by walls;3- Json is a great format to save your files and it's pretty easy to create a reader/writer in any language to import or export. Creating a database may be overkill, more so if you are using a relational database. Another format is XML, which the .NET framework has a built-in lib for you to use and it's pretty easy as well, though not as readable as a Json can be.


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Re: Huboodle - 6 games in one!

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Huboodle - 6 games in one!

Hi. The change player name thing unfortunately still doesn't work for me, I must confess this system I do find a little irritating.the player name is Guest_XKZlVFIf you can change it manually that would be great. As I said above I generally go by Dark or darkempathy and my email is dark at x g a m dot org. Thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

I am enjoying the game, but either I am very unlucky or the percentage rates shown on quests aren't accurate, since the number of times I've failed at a  quest with %80 success rate is rather astounding .I can see the game being fun with it's progressive gameplay, though I hope there is enough ntext to keep matters interesting once you've finished the tutorial, since the problem I had with a lot of rpgs that are prepare and forget is that they can feel a little too disconnected from the player, e.g you just equip your character with the best weapon and armour and then do an automated quest or combat, and the fact that the quests themselves don't seem to come with much by way of explanatory text.Still we'll see I'm still on the tutorial at the second.


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Libaudioverse help

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaseoffire via Audiogames-reflector


Libaudioverse help

Okay, so I am working in python and have noticed that the docs on this library, while not the worst thing in the world, still appear to be missing a few things. Namely, I am wondering if there is a way and how to check if libaudioverse has been initialized. Like an isInitialized function. The language agnostic files say there is a way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Beatstar decision

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : wlomas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar decision

leave them in they fun! which platforms are you working on?


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Re: Beatstar decision

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar decision

I agree with Dark. Leave them in.


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Re: Is there a way to live stream without your screen reader being heard?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is there a way to live stream without your screen reader being heard?

I have a audio Interface mixer but I see now way to rout programs to it. Its a two input output mixer. Is this only possible on digital mixers. I would really love to do routing from the mixer level.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Beatstar decision

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar decision

mac and Windows, possibly linux as well, don't have a way to test.It's an electron (_javascript_) app.OK leaving beatcoins in.


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Re: What do you thing about Bokura No Daiboukenn games story?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pulseman45 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you thing about Bokura No Daiboukenn games story?

I see where your coming at, somehow it's one of the series fun aspect, but it also somehow breaks immersion though, for me, really not that much. But I still think Bito deservs these red paintballs lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

52, I am not buying that argument that being blind is bad because of society. I feel the limitations of being blind, in every facet of life. It is not primarily because of society that I would want my sight back, but the limitations it puts on the things I can do.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do you thing about Bokura No Daiboukenn games story?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pulseman45 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you thing about Bokura No Daiboukenn games story?

I see where your coming at, somehow it's one of the series fun aspect, but it also somehow breaks immersion though, for me, really not that much. But I still think Bito deservs these red paintballs lol.Also, I like how the hero sometimes becomes so angry that he destroys everything in it's way. No such things in BK3 though, I guess he became wiser/acquired more self-control during those 4 years between 2 and 3.But I'd admit the hero is what bugs me the most in these games. He sounds like a boy, but sometimes it's really difficult to imagine he's not a fully grown man. I mean OK, sometimes his reactions are over the top, but still.I wish he had a defined name. I mean, the Zelda series has Link, the Ys series has Adol Christin, so it would feel more natural if the BK series' hero had a name. Especially since he actually talks, unlike some other action/rpg heroes.


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Re: Coming up with ideas for a new game project.

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Coming up with ideas for a new game project.

make a game, something like assassins creed. you know what kind of game i mean if you have played assassins creed


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Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : vaibhavbhandari2017 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

Hi everyone, My name is Vaibhav and I am from Delhi India. I am blind since my birth. I am currently a student and I like to play audiogames very much. I have read many articles and posts in this forum and I like to read them. Have a nice day!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

Hell yeah, I'd do it! While being blind is turning out not to be the catastrophe I thought it would be, still I'd much rather have my vision back and have to rebuild my life, than to remain being blind.That's a no brainer, if you ask me.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: accessible vpn?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible vpn?

ues SoftEther VPN, it's awesome and it's free


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BlindJedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I'm not sure how to put this, but what is it with some blind people and getting all depressed about what you can't do? Seriously, for every one thing you can't do there are a million others that you can do. I personally have next to no problem at all with being blind, aside from the fact i'll never drive or fly a plane, but honestly, who cares? Everything i've wanted to do in life that I saw somebody else do I've had the chance to do. I'm not held back. I live life like the next guy. To put it simply, I'm actually glad I'm blind. I see the world in a way many people do not. We blind people see people for who they really are not just how they look on the outside. I could write an entire essay on the positives of being blind, but I won't. All i'll say is, look on the bright side, live life to the fullest, and don't let lack of working eyes hold you back. Blind people seem to always focus on what they can't do at all or what they can't do as well as the sighted. But hey, you can't do everything, and you can't be the best at everything. Stop getting so damn depressed because a sighted person skied slightly faster than you or something. Because it isn't the end of the world if people are better than you. Embrace the fact your good at something, and accept that there is always going to be somebody better than you at everything. There's always a better person no matter if your sighted or blind. I only brought that up because once someone used that as an excuse to justify blind people spending 99 percent of their day on a computer. Just accept that nobody's equal and stop worrying about lack of eyesight. I've had friends tell me they forget i'm blind. Why? Because I ignore blindness and live life as who I am, no matter the barriers. I suggest all of you do the same. That's a word of advice, because it helps a lot socially. I'm sure many like nocturnus would agree.


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Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : vaibhavbhandari via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

Hi everyone, I am Vaibhav and I am from India. I am blind since my birth. I had registered my account since last 1 month or so and I just now came to know about that I have to right an introductary message for replying to any post. I am a big fan of audiogames and I love them very much. Have a nice day!


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Re: intriguing email from breaker box games

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: intriguing email from breaker box games



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Re: A few questions about creating a big game

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaseoffire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A few questions about creating a big game

If I may, I would recommend aiming a bit smaller. If I am understanding what you want to do here, you want to create a large open world game. That's fine and all. In fact, what I would do is create a design document and just make notes on what you want. Next, write down the things you know how to do, and the things you don't know how to do. From there, create a project that uses what you know how to do, but feel free to add some features that you may not know as well, but are able to research. Do limit this to only a 1 or 2 unknown features, though. Finally, select a language and stick with it. Believe me, I know what it is like to jump from language to language. It is as others have said. It doesn't work out to well. You tend to get nothing done. I think C# should have stuff for both server and client programming. If this the language you want to use, go for it. Just make it a language that you are sure you can learn well.hth


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BlindJedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

In my experience, blindness is in no way a disability. It is simply a way of life. I am not hindered at all. If I want to do something or try something out, I do. I can understand why some people who go blind later in life may not feel the same, but its how I feel. I think that's the problem with how society treats blind people and why were often seen as being disabled or at a lower level than the sighted. Blind people have always said we were disabled, but we aren't. It depends on how you look at it I guess.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

Dark, a lot of it is like that. Click, go do something else, come back and repeat. It is a big game, though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

do you actually, honestly believe that, when you claim that being blind is not different than being sighted? The limitations imposed by blindness are not minor. This isn't depression, this is reality. To give you an idea on how important sight is, over 50% of the brain, maybe even more is dedicated to processing  visual input. If it was truly minor, and unnecesary, such a massive amount of brain wouldn't be alocated to it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: accessible vpn?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible vpn?

hi,Free products tend to contain adds or spyware. I am after paid solutions.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

Besides driving, what would be the limitations that put the blind in difference from the sighted?Independance? Well. What if I say that I was able to hang out from my home with friends and get back withouth sighted help?I think it's not the blindness that puts you aside, it's the way in which you handle it.People that pretty much got depressed, or in a way discouraged by behing blind, or maybe by having some bad experiences with teachers I don't know, say that behing blind it limits you.If you want independance, train for it. If then you had bad teachers and you got depressed or inconfident, that's  an other topic, the blindness is related in a minor way to it.Tell me if I explained baddly 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BlindJedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

Agree with @63. @62, the part of the brain that is normally used for processing visual input is used for your other sences when sight is lost. So yes, I do think that blindness is a very miner problem. Everyone has challenges no matter what you are.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

"I want to ask a philosophical question that people are certain to have strong opinions on: Do people primarily want vision because they are reminded of their limitations as a blind person by the sighted world?"Absolutely not, since I can judge on my own how problematic is the absence of sight as we experience it everyday, in or not in the presence of sighted people. You are limited in many forms and many aspects of life, where now I can clearly see how important is the social interaction with other people, that only this year I am getting what social life really means. Throughout university, only this year has been satisfactory for me in terms of interacting and hanging out with friends or engaging in activities that the institution organises. The first two years have been utterly destructive for me as regards social life as I didn't have many friends, and that was primarily due to the fact of being blind. But, do you know how underestimated I felt? I constantly kept asking the question, what is wrong with me, that I am one of the best students in class, and I can't have a solid friend to hang out with? This situation that went on for two years did fundamentally contribute to my results in university, particularly in the first year, when I experienced the most deadly stress in my entire life. Not going then about ensuring the textbooks and lectures for the courses I attended; that is a completely different story. I had to ask my brother to scan my books one by one and then correct the grammatical mistakes that would appear after converting them to electronic formats. There were worse cases, when the books would be very old and only the eye of a human could scan them, so again my brother would come and read for me. Sometimes he would get angry, and there were instances when he refused to read, which would nearly make me cry. I attempted many times to convince myself to abandon university, but then I stopped at the argument that if I left university, there would be no other chance of getting a satisfactory job in the future. This is the last semester for me at university; recounting again on all that has passed makes me conclude that I have been destroyed more than educated by this experience at university, compounded by the defects of the educational system to give the student the necessary room to study and reflect on the knowledge he gains.Maybe a bit unrelated from the theme we are discussing, but I believe that again blindness has played a significant role on what I wrote about some lines above; and, I tend to see blindness with a bit of anger, since the sight was taken from me unfairly, when I was just a little baby, having caused no harm to anyone that could possibly be harmed by the existence of a human.In short, going back to the question that TJT posed, the reminder of a sighted person that brings fourth your limitations, even in the form of assistance you are offered on the things and activities you can't do, does not urge me to think about being sighted or lament for being blind. It is certain that I am able to live blind; however, I know that getting my sight back will intirely change my life and I would be ready to pay the price of getting used to it.


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Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

OK. People have said that "blindness is not minor," "blindness is an extreme limitation," etc., and they have implied, in subtle or not-so-subtle ways, that "blindness is an extremely bad thing and it needs to be destroyed at all costs." I'm going to say that you all are wrong. Completely and totally wrong. While blindness may be a limiting factor, it is not a disease. It is not something that will cause the entire world to look down on you and say, "Oh my god, he's blind, he can't do shit!" It's very easy to tell that those who have educated you and have raised you guys to want your site back have mostly done this to you. It's very obvious. How do I know, you might ask? I'm no psychologist. Very true. But here's the major difference between you and me:I was raised by parents who truly loved me, and by a family who pushed me to succeed, to never give up, and to always live with what I had and have, and to not play the game of 'what if'.I have been taught two ways of life: the way of the blind person, and the way of the average person, as I call it. The way of the blind person is that of the ACB/NFB/RNIB, and other such organizations: to do one particular thing, in one particular order; to do a particular thing, and to only do that particular thing to accomplish a particular task; to be completely and totally independent, and to never ask for help, no matter if you feel it may be humiliating or not, and even if you know it is required; to read each and every manual and peace of documentation about a particular device, computer program or tool, no matter how simple or complex the item in question may be; etc. Then there is the average person: to learn variants, to self-educate, and to teach yourself and expand your mind to new heights and horizons; to discover new ways of using things, and work out your own way of working with things; to learn by experimentation and theories, not just by the "documented" way of doing things; to ask the six questions of life (What? Why? Where? Who? When? How?) and to question everything, no matter how factual or relevant it may be; to ask for help when you don't know how to do something; because you know that the person your asking might know more about the subject than you do, and, therefore, could teach you a few things you didn't know on the way; to figure out lots of ways of accomplishing one task, or lots of tasks; etc., etc. I chose the second option -- that of the average person.I have learned, throughout my life, to completely and utterly ignore my blindness. It is there. It does exist. It is a hindrance sometimes. But, in a way, it is not there, does not exist, and is not a hindrance, because I have learned alternative ways of doing everything I have done so far. I can modify BIOS/firmware settings, with only a slight amount of help, and by mentally analyzing the possibilities of what may be available (UEFI has made this task a lot more difficult, I'll admit); I have learned to be able to alter my boot order with no assistance whatsoever by monitoring the behavior of my computer, through both light and auditory perception, when I select a boot device; I have learned to interact with certain parts of Linux when a screen reader is present and when it is not; I have learned to play video games (and will be expanding that horizon even further) without a screen reader of any kind, using the full range and depth of my auditory senses, and the analysis of my in-game surroundings; and, pretty much, have conquered every single issue raised in this topic that blindness is a limiter to. Yes, I cannot design video games in a full 3D game engine editing program like Unity or Unreal. So what? It doesn't stop me from making games and computer programs, and helping out with them, in Python or C++. Hell, I managed to install the full Unreal engine in the Epic Games launcher, which isn't even accessible, with Windows 10 OCR alone! And while I cannot tell when I have made menus graphical in a game with textures and fonts, I at least know that what I've done in the code has probably done something: either of two possibilities -- fonts or no fonts. Do I really care if it's graphical and has fonts and animations? No. Do I want it to have graphical fonts and animations? Yes. Why? Because I want my sited family, like my cousin, to be able to play the games I make, and to be able to use the software I create. Blindness is not as much as a limiter as you might think. Yes; 50 percent, if not more, of your brain is dedicated to visual perception. So? If you don't have visual perception, what does that do? It sure as fuck doesn't leave that portion of your brain doing nothing; no, your brain just allocates that dormant part of your brain to do something else. It doesn't really matter what that part is doing; the fact that it is doing something is fine. If you have light perception, perhaps that portion has been sub

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

To the person who said they can't live alone, that sounds more like a limitation you are placing on yourself than an actual limitation caused by blindness.I lost my visionabout five years ago and have never stopped living alone, and if I can do it, anybody can.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : milos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

People does any of us have problem similar like me: when i enter in some places, the game do not take my commands. for example: when i enter in to goblin settlement, and turn my character north. To go at north part of the settlement, and after severals steps, i press q button to hear direction, and game don't say which direction im. And when i try to turn my character east or west, pressing shift plus left or right arrow, or shift plus a or d, my character do not turn. and when i pressed e to hear what is in front of my, again my screen reader don't speak anythink. Is it bug or what? This problem i have when i enter in some places in forrest and in to goblin settlement.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

Hell yeah, I'd do it! While being blind is turning out not to be the catastrophe I thought it would be, still I'd much rather have my vision back and have to rebuild my life, than to remain being blind.I've had vision most of my life, impaired vision to be sure in that what vision I had wasn't good enough to allow me to drive, but my feet, my bike, and public transportation filled most of my needs, so it was only an occasional inconvenience. So I know full well what I've lost and would love to get it back.However, if I had been blind from birth, having never had vision, then I'm not certain I'd want it, because I'd have learned how to live my life with vision, and getting it back might be almost as traumatic as losing it was.


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Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BlindJedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I agree with ethin 100 percent. I also have chosen to live life like the average person; to know about my blindness, but to basically ignore it completely.To be blind is more than just not seeing with your eyes. Blindness is what ethin said: doing things a certain way, not asking for help, ever, stuff like that. But just not using your eyes doesn't make you truely blind. There are other ways to see. Many people do not realize that or believe it, but its true. So no, I have no reason what so ever to want or need my sight back. Life's fine how it is.


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Re: What do you thing about Bokura No Daiboukenn games story?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you thing about Bokura No Daiboukenn games story?

I actually like the fourth wall breakage, keeps the game funny. And it's not like it's the only game that does this stuff either, just look at metal gear solid 2.I actually can't decide which game's story I like best, it's kinda hard.


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Re: Coming up with ideas for a new game project.

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Coming up with ideas for a new game project.

I second post 60, how would you implement a free rome system in terms of this game? A grid would make much more sense. You're going to have to design the layout of your city and place things, it would be much easier to do this with a grid.


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Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

To the person who said they can't live alone, that sounds more like a limitation you are placing on yourself than an actual limitation caused by blindness. I lost my visionabout five years ago and have never stopped living alone, and if I can do it, anybody can.Not only is half the brain involved in processing vision for those who are sighted, it is estimated that sighted people take in 80% of what they know about the world around them through their eyes. That's a large part of the world you live in to lose if you are blind.Yes, you can adapt to living without vision such that it is not a major problem, but don't kid yourself into thinking that being blind is only a minor disability, it is not.Initially, after I lost my vision I considered joining one of the advocacy groups such as the NFB or the ACB, or the AFB, but once I started learning more about them I realized that they were not what I thought they were and abandoned that thought real quick. Especially the NFB, they are very much like the NRA in their atitudes, very militant.


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Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

Believe it or not, but a friend of mine, actually help sighted people with problems related to their computer.and he's blind, so to who says that he never saw some one asking for help since he's sighted he's wrong.Even sighted ask for help, and there are cases in which a sighted is more limited than a blind.


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Re: Beatstar decision

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar decision

Hi.A good idea, leave them in, but you can low the prices abit to be easy enough.


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Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BlindJedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

Yes, very true.


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Re: join the new blind fun zone forum and have, well, fun

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: join the new blind fun zone forum and have, well, fun

I registered, it seems nice and I am waiting to see you my messages.


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Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pulseman45 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I wouldn't say I'm not interested at all in getting sight back, for I'm interested on how it would change my perception of the world and the way I do certain things, but I have to agree with posts such as 60 and 61. Then again I have been blind almost since birth, so of course depending on when you lost your sight your perceptions of what you can or can't do can differ widely.But I'm at the point where I can live like the next guy. Well, technically, I'm still working on it in some aspects, but I'm at a point where I'm fairly confident it will happen.


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Re: Magnetic toys and anxiety.

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Magnetic toys and anxiety.

I do not have ancsiety or depression, but I have a verry big geomag and a smaller one for travels and I love them.It is a verry good toy and I can play with it all day if I want.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

ok so, you can't ignore being blind. That is like ignoring that you are paralyzed. You cannot do it. Every way you do things, you do it that way likely because you are blind. If you were a sighted person, for instance, you would likely use your eyes more often to perform those very same tasks. Also on help, while it is true that sighted people also ask for help, it is mainly for technical things and such. Blind people have to ask for help more often, and for things a sighted person would never ask for help for. There is a very large difference between asking for help to clean out a pc, and to cross the street.As for the brain, from studies I have read, some of that 50% actually sits, and atrophies during early inphancy, in the pruning phase of the brain, where many unused brain cells are killed off. So no, you don't actually use all of that to process sound etc. Even for the parts that you do, it is an adaptation, which indicates that blindness is serious. The occipital lobes were not designed to be used as audio processing devices. Your disabled body basicly hacks the brain, and forces a part of the brain, through sensory input to assume  a role it wasn't designed to do. A kind of hacking I would say. Similar to trying to use your feet as hands.


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Re: question about typing on some android devices

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pulseman45 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: question about typing on some android devices

@8: I'm about as surprised as you, maybe I should try to installing Voice Assistant on my OnePlus 5T after all. I mean, not that I don't like Talkback, especially with the interesting things it brought differently, but I feel voice assistant helps you do some tasks more fluidly.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: question about typing on some android devices

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pulseman45 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: question about typing on some android devices

@8: I'm about as surprised as you, maybe I should try to installing Voice Assistant on my OnePlus 5T after all. I mean, not that I don't like Talkback, especially with the interesting things it brought recently, but I feel voice assistant helps you do some tasks more fluidly.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do you thing about Bokura No Daiboukenn games story?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pulseman45 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you thing about Bokura No Daiboukenn games story?

I see where your coming at, somehow it's one of the series fun aspect, but it also somehow breaks immersion though, for me, really not that much. But I still think Bito deservs these red paintballs lol.Also, I like how the hero sometimes becomes so angry that he destroys everything in his way. No such things in BK3 though, I guess he became wiser/acquired more self-control during those 4 years between 2 and 3.But I'd admit the hero is what bugs me the most in these games. He sounds like a boy, but sometimes it's really difficult to imagine he's not a fully grown man. I mean OK, sometimes his reactions are over the top, but still.I wish he had a defined name. I mean, the Zelda series has Link, the Ys series has Adol Christin, so it would feel more natural if the BK series' hero had a name. Especially since he actually talks, unlike some other action/rpg heroes.


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question about talk-back

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : milos via Audiogames-reflector


question about talk-back

hello al, i use talk-back on android. In my country english is not my native language, and im from Serbia, and native language here is serbian. Settings on my android is on serbian, and when i use chrome on this device and open some sites which is on english language, talk-back automaticaly changes dialect on english language. But problem is when it happen on some sites with serbian language. for example when i try to read  news which is on serbian language, talk-back changes dialect and serbian word read with english dialect. it is extremely hard to understanding it. If any know how to fix this problem please help. Sorry for my bad english


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: question about typing on some android devices

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pulseman45 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: question about typing on some android devices

@8: I'm about as surprised as you, maybe I should try installing Voice Assistant on my OnePlus 5T after all. I mean, not that I don't like Talkback, especially with the interesting things it brought recently, but I feel voice assistant helps doing some tasks more fluidly.


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Re: Beatstar decision

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar decision

Agreed with Angel, the prices seem a bit high, especially since most packs dont' give you as good of a reward as say, smack me does for the same amount of work.


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Re: Walkthrough for A Hero's Call.

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Addolis via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Walkthrough for A Hero's Call.

I still can't get by the last camp site, so I can end this quest.


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Re: Linux information for a completely blind user with a verry old laptop

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux information for a completely blind user with a verry old laptop

Well, I can not use xp.I will try installing linux.


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Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

@TJT1234 I think it’s more than the limitations we have as blind people. I think that it’s the fact that we live in a visual world. It is that lack of something basic that we all should of had but don't. It is crazy to think about how many small things we miss even in communication as facial expressions and gestures speech a thousand unspoken words. I think that part of it is because we are reminded of our limitations from the sighted world but I don't think that's all of it. It is sort of like everyone that does not have a disability starts a game of Monopoly with all the railroads and they can get to the other properties faster because they can see them. Whereas the rest of us have to work twice as hard to get the same or at least as close to the same things as possible. Sometimes you will get the nice players that will help you and sometimes you don't. I'm not complaining about it this was the hand I was dealt and I am making the best with what I got. That's not to say that I wouldn't want to be on the same playing field with those that don't have a disability.


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Re: join the new blind fun zone forum and have, well, fun

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: join the new blind fun zone forum and have, well, fun

I like this idea, however I would say one thing, you really shouldn't be using x10 as your webhost. I mean if it were to be just a forum, I guess it could get by, but since you want to expand it I think it is only fair that I advise of this now so that you don't have to find out later as I unfortunately did. Yes, I got duped by x10's 10mb per file upload limit. It's quite unfortunate considering it is a free host, but it's just not gonna work for your purposes. I'd say invest in a vps. That does come with the reality that you are technically on your own as far as configuring the web server but there are tutorials out there and we can help.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I was talking about success in post 53; I'm both thankful and exceptionally humbled to be  mentioned in a well phrased and put together post like BlindJedi's 60.  This is precisely what I mean; I write a bunch of stuff which is to me absolutely pointless because I've already learned it, so there's no further need to dwell upon it and all I need do is catalog it... I could privately do that in a journal!and then I come across a post or receive a message from someone that says something to the effect that, dde, you're so right!  I'm not sure where you come up with this stuff, but keep it coming!  You've persuaded me to do such and such and it really worked out!  I'm thankful to you!  I appreciate your advice!  Here's a thumbs up and some karma for ya!  Do you mind if I add you to skype or can we chat on TT?  Hey, you're the guy who did walkthroughs for Lunimals and Castaways, right?  Do you play such and such game?  how do you do this particular thing?  do you think it'd be better to do this, or to do that?It's humbling, I tell you!  I have two choices on what I can do with this immense gift I get from those who bestow it upon me... I can justify being the puffed up know-it-all because I have the reputation and chops to back it up, or I can keep doing what I do and guarantee myself and those who come to me at least an ounce of success every time I'm asked to give advice or esearch a particular topic.  then, I end up with both the responsibility and the powerful privilege of managing $300 that are not my own to hand out a bunch of copies of a game I otherwise never would have given out!  Woo!You know what?  I love you all.  Call it sappy, mushy, whatever you want, but this website and every single one of its members has taught me a little something, even if that something was something I already knew and just rediscovered.  I try to read every post, but I obviously can't; that doesn't make you less important.  There are just far too many of you, and I have a ton of stuff on my plate at any given moment in time.  Can you imagine what your life would be like if you spent every day trying to read, oh, I dunno, every post posted by at least a thousand people on a forum?  Twitter itself is overwhelming; I have both it and a facebook!  somewhere in between I still have chores to do, children to feed, a wife to whom I'm commited, a mother and father who want to know where I am and when I'm coming home, a grandfather who's slowly dying and whom I'd seriously like to see one more time before he goes, and then?  I gotta take a breath... I'm just happy to be here.  I can't put it any better than that.


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Re: Is there a way to live stream without your screen reader being heard?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is there a way to live stream without your screen reader being heard?

@hurstseth405,Yamaha MG XU, easiest and most afordable solution I could find, and I don't regret a cent spent.  I have far too much fun with the thing to dwell upon all the other stuff I could have bought, the most recent incident being a file I piped through TT that seriously surprised one of our guests because he wondered how it could be coming so clearly through his computer, almost enough to make him believe it was his PC doing it rather than mine.


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Re: accessible vpn?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible vpn?

All I'm willing to tell you is that several of them will just let you put their config files in open VPN, which is accessible.


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Re: Huboodle - 6 games in one!

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Huboodle - 6 games in one!

Huboodle now has a db page, find it here Actually I feel a little guilty for not getting this done sooner, indeed I do hope Lee hobbs and others at Appa11y didn't think my miner irritation at the signup process was the reason the page didn't get added . As with other multiple game platforms such as Rs games, the page will get expanded with details of more games as and when they are added. I'm also afraid that I did take a miner shortcut and simply note that Word war, Battle cats and Word builder are available for Android. Btw,  Had you considered making a "casino"  separate from the other games containing black jack, Pirate Poker and likely the wheel of fortune too? It just seemed a little strange to me that the wheel of fortune was inside trivia trail, when all the other games were separated, and especially if more casino games are coming in the future, it'd be nice if there was a specific place for them. one thing I am liking in Huboodle is the extensive single player options and the congrats messages, that's definitely a nice way around, and also appeals to the less competitive, though the competition options are obviously there too. One game I'd love to see (indeed I've been looking for for a while), is a board game style trivial pursuit, with different squares offering different questions, indeeda Huboodle board game where different squares involved different types of challenge or casino games would be pretty cool, especially to play with someone else, actually my lady is a big fan of word and trivia games, and though we do play games on the Amazon Alexa it'd be nice to have something for Ios we could do together, or indeed separately.


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Re: Libaudioverse help

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hrvoje via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Libaudioverse help

Here's how to do proper initialization with Libaudioverse. At least I do it like that in my initialization code.def main():    with libaudioverse.InitializationManager():        #do some stuff        pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, 1/120)


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Re: Clearing the Screen(Or not)

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ian Reed via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clearing the Screen(Or not)

That should be all you need.Tolk interacts with JAWS through a COM object, and doesn't need an extra dll for it.


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Re: issue with editing documents in pages

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: issue with editing documents in pages

sometimes when I rite a sentence voiceover doesn't read the last word. anyone else has this issue?


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Re: accessible vpn?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible vpn?

that is true, but you need the full fledged client, to change servers and locations etc. And also the vpn connection protocol. Vpn providers don't allow you to use p2p file sharing  on all servers most of the time. Just some of them.One final thing, don't assume that not telling me will somehow stop me from figuring it out. I am at least as competant, if not much more so, than the average computer user.


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Re: Eurofly Version 2.0 now available

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : masroor . rahmani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Eurofly Version 2.0 now available

hello guys can you give me a Category 3 profile? can you upload it? thanks.


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Site updates February 19th

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AudioGames - News room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Site updates February 19th

Well by now everyone knows the score, or at least they should, which then makes you actually wonder why we bother keeping score in the first place if everyone knows it, then again  purpose of the internet generally is to tell everyone stuff they already know, so I suppose telling everyone the score when they know it makes perfect sense, just like that memo I got recently from the department of redundancy department, or the time when a certain IT service emailed me my Imail account password to access my email (nope, that one actually did happen). Either way the score in question is database 642, amount of games to be added to the database, - waay too many to count! which is a good state for earhole insertable games generally, as well as for keeping myself and the other agnet staff off the streets and out of mischief,  well off the streets anyway.Here are the latest results:Updates by Dark:Fixed Error on Out of site games.Friends of the prince: entry and description. Miner entry clean up and corrections for A hero's call. Corrected Gotcha description to show it was |Jason Sw who made the windows port rather than Harrielst.Camcad clicker: entry and description. fixed link to Flexible survival wiki.The road of life: Entry and description. Blackbox: entry, description and links.Peaches and cream: entry and description. Rs games client: updated list of games on the entry with details of threes ninety nine, one four twenty four, slot machine, roulette and Go fish, the list is now UpToDate, for now. Forum wars: Entry and description. Updated download links for both Inheritance and Allure of Wanton cove. Fist of fury: miner entry cleanup. Idlefisher: Entry and description. Build a spaceship: entry and description.Huboodle: Entry and description.Updates by Aaron:Dreamy train: Entry and description.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter

Just to let you guys know that, while Joseph's server was down most of the day, I believe do to the external IP changing, it is now back up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I know what a lot of you have said here from personal experience and can sum it up this way.I know a lot of sighted people who are more visually impaired than most of the blind people I know.Blindness shouldn't define you, you should be defining your blindness.Yeah, I'd love to have my sight back, but since that isn't in the cards I've been dealt, I don't let my blindness bother or define me other than that it's just one of my many traits, just as my hair is brown or my eyes are green are traits.Some of my family members treat me as if I'm completely helpless. If I can't convince them that that simply isn't the case, I steer clear of them, the last thing I want is for them to treat me as helpless in front of other people.At our family Christmas party last year, while I was navigating my way through the house towards a bathroom, a sister in law decided that I needed help navigating and grabbed the waistband of my pants and started yanking it around in an attempt to get me to go where she wanted me to go. After telling her to let go of me didn't work, I turned around and slapped her and told her that not only is that not the proper way to guide a blind person, it was a totally inappropriate way to touch anybody. She and my brother left soon afterwards. I don't normally go around hitting people, but not only did I feel that she was being completely inappropriate, it was embarrassing, and she wouldn't back off after I told her to let go of me.


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Re: C# vs Java for work. Which is easier and faster to learn?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: C# vs Java for work. Which is easier and faster to learn?

good choice @jonikster 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is there a way to live stream without your screen reader being heard?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is there a way to live stream without your screen reader being heard?

Do you have to have wires or cables or is there software it comes with.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

Yep, I'm getting that the game is something of a fire and forget, but on the other hand that does make it nice to do when doing something else, and at least the game has reasonable equipping options and doesn't require you to take hours looking through god knows how many complex stat tables. I  tried one of the lore fragment things. I really should've got it but the markers seemed very odd according to what I was doing, still I'll try again at some stage. The only thing that worries me at the second is lack of text, since I really wish the generic quests had a bit of text to say how you did. Even adventure based games like Warriors 2 and Kingdom of loathing had this, and does make the game feel a bit more like playing fruitpot sometimes. Still, so long as progress is fast enough to give me new locations to look over that should be okay I think especially if I play the game while doing something else (as indeed I have been recently).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

there's a lot of stuff, and actually some decent text. When you go to something like "Pack of wolves" where it goes into what skill you use, what level and how long it will take and all, it then will give a description of what you are doing and why. Some of the descriptions are pretty good. Right now I'm fighting an evil barbarian and the description of the quest put me right there. Usually quests you can do that further a journal goal or are story related have a closing bit of text when you are done for you to listen to. For more active stuff to do, try leveling your lore bits with a game that is pretty much mastermind and there is some weird sound game to make your gems better, but I don't know quite what. Also, even after the journal entries take you to a town, try listening at old taverns because there are quite a few side quests you can get, such as I got the Raid camp stuff I've got to do  by listening in Torr. The quests have no big thing for the story as a whole but they give me something to do beyond the basic stuff and are helping me get gold and gear.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

What if you want to be average? What if you would be perfectly happy blending in? As a blind person, that's harder to do. Not impossible, depending on the setting, but you definitely stand out in certain scenarios where you wouldn't as a sighted person. While there are many people who love the attention, or at least, love the ways in which it can get you noticed, there are many other ways in which one can stand out too that wouldn't involve holding a cane or walking with a guide dog.It's not all bad, by any means. And I think if I hadn't had such a crap ton of bad experiences as a child, my blindness wouldn't have played such a big role in shaping who I've become. For example, No one would dream of telling an abuse victim that their skittishness and other ill effects of the abuse are just a minor setback, would they? Maybe that's a bad example, but I can't seem to come up with a better one off the top of my head.My point is, as a blind person, you can't just be content with being average. You do have to work harder in some ways, such as with finding employment. You can't start from the bottom and work your way up with retail or fast food jobs, as most people do. That does put you at a disadvantage, because most blind people I've known have had to start writing their resumes later as a result. Employers notice that. They wonder why they should hire someone who they need to provide accomodations for, and just what were they doing in all of those years when their peers were working?These are just a few of the considerations that can make life more difficult for us. Yes, I get that sometimes we have useful skills that some sighted folks do not. The hard part is being able to use them in a way that makes a contribution to society when people don't believe in us. When you grow up around people whose first question is, "so, what do you do?" Clearly wanting you to wax poetic about your job, and you don't have one, that kind of does shut out oppurtunities for socialization, and possibly even future networking. When your response to that question has to necessarily be nothing, people aren't usually tolerant of that, at least not in my experience. Then again, as I said, I'm from a rural area, where a lot of older folks live, and they're pretty set in their ways about how life should work.Also, being self taught about subjects is a great thing, but again, not everyone wants or needs to be so driven. If a sighted person doesn't have to do this, why should we just to deserve to be taken seriously? Personally, I've always loved to read. I soak up information like a sponge. At the age of 7 or 8, I taught myself how to use a Braille Lite 40 that my school bought for me. I also practically taught myself JAWS a few years later, how to use the internet, and many other computer concepts as well. People were always impressed by this, but I say anyone can do it if they want to. It's just a matter of whether it's both within their interests and skill set.Speaking of which, i've always heard that blind people make great entrepeneurs, because it kills two birds with one stone. We avoid the unemployment curse, and we further our cause to make society understand that we're just like everyone else. But, again, not everyone is cut out to run a business. I would be awful at it. I'm not good at math, and I'm also an introvert. My best friend, on the other hand, has exactly what it takes, and is working on this now. he's extremely charismatic and will doubtless be great at it. He never wanted to start a business because he felt he had to, though. He just happens to be passionate about what he does, and it shows, which of course is another huge reason why he'll be successful no matter what hurdles and setbacks he faces.I just wish that it was more acceptable to be yourself, whether you're the next Bill Gates or just an average blue collar Joe, regardless of whether you have sight or not.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

Yep, I'm getting that the game is something of a fire and forget, but on the other hand that does make it nice to do when doing something else, and at least the game has reasonable equipping options and doesn't require you to take hours looking through god knows how many complex stat tables. I  tried one of the lore fragment things. I really should've got it but the markers seemed very odd according to what I was doing, still I'll try again at some stage. The only thing that worries me at the second is lack of text, since I really wish the generic quests had a bit of text to say how you did. Even adventure based games like Warriors 2 and Kingdom of loathing had this, and does make the game feel a bit more like playing fruitpot sometimes. Still, so long as progress is fast enough to give me new locations to look over that should be okay I think especially if I play the game while doing something else such as reading or playing another game, actually it makes quite a nice aside while playing Huboodle .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : toto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter

hi what is server adress?


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Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

@nocturnalrider, Hello and welcome to the forum. Hopefully  have fun around here, btw, yee gods how many people are joining just because of A hero's call?). @vaibhavbhandari2017, welcome to you too. Your certainly not our first member from India or our first student on the forumn either, hopefully you'll find this a good place to be.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

Youch! Really sorry about missing people off here however hopefully I can catch up: @insomnoir, welcome to the forum, A hero's gcall is a great game, hope you enjoy yourself around here (your girlfriend is also welcome to join too if she wishes). @avernon, damnation! really sorry I didn't notice your message earlier (I don't know if my mail notifications went wonky there).  either way your account is unrestricted and we look forward to chatting about Land of Livia, which I'm currently playing on my phone right now, waiting for my character to get from one place to another .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter

It's in the server list, Joseph Weakland, the one at the bottom?You need the latest version of RTR though, from the Dragonapps website.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Site updates February 19th

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AudioGames - News room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Site updates February 19th

Are you ever going to add Code 7 to the database? It's been out longer than A Hero's Call and really should have an entry.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter

It's in the server list, Joseph Weakland, the one at the bottom?You need the latest version of RTR though which you can get from here


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: intriguing email from breaker box games

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: intriguing email from breaker box games

Ok SLJ, when did you receive this email? Because I haven't received my ordered product yet and I think we're reaching the one week mark? Yeah I think it's tomorrow or wednesday.If he still reduces the price, not responding to customers, and refuses to show on the forum, then I change my stance; I no longer think his actions is from innocent incompitence, I think they desire money and will go so far as to rip people off. Jacob, if you see this ... I will chew your ass off, and I will also be looking into the option of having you pay back all the people who never got their product ... with your own money. Incompitent developers are one thing, but eresponsible is another. And you know I'm still being fucking generous here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: poll. New virtual state

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: poll. New virtual state

Hmm, doesn't sound nice but psychologically there could be some benefit to being from one nation with the same customs, language and laws. I don't really want to expand on that idea, as my own brain hasn't even figured it out entirely yet and I'm still debating with myself ... history has shown cases of me both being right and wrong, but as usual there are so so so many factors into the equation. I'm at least not completely adversed to the idea of a super nation that gains control through military power.On the other hand I don't think it'd be as easy as to just hire armies from poor countries ... but maybe it is? Lol I could wave my fist left or right and that's all that I'm doing, it's quite redundent. I'll get back to you when I've made up my mind and pulled my reasons together.


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Re: accessible vpn?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible vpn?

I second Defender. Open VPN is the protocol that practically every VPN provider uses. Some add a client around it with shiny extra features, but you should be able to get the open vpn configs from there website.


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Re: question about typing on some android devices

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: question about typing on some android devices

Like I said in my previous posts, these are only, but only on samsung devices, the keyboard and the assistant.


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Re: question about talk-back

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: question about talk-back

If you use espeack free version, that is just normal, you need to change the voice.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

@turtlepower17,Acceptable to who, or whom, precisely?  Your family?  Your neighbors?  Society?  the whole of the world?  I ask this not to be argumentative, but more to prove a point, which is that, as Albus Dumbledore wisely points out in the Goblet of Fire, that if we're waiting for universal poppularity, we're going to be stuck in our homes for a very, long, long time.  I can't tell you how many people have already told me I'm not fit to be a parent, not fit to give others advice on parenting, not able to raise children given my circumstances, shouldn't even think about having pets, should go live in an assistance living facility, should at least think about atending adult daycare centers...Instead, I defy the norms!  While the kids in my Pre-k class colored between the lines, I made my own!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is there a way to live stream without your screen reader being heard?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is there a way to live stream without your screen reader being heard?

Wires and cables; you'll want the drivers, but they're easy enough to track down.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

(I go to sleep and the thread expands to 150%. How can I respond to all that?)User guides and street crossings: sighted people do have to do those things. The advantage they have is being able to learn from watching others. And also, the fact that they are taught these things from a very early age, and blind people tend to be told they can't and kept in a bubble. Sighted children get edutainment videos about crossing the road. Barney, Disney, flippin' Dragonball all released videos about how to safely cross the street.Claiming that blindness is not a disability feels a lot like redefining words, IMO. It's a disability in the sense that blindness is the lack of a whole sense that the overwhelming majority has and have built civilization and basic adaptations around. If blindness was the norm, sight would be a superpower whose main weakness would be relying on it at the expense of nonvisual solutions to things.Having said that, though, I feel like some people in this thread are vastly underselling their abilities, and overestimating the sighted. Driving and easy access to text and nonverbal communication are denied us, true. On a "completely unrelated" note, did you know that cars are little more than 100 years old, and that even in the west, majority literacy is a relatively recent phenomenon? One would think that this would make blindness less disabling in 1800 than 2018, and yet, the oldest depiction of a blind person functioning independently I've read is Treasure Island, with the closest second being the Acts of Andrew (which is commonly considered a late Medieval writing claiming to be a late Roman era writing).How does blindness interfere in my daily life, other than driving and access to writing? Dropping things, and searching in the dark unused places where spiders gather. The former applies mostly to tiny things like nuts, and the latter is resolved by getting a healthier house.In a broader sense, I like creating things, and that my only means of doing so is handcrafts and typing chafes very much. By which I mean: video games. I'd love to go outside and see the sky and the grass and the trees, and that inability is a genuine loss, but it's pretty inconsequential, as losses go.Sticking out like a sore thumb, though? I hate that. I'd leave my house far more often if I could do so without being noticed. The reason this is noteworthy, though, is because it's different and unusual. Avoidance for fear of unsolicited attention is a self-perpetuating death-spiral. Avoid being seen doing things enough, and making a sandwich becomes a subject worth commentary from anyone who should pass by. If it doesn't go away after doing mundane things becomes normal, then people are being jerks, intentionally or otherwise.But those jerks, though. The self-entitled ones who act as though they are entitled to "help", and if you object in any way, they get to call you the rude one. That's a subject best left to Tumblr and blogs, but gah I am not a vending machine that takes in charity and outputs validation. I don't want sight as a means to escape this; I just want people to stop being entitled asses in sheeps clothing.So, yeah, like just about every issue ever, there's nuance and knowledge gaps and experiential differences all over the place.(Re: NFB. I've never encountered the types people talk about here. It's easy to see where the militant identitarian demanding stereotype comes from (just go to a general session at a convention), but the "blind people must x" and "have you heard of our lord and savior Kennith Jernigan?" stuff is well outside my experience. YMMV.)


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Re: vandettacrime a new browser based game by nonvisiongames

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: vandettacrime a new browser based game by nonvisiongames

Hi all, the manic Monday gift worth 10.000.000 pound cash and 10.000.000 pound bank is donated. Make sure to claim this within the upcoming 72 hours otherwise the chance to get it will be lost. new accounts will get this added by us. Don't stop reading yet, cause this part will contain some info about the ending of this round. In less then 2 weeks a new round will start. May i remind you to the prizes wich we hand out to the top 10 strength? 1st gift card for iTunes, google playstore, playstation network, xbox store or steam worth 50 euro. 2nd gift card for iTunes, google playstore, playstation network, xbox store or steam worth 40 euro. 3rd gift card for iTunes, google playstore, playstation network, xbox store or steam worth 30 euro. 4th gift card for iTunes, google playstore, playstation network, xbox store or steam worth 20 euro. 5th gift card for iTunes, google playstore, playstation network, xbox store or steam worth 10 euro. 6 to 10, credits worth 7.50 euro's Two footnotes, please keep these in mind.  1. for the top 5, it is also possible to get credits instead of the mentioned gift cards, all credit prizes will have the happy-hour values. thus, this means 30% extra credits! 2. There could be difficulties while gifting iTunes, google playstore, xbox or playstation cards, and don't have experience yet with steam cards, we will do our best to get them to you, but if ordering for your country is not available, we will tell you and ask to select a different prize. Good luck the remaining 2 weeks guys! Greetz pelantas


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Re: poll. New virtual state

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: poll. New virtual state

I think a utopia would be nice but its not like it is in the movies.Everyone talks about the ai take over, so maybe this empire thing aint up to us anymore, and to be honest I wander if the machines would make a better job of it than we currently do seriously.Votes, fuck it, elections, out the window!The world is no longer votes but business, other countries china, russia may interfeer with us but its probably just business.Others have their own agendas and all business.Trump is one of the big guys and we thought having a single voice would be good, and in theory thats a good idea.The issue with trump is that anything which is not to his liking is fake, all news is fake, everything else doesn't exist and he doesn't like just about everyone around him.His temper lets him down a big deal.There are rumors on some channels that there are places where they are training for the end when it comes.Rumors are that trump launches the first nuke this year somewhare.He says the fbi should focus on all the shootings rathan russia, and I do wander what he is hiding.Does the guy in charge of the biggest company actually have full control of yhis own.He is scared and covers things up, which means he probably doesn't, and maybe something is not good down below.Becides that, its the problem of globalisation and capitalism, good to start off with but we are dependant on money, and the markets.Machines you can hope don't become like us like that.Scifi movies like the matrix excluded but if the machines want the world, I'd say have a crack, we repeat the same thing continuously so maybe we become slaves for a bit, maybe we don't, nothing can be worse than what we do to ourselves.Back to the topic title, I wouldn't even try to make another state, most of the big governments, companies and spys are to busy fighting eachother we are nothing to the big corps.Its true, they own our data, our private lives, our cash and our boddies but we mean nothing to them so they let us continue, get theri attention and stop them from their goal which is knocking the stuffing out of eachother and they will kill us.Best leave well alone and survive as much as we can.They let us know that they spy on us, but show no real interest.We are fighting giants, but they see themselves as the threat usually, and not us.In some way all these shootings and terror attacks are while a bit of an issue shielding us from the monsters.To be blown up by a terrorist or shot by some mental maniac is bad enough but to be basically got rid of by one of the monsters well.To be honest who knows what giants think.I'd hate to get a big fist in my balls though.The only other thing on our side is that unless you steal from them or something even if you tried they don't care enough to respond.Even new zealand the country i live in is not imune.We have our issues, but at least for now we have kept out of most of the wars at least for 50 years or so, and while we have the usual small to medium attacks, crimes, and shootings, but no one has tried of yet to attack us directly for any reason for a while now.Hate to say this but maybe if the constatution was modified such that well no one should be armed bar well those that should we wouldn't have the issue.Here the police have guns, and yes we can defend ourselves if we need to, we all have licences, but its not ok for well everyone to just carry their piece about.Maybe when the us was yung you needed a gun everyone needed to be protected, but there are those that know this and can abuse this.If everyone carries a gun, heck, soon it will be worse.Maybe civilians should carry stun rifles or something about in case.As I said not sure about the us but as they are now we havn't had to many issues, a few shootings true and hunting mishaps but nothing totally huge.Ofcause its always a problem when your brother is a trump supporter.


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Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I do think this issue of entitlement is one sided though. Yes, sighted people can be pushy and entitled but so can blind people. I'd even argue blind people are more entitled and arrogant and pushy than sighed people in some cases too.Oh the militant groups are out there though, they absolutely are, I'm not going to say they aren't because you haven't run across them yourself but they certainly do exist. As do peaceful advocacy groups, too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Land of Livia: An IOS game which has been made accessible

For gems, each time you hear the ding tap the cut button. For lore research, keep in mind that letters can repeat.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: If there would be a way for getting your sight back, would you do it?

I do think this issue of entitlement is one sided though. Yes, sighted people can be pushy and entitled but so can blind people. I'd even argue blind people are more entitled and arrogant and pushy than sighed people in some cases too.Eh, maybe? I mean, at the extremes, we have the coddled blind people, and the militant activist blind people, and both of these can lead to some pretty self-entitlement-shaped attitudes and behaviors. And there is this culture that showers perceived disadvantage with free stuff. I don't really know how you'd go about measuring entitlement, though, so whether that manifests as a greater percentage in one group or the other, I couldn't say.Either way, it's bad and everyone should learn to stop getting mad at people for the terrible, vile, fiendish, diabolical offense of not giving them everything they want when and how they want it.


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