Re: [board-discuss] LibreOffice no longer in Apple store ?

2023-01-13 Thread Italo Vignoli
Hi Alex, some people see LibreOffice in the Apple Store, and some don't 
see it (I don't see it, and I see different things from you). We are 
investigating with Apple. The new version 7.4.4 was approved, and has 
been uploaded without issues as the previous one, so the behaviour is 
indeed strange.

On 1/13/23 09:34, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

Hello all,

A general question to the Board : has a decision been taken to remove 
LibreOffice from the Apple store (whether voluntarily or forced 
removal by Apple) ?

I ask because whilst searching today (13/01/2023) via the search bar 
of the store, there is only 1 LibreOffice specific result, and that is 
LibreOffice Viewer, being sold for 3,49 EUR, and figuring somewhere in 
the bottom quarter of all the results displayed.

Otherwise, sorting by relevance, the first occurrence of anything 
derived from OOo technology is NeoOffice (4th place), and Collabora 
Office (35th place).

The first 3 results, in order, are MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint.

Tried searching also with :

"Libre Office"

"libre office"


to no better effect (in fact, even worse, as NeoOffice gets shunted 
even further down).

Anyone on the board with knowledge of what is going on ?


Italo Vignoli
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829
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DB75 1534 3FD0 EA5F 56B5 FDA6 DE82 934C AAB8 D5C0

[board-discuss] Marketing/Community Budgets for 2023

2022-12-20 Thread Italo Vignoli
Let's do awesome things! Get support for your projects and ideas from 
TDF budget

Want to organise a local LibreOffice event? Need some merchandise to 
boost your project or community? Then we can help you!

The Document Foundation, the non-profit behind LibreOffice, is backed by 
contributions from ecosystem members and volunteers, as well as 
donations from end-users. This helps us to maintain TDF, but we can do a 
lot more too. And next year, we want to do a lot of projects again!

Each year, we set a budget that LibreOffice projects and communities can 
use for financial support. Some examples:

* Booking a location, and travel refunds for a local event (eg a 
translation sprint)

* Merchandise for community members, to use at events and conferences
* Infrastructure to start a new project (or help an existing one)

So if you have some ideas for a meetup, project or activity that could 
benefit from financial help, let us know! We can also assist you in 
other ways: our team members are there to help you, and enable you to do 
exciting and interesting things.

You don't need to work out all the technical details right now - the 
main thing is that we have an overview. To help us with planning, we 
kindly ask you to send your ideas by January 6, 2023, as we try to 
prepare the 2023 annual budget in January.

You can send your proposal (with estimated costs) to and, and 
we'll take a look. Of course, can't guarantee that everything will be 
considered and approved, but we'd love to hear your ideas!

Further reading:

Community Refunding:

Italo Vignoli
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829
GPG Key ID - 0xAAB8D5C0
DB75 1534 3FD0 EA5F 56B5 FDA6 DE82 934C AAB8 D5C0

[board-discuss] Proposal of Basic Lobby Activity on Behalf of TDF

2022-10-30 Thread Italo Vignoli
Following a request made on this list, which I filter (so, I won't read 
messages which are sent just to this list), this is the email I have 
sent to the Board of Directors.


In Milan it has been mentioned several times the need of increasing the 
presence of the LibreOffice community at EU level, to get more 
information about legislative activities, increase our profile and 
leverage the potential opportunities. I would like to start a structured 
activity based on the following actions:

1. Attend OFE (Open Forum Europe) meetings, both virtual and in person, 
to establish or reinforce the relationships with the other stakeholders, 
and get involved in activities targeted to the EU (at large). In 2022 
OFE has had two in person events (Brussels and Barcelona), and monthly 
online meetings.

2. Attend DIGIT and DG Connect events and workshops in Brussels, to 
reinforce the relationship with these structures, and make our voice 
heard on subjects such as FOSS, open standards and digital sovereignty.

3. Work with other stakeholders - FOSS related organizations such as 
OSBA and companies such a Murena, which have shown their commitment - at 
the creation and development of a lobbying activity in the common interest.

4. Of course, pursue other opportunities which are unforeseen at the 
moment (but could arise as an effect of the structured activities).

In term of budget, I forecast a yearly figure of € 6,000 maximum (based 
on 12 events during the year, which at the moment - missing a schedule - 
is a best guess).

I would manage the activities within my current relationship with TDF, 
and regularly report to the BoD on a regular basis in writing, and at 
least once per month in person during the BoD meeting to answer questions.

The first event to attend would be the DIGIT/DG Connect workshop in 
Brussels, scheduled on December 2 (expenses for this meeting, if 
approved, could be easily covered by 2022 marketing budget).

I therefore ask the BoD to approve/not to approve the activity ASAP, in 
order to organize the participation at the december workshop in due time.


Best regards.

Italo Vignoli
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829
GPG Key ID - 0xAAB8D5C0
DB75 1534 3FD0 EA5F 56B5 FDA6 DE82 934C AAB8 D5C0

[board-discuss] Re: LibreOffice in app stores free, paid or both?

2022-07-11 Thread Italo Vignoli
We provide a free version to all users on our website, which can be 
installed with a negligible effort on Windows (to disable the block) and 
macOS (to allow software from third parties), so the version available 
from app stores should have a cost (not only to cover the additional 
effort and expenses, but also to educate users to make the small effort 
requested to install the free version, which is often THE excuse for not 
switching to free software).

On 7/11/22 15:52, Paolo Vecchi wrote:

Hi all,

I just wanted to ask the community how they think LibreOffice should 
be published in the various app stores.

Should it be:

a. available at a cost
b. free
c. both

As this is one of the items that will be discussed during tonight's 
board meeting, it would be great to have comments in writing and also 
having you in the meeting to share your point of view.



Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 -
GPG Key ID - 0xAAB8D5C0
DB75 1534 3FD0 EA5F 56B5 FDA6 DE82 934C AAB8 D5C0

[board-discuss] IMPORTANT UPDATE LibreOffice Conference

2022-07-01 Thread Italo Vignoli
We apologize for being silent about LibreOffice Conference 2022, but we 
have had significant but unforeseeable logistic issues in Bolzano when 
we have looked for available hotel rooms.

Even the local tourism authority has not been able to find more than a 
handful of rooms available for the last week of September, definitely 
not enough for the number of attendees we are expecting.

Luckily, there are other beautiful cities in Italy. To avoid similar 
issues, we have decided to explore Milan, as the number of conference 
venues and hotel rooms is so large that chances of finding somethig 
suitable was definitely higher.

In fact, we have found a beautiful conference space right behind Piazza 
del Duomo at Fondazione Culturale San Fedele, right in the center of the 
city, and rooms in hotels close to the metro (which reaches Piazza del 
Duomo). The conference will represent an opportunity to visit Milan, 
which is one of Italy's most beautiful cities.

We will share all logistic details before July 15. Together with the 
logistic details, we will share infos about places to see, and food & 
drinks to enjoy.

The dates of the conference have not changed: we will start on September 
28 with community meetings, while the conference will be on September 29 
and 30 (full day), and will close in the morning of October 1st.

People who want to attend the event can start looking at flights to one 
of Milan's three airports: Milan Linate (LIN), Milan Malpensa (MXP) and 
Bergamo Orio al Serio (BGY). Milan can be reached by high-speed train 
from Paris, and with long-distance trains from most of Europe.

As soon as we share logistic details, we also suggest people to look for 
hotel rooms based on the list of affordable hotels close to the metro we 
are putting together. Most of the hotels will be rather small, as large 
hotels are usually quite expensive.

Milan has a rather large metro network, and public transport which get 
almost everywhere. To get around the city with public transport, we use 
the Moovit smartphone app, which is quite helpful. Taxis are extremely 
expensive, and should be used only for emergencies (NEVER from and to 
airports, as there are cheap bus services).

Looking forward to meeting the community in Milan, nine years after 2013 
LibOCon hosted by the University of Milan.

Best regards, Italo

NOTE - Please share this message with your native language community

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
GPG Key ID - 0xAAB8D5C0
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Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-06-25 Thread Italo Vignoli
Replying from the smartphone.

The LibreOffice Technology umbrella brand has been developed to group all 
products based on the LibreOffice transactional engine, independently from 
their origin and from details which are irrelevant for the end user such as 
file's headers.

Prohibiting its use would be against the spirit and the objectives of the 
marketing plan, and would kill it forever (the label Community has already 
killed half of it, by providing a wrong message to the project stakeholders).

Best regards, Italo

25 Jun 2022 15:41:03 Paolo Vecchi :

> Hi Laszlo,
> thanks for your engagement. Just a few notes as I've been directly involved 
> in proposing to get the community to be more involved with LOOL and to enjoy 
> it's use while trying to agree with the major code contributor a mutually 
> beneficial way to do it.
> On 24/06/2022 17:27, wrote:
>> We need not only a security warning, but clear information that the
>> recommended versions of LOOL are still CODE and Collabora Online 
>> (LibreOffice Technology (TM)).
> I respectfully disagree.
> We can surely promote the fact that there are members of the ecosystem that 
> provide support and other services that TDF does not provide for LibreOffice 
> Community on the desktop but then that's it.
> As we are not, yet, delivering to our community LOOL Community we don't have 
> a supported edition to recommend. CODE and Collabora Online are just other 
> products from a member of the ecosystem that at present have no TDF's hosted 
> community version to refer to.
> So at the end we cannot recommend an enterprise version of something we do 
> not publish.
>> A few months ago my corporate client wasted time and money because they 
>> didn't notice on the
>> TDF site that LOOL is not actively developed.
> It was a very unfortunate outcome and but it's a long time that we promote 
> the fact that corporate clients should seek adequate support services.
> LOOL has been frozen, by a split board vote, due to the unilateral decision 
> of the major code contributor to fork and not contribute back.
> You will find in the board-discuss archives several threads that try to 
> explain how hard the board worked to provide more support to members of the 
> ecosystem and to find a mutually beneficial agreement but once we made good 
> our side the agreement the other side just walked out.
>> Thanks to the helpfulness of employees of
>> Collabora Productivity, now they can test its fork with an up-to-date 
>> LibreOffice in their intranet, and
>> started to contribute back to CODE (they have already been one of the 
>> biggest contributors
>> of LibreOffice Desktop).
> It is good that your corporate client can enjoy the benefits of the combined 
> efforts in terms of code and lots of contributions from TDF and the wider 
> community.
> Your corporate client made anyway the right choice as, unless they have a 
> very capable team able to fix bugs and contribute back to a community project 
> as LOOL was, then they should get support from other parties.
>> Why do we need to emphasize that CODE/Collabora Online are the recommended 
>> versions (by TDF, too:
> Thank you for pointing to that page that has been heavily edited since last 
> time I looked at it.
> It now seems to be an advertising page for products for which TDF doesn't 
> have a community counterpart so I wonder if those changes shouldn't be 
> reverted.
>> Not only because LOOL was the idea and for the most part, product of 
>> Collabora Productivity,
>> but because the original core LOOL developers still work for Collabora in 
>> the spirit of the
>> free software: CODE is the only actively developed version of LOOL, and this 
>> is the only maintained
>> version which contributes back to LibreOffice actively.
> LOOL has been "temporarily" frozen for a long time so or we take a decision 
> to bring it back to life, following suggestions that arrived in the past few 
> days, or there is no LOOL and as a consequence no alternatives to point to.
> OSSII seems to show that it is possible to have both a commercial and a 
> community version, a bit of a shame that we couldn't find an agreement with a 
> major contributor of LOOL. If it will be possible to create clear rules for 
> cooperation, which might also include synergies to improve CJK handling, then 
> that could be a commercial offering available for enterprise users. Needs 
> more investigation.
> Andreas options also requires investigation as it seems to involve 
> backporting of an Open Source project managed by a commercial provider. It 
> would be great to see if that commercial provider is also willing to 
> cooperate under clear rules so that we can refer back to their products for 
> enterprise users.
>>> If after 12 months we don't 

[board-discuss] IMPORTANT LibreOffice Conference

2022-06-15 Thread Italo Vignoli
We have been silent about the LibreOffice Conference because we are 
experiencing a few unexpected logistic issues. We are working hard to 
solve them as soon as possible, but in the meantime we ask you to wait 
before confirming your travel programs, or to get in touch with us if 
you have already booked your flights.

The objective is to keep the dates of the conference, but the location 
may change to another city. We will communicate the details in the next 
couple of weeks.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
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[board-discuss] LibreOffice Conference 2022

2022-05-02 Thread Italo Vignoli
The LibreOffice Conference 2022 will be a hybrid event (in presence + 
remote) from September 28 (community day) to October 1st, with opening 
session on September 29 at 9:30AM and closing session on October 1st at 1PM.

The venue is NOI Tech Park in Bolzano/Bozen/Bulsan (trilingual area) in 
South Tyrol (Northern Italy), a very well known location for FOSS and 
the home of the SFScon (South Tyrol FOSS Conference).

We will publish the official announcement on the blog and social media, 
including the sponsorship packages for the ecosystem companies, later 
this week.

Best regards, Italo

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
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[board-discuss] The Document Foundation suspends RusBITech from its Advisory Board

2022-02-28 Thread Italo Vignoli

We have just published the following statement on TDF blog:

Following a short exchange of opinions with several community members, 
as of Saturday 26th of February 2022, TDF has suspended RusBITech’s 
membership in the Advisory Board.

While TDF does not get involved in politics in any way, the apparent 
involvement of RusBITech with the Russian Federation’s military complex 
creates a serious moral concern in the current situation.

We have reached out to RusBITech to explain why suspending – and 
possibly cancelling – their membership is a necessary step, based on the 
information we have been able to gather from their website and other 
trusted online sources. In the past, we have worked constructively with 
RusBITech’s representatives, and the decision is in no way related to 
the people themselves and our cooperation around free open source software.

The Document Foundation asks all FOSS advocates and supporters, and all 
LibreOffice community members, contributors and users across the world 
to work for peace in these challenging times, and hopes sincerely that 
the current crisis will soon be over. We will reassess our decision 
after that.

Further updates will be published when more information will be made 

The Board of The Document Foundation
Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
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Re: [board-discuss] Re: Enable TDF to contribute more code to LibreOffice with in-house developers to address our donors specific needs

2022-02-10 Thread Italo Vignoli

On 2/10/22 17:27, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

Yes, but it looks like the discussion is blocked one step before
reaching a consensus on this very simple point. If the discussion
as such, I have to say that I don't feel I am represented - as a TDF
Member - by any member of the just elected board of directors (of
course, those who have expressed their opinions).

This is very sad to hear :-(  I am afraid this is a product of the
unilateral & vigorous presentation of hiring developers as the only way
forward, regardless of what the ecosystem companies have to say.

I disagree. This is the result of BoD members pointing fingers to each 
other without even trying to start a discussion and reach consensus.

I would have applauded a reaction to the message that has opened this 
thread which was integrating the proposal with some additional thoughts 
and suggestions, to specify which could be the areas where a developer 
hired by TDF could work for the common benefit of the project.

Sorry, but I haven't seen anything like this so far.
Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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Re: [board-discuss] Re: Enable TDF to contribute more code to LibreOffice with in-house developers to address our donors specific needs

2022-02-10 Thread Italo Vignoli

On 2/10/22 17:53, Michael Meeks wrote:

 It would be deeply unfortunate if the above was read as questioning 
the legitimacy and composition of the new board - and that before they 
have been seated and/or taken a single decision. It would be good to 
clarify that reading.

I am not questioning the legitimacy and composition of the board, I am 
questioning the behaviour of its members.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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Re: [board-discuss] Enable TDF to contribute more code to LibreOffice with in-house developers to address our donors specific needs

2022-02-10 Thread Italo Vignoli

On 2/10/22 14:56, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

Comes to my mind - as you deal with the donors daily, and particularly
ask them why do they want to stop their recurring donations (in case
they do), I wonder if there is an aggregated data available somewhere?

The majority of recurring donations is stopped immediately after the 
first donation by the donor, when he gets the receipt and realizes that 
he has triggered a recurring donation instead of a one off.

Then there is a number of donors who ask to stop the recurring donation. 
Some of them provide a reason, which in some cases is that he wanted to 
donate once and not on a recurring basis, in some cases lack of money, 
and in some other because they don't use the software anymore (no bug or 
other technical reason provided).

A small number of donors block donations because the software doesn't 
fit their needs or is too difficult to use (again, without providing any 
technical reason or a bug).

You should always consider the fact that only a very small number of 
users is capable of spotting bugs, as for them the software always works 
as intended. It took me several years to get a marginal understanding of 
bugs, and I have been working in technology environments since 1982. The 
majority of users is technically dumb, including people who are supposed 
to be competent, and this is just a fact.

Also, in case it is a concrete problem that stops them donating any
longer, please do you have an opportunity to file bugzilla tickets for
such cases?

Since 2013, not a single user has related stopping donations with bugs, 
while some donors have related their donation to solving bugs.

Best regards, Italo
Italo Vignoli -
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829
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[board-discuss] Vote about Certification Updates

2021-07-06 Thread Italo Vignoli
As agreed during the last BoD call (July 2nd), I would like the BoD to 
approve the following:

1. Develop a training for certification (attached), which allows to 
access the "LibreOffice Certified" entry level (without specification 
about migrations and training), after the usual certification review. 
Once the training for certification has been approved, it will be 
transformed into a series of online training classes provided through 
Udemy (which seems to be almost a standard for certification training, 
as it is used by Microsoft, Oracle and Cisco, plus others).

2. Keep the current "Migration Professional" and "Professional Trainer" 
as main level certification for people who have a hands-on experience in 
migrations or training (exactly as in the past). People with LibreOffice 
Certification could apply for Professional Certification after 12 months 
from the first certification, based on a migration/training project with 
extensive documentation (a detailed report of the migration project, or 
a detailed evaluation of the training project). Only people with full 
pre-requisites compliance can directly access Professional Certification 
without going through LibreOffice Certification.

3. Create the certification training for single applications: 
"LibreOffice Writer/Calc/Impress/Draw/Base Certified Trainer", which is 
simple and uncontroversial.

4. Create a "Senior Migration Professional" and a "Senior Professional 
Trainer" certifications, only for certified professionals who have been 
active in the project for a while and contribute as volunteers in some area.

5. Update all certification related documents to reflect all the above.

Thanks, Italo

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
GPG Key ID - 0xAAB8D5C0
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Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation

[board-discuss] Re: Reach out for ad space

2021-06-02 Thread Italo Vignoli
Hi, we are not accepting any kind of advertising on our web properties, 
independently from the topic. Best regards.

On 6/2/21 3:03 PM, wrote:


  We are interested in advertising. We want to advertise guest article 
on your site Our article will be written 
according to your site theme and will include a link to a betting site.

  What is the rate for this?

  IMPORTANT: If you are not accepting links to gambling site we might be 
still interested, Please mention the rate for regular links as well

  Skype: shanker2020
  Telegram 9966160005
  WhatsApp number: 9966160005

  Thank you"

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
GPG Key ID - 0xAAB8D5C0
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Re: [board-discuss] TDF Advisory Board Members

2021-03-23 Thread Italo Vignoli

OSI statement:

On 3/23/21 6:46 PM, Simon Phipps wrote:
I'll be more direct than Andreas in this matter. Given the FSF Board has 
demonstrated[1] that it is aware that reappointing RMS would be regarded 
as bad judgement by everyone at LibrePlanet, and given other 
organisations[2] are choosing to disconnect FSF from their governance, 
TDF's Board should also consider removal of FSF from their advisory 
board, at least temporarily until it has achieved representative 



On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 10:08 AM Andreas Mantke <>> wrote:


I read about the change in the board of the FSF, a member of the TDF
Advisory Board:


There are a lot of contributors in the Free Software business, which are
seeing this change toxic for this business.

What's the position of TDF board on this topic? And how to proceed with
the Advisory Board membership?


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Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
GPG Key ID - 0xAAB8D5C0
DB75 1534 3FD0 EA5F 56B5 FDA6 DE82 934C AAB8 D5C0

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Re: [board-discuss] LibreOffice 7.1 marketing plan and label ("tag")

2020-12-15 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 12/15/20 6:41 PM, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

> I personally like 'Rolling' a lot, it just appears we can't pull it
> off for 7.1.

But the label is "community", which is really impossible to associate
with the idea of anything "rolling", which means that the label will not
help here.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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[board-discuss] LibreOffice 7.1 marketing plan and label ("tag")

2020-12-15 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 12/15/20 2:38 AM, Brett Cornwall wrote:

> Of note is that all of this has not been soliciting the feedback of the
> target audience. We need to know what works with the target audience -
> the so-called "freeloaders", the entire point of this change - to
> measure the effectiveness of such a change. Anything less results in
> wild speculation with an unknown result until the change is pushed and
> is "tested in production".

Actually, a panel representing the target audience was solicited, and
the answer was "personal". That proposal, which was considered as BS by
several people, was done for free by a friend of mine - a Senior VP of
Interbrand, the leading branding agency worldwide - on their panel of
naming experts.

Of course, as they did it for free on a friendly basis (it usually costs
from 50K US dollars up), we didn't get the usual report they produce for
similar naming projects. But for a bottle of Sagrantino and some salami
from Norcia (both from my birthplace) we couldn't expect it.

> While it's admirable that the contributing community was consulted we're
> only collecting data from a specific group of nerds, not the "real
> world". That "rolling" made it to final votes is a testament to that
> fact...

While "rolling" is a term associated to software releases only by nerds,
the "rolling" concept can easily be associated with something moving
forward by normal people.

So, if you de-couple "rolling" from "release", and couple it with "idea"
or "object" you get the feeling of what could be the positioning if the
choice was "rolling" (very similar to "advance").

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] LibreOffice Online - repository and translations

2020-12-02 Thread Italo Vignoli
Page has been updated, apologies

On 12/2/20 3:02 PM, Lionel Élie Mamane wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 02, 2020 at 12:23:22PM +0100, Florian Effenberger wrote:
>> As the vote is a tied vote, § 9 IV of the statutes come to
>> effect. The Chairperson has the deciding vote, and voted +1 to the
>> proposal.
> Interestingly,
> doesn't say who the chair is :)

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [tdf-members] [board-discuss] Re: Personal: and software freedom.

2020-11-25 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 11/25/20 12:30 PM, Edmund Laugasson wrote:

> Does this mean also separate software development, files to download and
> LibreOffice functionality in different versions listed below? If so,
> then I don't approve this. Imagine separate software packages with
> different functionality to download for each of LibreOffice version in
> that list. This will fragment LibreOffice and makes it copy proprietary
> software approach and basically means commercialization. Certainly we
> need engage more people, organizations, enteprises, etc but with
> different kind of services (nowadays remotely appreciated). If it is so,
> then it's fine.

A change of license, features, and development strategy has never been
under discussion. The discussion is about labels to be used to improve
targeting of the marketing strategy.

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation & LibreOffice
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829

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[board-discuss] REMINDER Discussion about Marketing Plan

2020-11-10 Thread Italo Vignoli
Please do remind that the next discussion about the marketing plan is
scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, November 11, at 3PM CET (Berlin time)
/ 2PM UTC in this room:

Of course, this is not intended to replace the discussion on the
marketing mailing list, which is open until November 15.

Focusing on action items, the discussion is open on the following:

1. Product Label for the community supported version provided by TDF
(i.e. Personal or Community or other proposals)
1.1 Proposals and discussion on the public marketing list by November 15
1.2 If necessary, vote for decision only by TDF Members by November 25
1.3 Final board decision during one of the December meetings, before
string freeze for 7.1 (due end of January early February)
1. Label (no label is not an option)
2. Where to position the label: title bar, about box, start center

2. LibreOffice Technology ingredient brand
2.1 Marketing will collect ideas and suggestions about the use of the
ingredient brand by November 10, and then will summarize them in a guide
2.2 Board will comment, update and approve the guide by November 25
1. LibreOffice Technology ingredient brand
2. Who should use it and where (i.e. just on products, products and
marketing materials, other places)

3. LibreOffice Enterprise label
2.1 Marketing will collect ideas and suggestions about the use of the
ingredient brand by November 10, and then will summarize them in a guide
2.2 Board will comment, update and approve the guide by November 25
1. LibreOffice Enterprise label
2. Who should use it and where (i.e. just on products, products and
marketing materials, other places)

4. LibreOffice Certification
Discussion will happen on the certification mailing list after LibOCon,
for decision by November 25 and BoD approval by December for deployment
in 2021

5. LibreOffice Online
For the time being, this discussion is on hold until a formal statement
from the BoD will clarify the situation WRT the development at TDF.

Looking forward to the discussion on the global marketing list (for
those not subscribed, the address is

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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[board-discuss] Community/Marketing Budgets 2021

2020-11-06 Thread Italo Vignoli
Dear members of LibreOffice native language communities,
We are going through challenging times, for reasons which have nothing
to do with free open source software. The pandemic is hitting hard every
geography, and as a consequence all activities are slowed down or delayed.

In 2020, we were supposed to organize events and other face-to-face
meetings, and this was reflected by approved budget requests. Because of
the situation, the majority of the budget has not been spent.

On the other hand, we want to support your community and marketing
activities under the new conditions, where the majority of countries is
under partial or total lockdowns, or – in the best of cases – with
constrained mobility.

The situation is not going to change for the foreseeable future, so for
the first six months of 2021, if not for the entire year.

So, we have to schedule in advance marketing/community activities, to
approve the budget as soon as possible – hopefully before the end of
2020 or very early in 2021 – and have the time to get organized.

We are therefore asking native language communities to provide the

1. A list of objectives you would like to pursue in 2021. Please avoid
wishful thinking, and stick to achievable objectives. A few examples:
organize a virtual meeting with public administrations to educate them
about LibreOffice and ODF; organize a local Virtual LibreOffice
Conference; support local groups organizing activities – from remote –
in schools and universities; etc.

2. For each objective, provide a rationale and a sensible amount of
money. Again, we are spending donations money, and we must be extremely
cautious both with requests and with approvals. Requests missing a
rationale or spending details (easy to understand) will not be approved.

3. For requests equal or exceeding 1,000 euro, you must provide the
outline of a project, because a large amount of money is probably
covering different expense chapters (infrastructure, suppliers, OOP
money) and budget approvers should be allowed to have a clear picture of
what they approve.

Examples of activities which TDF will provide a budget for:

1. virtual community events (aimed at getting face-time for contributors)

2. marketing activities (aimed at representing the project to the
outside world)

3. community events in presence (only if possible according to the local

4. targeted projects (for instance, promoting LibreOffice in schools)

In addition, we ask you to provide a list, if any, of infrastructure
related requests, such as - for example - additional computing power or
new services for your native language community.

The idea is to have a good plan for 2021 as soon as possible, while
keeping the administrative overhead low, and have two authorizers
responsible for the final approval of the budget.

TDF BoD will provide a budget bucket for marketing and a budget bucket
for community. Budget requests will be associated to the relevant
budget, and then approved by budget approvers (according to the
availability of funds).


Before sending any budget request, please read carefully TDF
reimbursement policies:

Deadline for the submission is November 30, 2020. Submission should be
sent to, with copy to, and

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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[board-discuss] IMPORTANT Discussion about Marketing Plan

2020-11-02 Thread Italo Vignoli
To facilitate discussion about the marketing plan, I will be available
in the following Jitsi room
between 3PM and 4:30PM CET (Berlin time) on Wednesday November 4 and
Wednesday November 11.

If you cannot attend because you are busy, please suggest a different
schedule between 9AM and midnight Berlin time (CET or UTC+1), and I will
try to organize my agenda to be available at the desired day and time.

Of course, this is not intended to replace the discussion on the
marketing mailing list, which is open until November 15.

Focusing on action items, the discussion is open on the following:

1. Product Label for the community supported version provided by TDF
(i.e. Personal or Community or other proposals)
1.1 Proposals and discussion on the public marketing list by November 15
1.2 If necessary, vote for decision only by TDF Members by November 25
1.3 Final board decision during one of the December meetings, before
string freeze for 7.1 (due end of January early February)
1. Label (no label is not an option)
2. Where to position the label: title bar, about box, start center

2. LibreOffice Technology ingredient brand
2.1 Marketing will collect ideas and suggestions about the use of the
ingredient brand by November 10, and then will summarize them in a guide
2.2 Board will comment, update and approve the guide by November 25
1. LibreOffice Technology ingredient brand
2. Who should use it and where (i.e. just on products, products and
marketing materials, other places)

3. LibreOffice Enterprise label
2.1 Marketing will collect ideas and suggestions about the use of the
ingredient brand by November 10, and then will summarize them in a guide
2.2 Board will comment, update and approve the guide by November 25
1. LibreOffice Enterprise label
2. Who should use it and where (i.e. just on products, products and
marketing materials, other places)

4. LibreOffice Certification
Discussion will happen on the certification mailing list after LibOCon,
for decision by November 25 and BoD approval by December for deployment
in 2021

5. LibreOffice Online
For the time being, this discussion is on hold until a formal statement
from the BoD will clarify the situation WRT the development at TDF.

Looking forward to the discussion on the global marketing list (for
those not subscribed, the address is

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
GPG Key ID - 0xAAB8D5C0
DB75 1534 3FD0 EA5F 56B5 FDA6 DE82 934C AAB8 D5C0

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[board-discuss] Discussion about Marketing Plan

2020-10-24 Thread Italo Vignoli
1. Discussions abut the marketing plan happening here will be ignored,
as clearly stated in the message where we asked for contributions only
on the marketing mailing list

2. Opinions of people who decided that contributing to the discussion
could include insults to other people (such as, what you are saying is
utter bullshit) will be ignored, because they have not behaved as good
community citizens (so, refrain from writing on the marketing list, as
your opinion will not be considered in any case)

3. Sorry, but "no label is not an option" is rather clear as a
statement, this is backed by the BoD because the rationale is rather
clear, and if we want to have a comprehensive marketing plan where all
ecosystem members are involved we need a label (so, again, no label is
not an option)

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] Re: [libreoffice-marketing] The Edition Matter

2020-10-24 Thread Italo Vignoli
 other editions to confirm they too are approved by
>>> TDF.
>>> The term "Community Edition" is very commonly used to differentiate
>>> feature-limited versions so if I had to choose, I would rather our
>>> version
>>> was considered strong because we use an "Official Edition" tag rather
>>> than
>>> the software produced by others being considered stronger because we
>>> use a
>>> "Community Edition" tag.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Simon
>>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 3:16 PM Nigel Verity 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Doesn't this imply there are some unofficial and, thereby,
>>>> untrustworthy
>>>> editions in circulation?
>>>> Nige
>>>>> On 23 Oct 2020, at 06:44, Simon Phipps  wrote:
>>>>> Taking on board all the concerns about not giving the impression of a
>>>>> weaker version, and if "no label" is really not an option, how about
>>>>> calling TDF's package "official edition"?

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Friday, September 25th at 1300 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2020-09-23 Thread Italo Vignoli
Constructive discussions and inputs collected from all channels were reflected 
in the second iteration of the marketing plan, which in fact is substantially 
different from the first one.

[board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Friday, September 25th at 1300 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2020-09-23 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 9/23/20 11:32 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

>  a) LibreOffice 7.0/7.1 marketing plan
>     URL:
>     Status: Paolo, Franklin, Michael, Thorsten, Mike, Italo continue
> working on this, Follow-on meeting was done, information/what is
> uncontroversial and could be decided to be done now

Redmine ticket has been updated with a link to the third iteration of
the strategic marcom plan.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-09 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 9/9/20 11:29 PM, Cor Nouws wrote:

> This is a very interesting point. 4k people in Weblate, so that would be
> 350 persons or so on average for every language that LibreOffice supports?

Although I have a degree in humanities, I am still capable of handling
basic operations: 4000 divided by 140 active language projects gives as
a result 28.6, quite a smaller figure. Even if we consider only the 119
available languages, the figure is 33.6.

>> I think that a solution to this issue is to reach out to native language
>> communities, especially outside Europe, where the relationship with the
>> core group is less strong.

> I think we have to recognize that the number of 4k people there is very
> high. Even if say 10% would contribute (...) it is unrealistic to expect
> that their membership will help with a balanced, strong governance of
> the foundation.

According to the statutes, if they contribute they can become TDF
members. Statutes do not mention at all the way their membership can
help a balanced and strong governance of the foundation. And in any
case, how each TDF member helps a balanced and strong governance falls
under the personal judgement, and here each one may have a completely
different point of view.

> Yet, having them on our side showing support, spreading the word, is
> important. And the same applies in the area of e.g. marketing and
> design. We do want to value the support also from people that help on a
> booth or do a local presentation 2, 3 times a year and have them engaged.
> Is it necessary to try to make them all member? Growing membership is
> not a goal of the community.

My opinion is completely different here, and I think there are several
other people who share my point of view. Actually, several people asked
about ideas to grow the membership by involving more contributors.

> More important is that the board of
> trustees is composed in a way, that this supports that people who
> are doing the hard and essential work of development will also be
> leading their own work. We cannot afford that the meritocracy
> disappears; this is undesired.

Sorry, but I completely disagree here. Having a board of trustees based
only on developers would be as bad as having a board of trustees without
developers, and would kill meritocracy in both cases.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
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Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 9/4/20 4:26 PM, Michael Meeks wrote:

>   Sorry for that. The essence of the question is simple - if you
> want to grow the membership there are at least these two approaches:

>   + encourage more people to contribute more to meet
> the criteria
> or
>   + lower the criteria for membership

There is a third solution: convince more contributors to apply for
membership, as many of them do not even know that it is possible to
become TDF members by contributing to LibreOffice.

For instance, we have over 4K people registered on weblate, or 20 times
as many TDF members. Of course, many of them would not qualify as their
contribution is marginal, but many would.

I think that a solution to this issue is to reach out to native language
communities, especially outside Europe, where the relationship with the
core group is less strong.

>   I would hope that:

> "* How do you believe we can improve the existing election
>system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?"

>   Is a legitimate question for the MC candidates ?

I think the question is legitimate if you take away the last portion:
"assuming the statutes can be tweaked". I do not see how the statutes
can be tweaked, but I think that they can be applied with some added
flexibility ("flexible" is different from "tweaked").

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] New Version of Strategic Marcom Plan

2020-07-17 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 7/16/20 11:36 PM, Uwe Altmann wrote:

> Slide 28
> What is the surplus of the sum of "volonteers" and "ecosystem" to form the 
> "community"? Users? Takers?

That is a visual representation of the relationships between volunteers
and ecosystem inside the community, and has no relation with the size of
the constituents. So outside community and ecosystem there is nothing,
but an oval which contains both smaller ovals to show that they are part
of the same community has some extra space as a consequence of the oval
shape (if I has used circles, the extra space would have been bigger).

> And my "ceterum censeo..."
> Slide 49/50
> This is why I and some others propose "" set as TDB - so we get "LibreOffice" 
> and "LibreOffice Enterprise,[brought to you by XYZ]" as a result. This avoids 
> all of the possible negative connotations each of the proposed "additions" to 
> the build distributed by TDF brings. And allows the intended discrimination 
> as well:
> Basically we say there is a "LibreOffice" (vanilla) and "LibreOffice with 
> benefits" (Enterprise,...) - and that's exactly what we want to tell the 
> people, isn't it?

We have to find a solution where there is consensus by all parties, and
it looks that consensus is partially missing on the one you suggest.

I may or may not agree with the proposed solutions (there will be a day
when I will write a lengthy blog post where I will tell in a transparent
way what I think about this story and the people involved, but this is
not the right time), so the objective is to reach consensus with an
acceptable compromise.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] New Version of Strategic Marcom Plan

2020-07-15 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 7/15/20 6:36 PM, Kev M wrote:

> I still don't like slide 46: "...focused on needs of individual users" -
> Why can't it say only "you are using the volunteer supported version of
> LibreOffice" - or "you are using the volunteer supported version of
> LibreOffice, this version does for enterprise/professional support
> services please see [URL to Enterprise page]"

That has still to be discussed.

> Slides 49 & 50:
> I think the board will have to vote on this. Italo's perspective is the
> opposite of some of the other engaged users on this issue. Based on the
> slides, he sees Personal as implying no restrictions, while Community
> does. Others, see it from the perspective that Community implies no
> restrictions, while Personal does. Aside from doing a randomized market
> research survey of 1,000 respondents there will be no empirically
> researched right answer.

Actually, the name Personal has been suggested by a branding specialist,
based on a knowledge database of thousands of names (he is a friend and
a former colleague, so I paid him with rigatoni alla gricia and a good
bottle of red wine, but he is usually far more expensive).

> Slide 55:
> .business is and improvement to .biz (at least in North America), but
> why not for the commercial version, and
> for the Community, etc. version?

Because is owned by TDF, and we cannot promote an
enterprise product on a TDF web property, as otherwise we would risk to
lose our charitable status. So, we need a compromise.

> 62: Strongly suggest not adding a Start Screen to LibreOffice online for
> UX reasons. There's no need to create a barrier to accessing documents
> online when none of the other providers have this layer.

The document just confirms that the start screen is missing, and does
not even hint to add one.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] New Version of Strategic Marcom Plan

2020-07-15 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 7/15/20 6:36 PM, Kev M wrote:

> I don't know what the acronym USP means.

Unique Selling Proposition

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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[board-discuss] New Version of Strategic Marcom Plan

2020-07-15 Thread Italo Vignoli
A new version of the strategic marcom plan has been uploaded to

Please refer to this version for your comment, as it clarifies some
specific points which were raised during the discussion, although not
mentioned at all in the previous slide deck.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] Some problems.

2020-07-13 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 7/13/20 12:01 PM, Uwe Altmann wrote:

> Therefor look for advice from marketing experts (NOT of sales or PR or 
> communication or the like professionals who call themselves "marketing 
> expert"!) (sorry Italo, you are undoubtedly a highly qualified communications 
> professional, but you're not doing marketing in my sense).

Thanks for the appreciation as communications professional. By the way
during my career I have been Vice President Marketing for Honeywell IS,
which at the time was second only to IBM in the computer business, then
- as a consultant - Marketing Manager Europe for Adobe, in charge of all
activities for PDF and Photoshop (both products were not doing so bad)
from 1989 to 1999, when I was hired by Macromedia to launch the Internet
product suite (Dreamweaver and all the associated products, but that was
indeed a less successful experience), and then I moved - always as a
consultant - to Dell in Italy until 2004.

I have been in marketing roles from 1981 to 2004, or 23 years, although
for quite some time I have had a different "formal" role as the company
I was working for was not focused on marketing specific consultancy.

I have attended a master training course about B2B Marketing at General
Electric Management School in Crotonville (NY) when I was at Honeywell,
and I have a BA in Marketing Management at ISTUD in Italy.

Of course, I respect your opinion about my limited marketing skills, so
this is just for your info.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] LibreOffice Personal & TDF's statutes & purpose

2020-07-09 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 7/9/20 6:35 PM, Aravind Palla wrote:

> - that there will be no change of license;

Based on what you assume there can be a change of license, the marketing
plan says exactly the opposite, i.e. we do stay loyal to the copyleft
license, which is one of the pillars of the project.

> - that there will be no 'exclusive' features for the proposed enterprise 
> edition other than dedicated support like priority bug-fixing, help, etc.;

Same as above.

> - that the LibreOffice Community Edition will function as effectively as the 
> proposed LibreOffice Enterprise Edition without any restrictions;

Same as above.

> - that the intention of the board is not to commercialize the office suite 
> which creates commotion among the great community that has been supporting 
> LibreOffice since years;

Same as above.

> - that the board respects the principles of freedom (libre) software.

Same as above.

Sorry, but speculating on topics which are not even mentioned by the
marketing plan does not help at all. Using the word personal, as in
personal computer, does not imply anything of the above.

Yes, the word "personal" can be misunderstood by community members, as
only one person - a Fedora contributor - got it right, but it was chosen
also to avoid the potential issues of the word "community", which is
used by many open core projects for the free and feature limited version
(a quick search provides the following: Alfresco, Bacula, Bonita Studio,
FengOffice, GitLab, Knowage, Liferay, MySQL, NXLog, Odoo, OnlyOffice,
OpenClinica, OpenKM, OpenProject, OpenVPN, Shopware, SonarQube, SugarCRM
and Visual Paradigm).

Best regards.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] UPDATED Draft Marketing Plan 2020-2025

2020-07-09 Thread Italo Vignoli
All community members should look regularly at the dashboard, is a very
useful tool which provides a good overview of activities.

On 7/9/20 5:21 PM, Paolo Vecchi wrote:
> Thanks Italo.
> I still need to learn a lot of stuff ;-)
> Paolo
> On 09/07/2020 17:18, Italo Vignoli wrote:
>> Just a quick note.
>> On 7/9/20 5:11 PM, Paolo Vecchi wrote:
>>>> Slide 15 and 16
>>>> These two are a slap into the face of many of the community members. It is 
>>>> made clear that only contributions to the source code are counted - but 
>>>> outlined as "Community the last two years - community by numbers". Perhaps 
>>>> the authors should rehearse the regulations of membership of the TDF and 
>>>> what is considered as contribution there - and correct their metrics then 
>>>> accordingly in a hurry. For instance, I never contributed one line of code 
>>>> into the repository - so I'm not contributing? In that metrics surely not. 
>>>> With Italo or Mike S., I'm not that sure  .
>>> The title of the slides should probably state that they talk about code
>>> contributions.
>> The two slides are extracted from the dashboard, and they are about all
>> contributions to the project which are parsed by the different tools, so
>> they are rather inclusive although they do not include all localizations
>> and all email threads. If you look at the dashboard, the page is called
>> "community". Code contributions are a subset.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] UPDATED Draft Marketing Plan 2020-2025

2020-07-09 Thread Italo Vignoli
Just a quick note.

On 7/9/20 5:11 PM, Paolo Vecchi wrote:

>> Slide 15 and 16
>> These two are a slap into the face of many of the community members. It is 
>> made clear that only contributions to the source code are counted - but 
>> outlined as "Community the last two years - community by numbers". Perhaps 
>> the authors should rehearse the regulations of membership of the TDF and 
>> what is considered as contribution there - and correct their metrics then 
>> accordingly in a hurry. For instance, I never contributed one line of code 
>> into the repository - so I'm not contributing? In that metrics surely not. 
>> With Italo or Mike S., I'm not that sure  .
> The title of the slides should probably state that they talk about code
> contributions.

The two slides are extracted from the dashboard, and they are about all
contributions to the project which are parsed by the different tools, so
they are rather inclusive although they do not include all localizations
and all email threads. If you look at the dashboard, the page is called
"community". Code contributions are a subset.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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Re: [board-discuss] UPDATED Draft Marketing Plan 2020-2025

2020-06-18 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 6/18/20 4:17 PM, Mike Saunders wrote:
> On 18/06/2020 15:45, Sam Tuke wrote:>
>> Slide 36: .biz domains lack credibility in my view, even compared to
>> some newer unknown domains. Personally I associate them with
>> unscrupulous salesmen, probably because of how "biz" is often used as an
>> abbreviation in american English. Consider alternatives like .pro,
>> .enterprises, .services.

> I agree with Sam here -- ".biz" still has a strong connotation of scam
> websites and cheap rip-offs to me. Maybe things have changed in recent
> years, but "" still makes me feel awkward.

> .enterprise, .business or .inbusiness would be better IMO.

I consider this a detail of the wider concept to have a website
associated to LibreOffice Enterprise. I have not done any research into
each domain viability, and I have used BIZ as this was the easiest one
to find on registrar's websites, so every improvement is welcome.

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[board-discuss] UPDATED Draft Marketing Plan 2020-2025

2020-06-18 Thread Italo Vignoli
After 10 years, LibreOffice is a different software in a different
market environment. We are quickly approaching the milestone release of
LibreOffice 7.0, which, for the first time in over 10 years, will offer
a new updated open standard format for office document: ODF 1.3.

LibreOffice is now available on the desktop, online and on mobile, in
different flavours, and with different names according to the ecosystem
company releasing the product.

It is therefore the time to update our marketing strategy, based on the
current situation and the market outlook for the next 5 years.

The approach has been already discussed in private by a small group of
people and has reached a first level of consensus. It will be discussed
in public during next BoD call, on Friday, June 19, at 1PM CEST.

The draft presentation is available online on TDF Nextcloud:

Please focus on the overall strategy and not on specific details, as
details can be tweaked to reach a wider consensus.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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[board-discuss] Draft Marketing Plan 2020-2025

2020-06-17 Thread Italo Vignoli
After 10 years, LibreOffice is a different software in a different
market environment. We are quickly approaching the milestone release of
LibreOffice 7.0, which, for the first time in over 10 years, will offer
a new updated open standard format for office document: ODF 1.3.

LibreOffice is now available on the desktop, online and on mobile, in
different flavours, and with different names according to the ecosystem
company releasing the product.

It is therefore the time to update our marketing strategy, based on the
current situation and the market outlook for the next 5 years.

The approach has been already discussed in private by a small group of
people and has reached a first level of consensus. It will be discussed
in public during next BoD call, on Friday, June 19, at 1PM CEST.

The draft presentation is available online at the following address:

Please focus on the overall strategy and not on specific details, as
details can be tweaked to reach a wider consensus.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] Resigning from MC - Rücktritt vom MC

2019-10-05 Thread Italo Vignoli
Website updated. Adding hostmaster for mailing lists and other services.

On 05/10/2019 11:52, GPS di Gabriele Ponzo wrote:
> Could please someone remove K-J from the Web Page [1] and move Ilmari
> among full members?
> Then K-J should be removed from MC's ML, Gerrit and Git groups, if it
> isn't been already done.
> Thanks in advance.
> ---
> Gabriele Ponzo
> GPS - Terni
> [1]
> Il giorno mer 25 set 2019 alle ore 10:10 Ilmari Lauhakangas
>  <>> ha scritto:
> Florian Effenberger kirjoitti 25.9.2019 klo 10.57:
> > Hello,
> >
> > as per § 12 II of our statutes [1], the deputy that follows next in
> > order of preference will become a full member of the membership
> committee.
> >
> > Based on the last elections [2], Ilmari Lauhakangas is the next
> elected
> > deputy.
> >
> > I therefore ask you, Ilmari Lauhakangas, do you want to accept
> your new
> > role and want to serve in The Document Foundation's membership
> committee
> > as a full member?
> >
> > Florian
> >
> >
> > [1] (binding
> version) and
> > (non-binding
> translation)
> >
> > [2]
> >
> I accept the role of a full member of the membership committee.
> Ilmari Lauhakangas

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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Re: [board-discuss] Public agenda for TDF BoD web meeting on Friday, January 18th at 1400 Berlin time

2019-01-15 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 13/01/2019 23:00, Marina Latini wrote:
> Dear Community,
> the board will meet again
>  on Friday, January 18th at 1400 Berlin time
> We'll meet using our own Jitsi instance at
> or at
> **ONLY** as fallback.
> Public Part
>  FOSDEM updates
> If you have something to discuss with the board, please, reply to this
> message and join us during the meeting.

I can join to answer questions about the FOSDEM schedule

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - skype italovignoli
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] Public agenda for TDF board web meeting on Friday, November 23rd, at 1400, Berlin time

2018-11-19 Thread Italo Vignoli
I strongly support the request for a TDF specific logo/icon, while I
don't think we should reopen the mascot topic because of the comments we
have received during the last Reddit AMA, which clearly show that there
would be flames from a group not involved in the community but vocal
enough to disrupt our process.

On 19/11/2018 10:14, Heiko Tietze wrote:
> I'd like to ask again for a decision regarding the MIME icon. Question was if 
> we can find a more appearing icon for LibreOffice or create something more 
> special for TDF (the brand is too close to the product). And I received a 
> request to restart the mascot topic. Belongs to the same topic, somehow.

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - skype italovignoli
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] limited ability to contribute for some time

2018-06-21 Thread Italo Vignoli
Hi Cor, best wishes for a fast recover, and for the new house and
office. See you soon stronger than before. Ciao, Italo

On 20/06/2018 12:44, Cor Nouws wrote:

> Some already know, but repeating for others to know: 10 day's ago I've
> broken the elbow of my right arm, the one that is leading, so I'm in a
> phase where I have to be careful and am limited in what I can and not.
> This in the situation where we just moved home (and office) to a new
> house, with lots to do.

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - skype italovignoli
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] Re: [tdf-membership] New Membership Committee member

2017-08-28 Thread Italo Vignoli
Will update the website ASAP

On 22/08/2017 09:06, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> On 08/13/2017 11:54 AM, Cor Nouws wrote:
>> The Membership Committee voted for Stephan Bergman to be the new member,
>> so that we are again with five full members.
>> Welcome Stephan!
> I, Stephan Bergmann, elected members of the Membership Committee of The
> Document Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung
> bürgerlichen Rechts "The Document Foundation". My term will start August
> 13, 2017.
> Signed: Stephan Bergmann
> Ich, Stephan Bergmann, gewähltes Mitglied des Memerbership Committes der
> The Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung
> bürgerlichen Rechts "The Document Foundation" an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt
> am 13. August 2017.
> Signed: Stephan Bergmann

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - skype italovignoli
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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[board-discuss] Travel Request

2017-05-22 Thread Italo Vignoli
I will fly to Tirana in early June (9 to 12 of June) for a two day
workshop, to go through the migration and the training protocols with
the local team, and train them on LibreOffice and ODF. I will also try
to understand if there are people willing to start contributing on the
source code, to provide local support.

Maximum total cost is around 300 Euro (200 Euro flight + 100 Euro
lodging). I kindly ask other budget approvers to express their opinion
(as I abstain).

Best, Italo

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
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[board-discuss] COSCUP Taiwan

2017-05-04 Thread Italo Vignoli
COSCUP is the largest open source event in Taiwan, and is planned for
August 5/6 in Taipei. The schedule will be based on tracks, which will
be organized and managed by open source communities. Based on Franklin
Weng suggestion, we will file a proposal for an ODF community track to
educate the government about the advantages of switching to the ODF
standard document format to foster interoperability, with sessions in
English and Chinese.

The Taiwanese community has invited me to talk about open standards and
educate about ODF within the migration to LibreOffice, expanding what I
have already presented at LibreOffice Conferences and in speeches in
Italy to the Ministry of Defence.

Based on the travel schedule, Franklin Weng will also try to organize a
meeting with the local authorities just before or after the event, to
strengthen the relationship with TDF.

Unfortunately, travel cost to Taiwan are not negligible. At the moment
the combination between flight ticket and accommodation is around 1,400
Euro. Based on these figures, I ask for approval of the expense (being
myself a budget approver, I abstain).

Thanks, Italo

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] Harassment and lack of code of conduct

2017-01-12 Thread Italo Vignoli
Hi Bubli, thanks for raising the issue.

On 12/01/2017 12:24, Katarina Behrens wrote:

> At the very least, in the absence of "real" code of conduct, a clear and 
> concise public statement (in what particular form, I don't quite care) should 
> be made by TDF that such behaviour ( = harassment, stalking, etc.) is not 
> going to be tolerated and the offenders are not going to get away with it.

I think we should have a real code of conduct. The community has grown
outside the traditional boundaries of FLOSS (where you might find only
nice people, although I am not sure at all), and as any sizeable
community extending the reach to social media should have a real code of
conduct (by the way, we usually have on for conferences, so it should
not be an issue to extend it to the community).

> Related to that, there is no plan of action (or not one that I'd know of) how 
> to deal with incidents and what steps to take (on mailing lists, IRC, social 
> networks etc.) when things go wrong. Sure, it's perfectly clear to me that 
> those plans don't work most of the time and every case has to be dealt with 
> individually (sometimes e.g. hangout featuring both affected parties and a 
> mediator is a good solution, sometimes it's the worst thing you can possibly 
> think of), ...

Finding a single policy is indeed almost impossible.

> But again, some public statement by TDF that incidents are going to be dealt 
> with, we're prepared to act and people are going to be helped when needed 
> should be made. It'd make people feel more safe. 

Let's work on a real code of conduct. There are many around which can
fit our needs, and we can use as a basis for ours.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] Re: OSCAL Tirana

2016-03-25 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 25/03/2016 17:09, Marc Paré wrote:

> Could you give us details of the conference and link? We will put it up
> on our events calendar.

OSCAL (Open Source Conference Albania) is the first annual conference in
Albania organized to promote software freedom, open source software,
free culture and open knowledge. The Conference will take place at 14th
and 15th May 2016 in Tirana.

I will attend the entire conference, and there will be a LibreOffice
booth staffed by myself with the help of local volunteers.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile +39.348.5653829 - email / jabber
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[board-discuss] OSCAL Tirana

2016-02-29 Thread Italo Vignoli
I have proposed a speech at OSCAL Tirana (May 14/15), which has been
accepted. Travel expenses will be around 500 euro (flight plus hotel). I
ask for approval of the expense from the marketing/community budget.

I will talk about migrations to LibreOffice, focusing on the Italian
Defence project.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile +39.348.5653829 - email / jabber
hangout / jabber - skype italovignoli
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[board-discuss] Budget Approval for LibreItalia Conference

2015-10-25 Thread Italo Vignoli
Associazione LibreItalia asked a grant to cover travel expenses for
LibreItalia Conference on November 28, but the BoD prefers to handle the
reimbursement within the marketing budget.

Charles, can you please approve the expense, which is specified in the

Thanks, Italo

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
mobile +39.348.5653829 - email / jabber
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Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

[board-discuss] Marketing Budget Approval for FUEL GILT 2015

2015-10-25 Thread Italo Vignoli
FUEL GILT is one of the largest conferences focused on localization
issues, and is organized by a number of TDF community members in India
(those who have attended the conference in Aarhus). They have invited
Sophie and myself to attend the conference, and the idea is the I attend
2015 and Sophie attends 2016, to foster the connection with the Indian
NLP and promote LibreOffice and ODF in the Indian market.

The conference happens in Chennai (Madras) on November 20-22, and I will
present a paper on LibreOffice localization (edited with Sophie's
precious help) and one on the ODF document standard (and associated
issues, such as free fonts for interoperability).

Travel expenses will be lower than 1,000 Euro (flight is around 600
Euro, hotel is less than 75 Euro per night, and other expenses are low
in comparison with Europe).

For more information on FUEL:

I ask Charles to approve the expense from the marketing budget.

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
mobile +39.348.5653829 - email / jabber
hangout / jabber - skype italovignoli
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[board-discuss] Pre Approval of Travel Reimbursement

2015-10-01 Thread Italo Vignoli
I would like to ask a pre-approval of travel reimbursements from the
marketing budget for the following tasks:

1. OSCON Europe, happening in Amsterdam from October 26 to October 28,
where I will travel to support the local community at the booth and to
meet European journalists (forecasted expense: transportation + hotel =
euro 800).

2. Meetings with Italian Government bodies in Rome, where we - myself
and Sonia Montegiove - will be introduced by the Ministry of Defense as
a part of the agreement signed by Associazione LibreItalia (forecasted
expense for two people: transportation + hotel when necessary = euro 1,200).

Both forecasts include some flexibility. The final amount should be
lower than the total forecasted.

Sonia Montegiove has already traveled to Verona for the first meeting,
while the other meetings will happen from mid October till the end of

Being a budget approver for marketing, I abstain.

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
mobile +39.348.5653829 - email / jabber
hangout / jabber - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] Publication of ledgers

2015-09-06 Thread Italo Vignoli

Hash: SHA1

On 05/09/2015 00:50, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> I'll probably not announce every monthly update here (unless people
> explicitely find this useful); instead interested parties are
> encouraged to add the wiki page to their watch list for timely update
> emails.

I can add a link to the ledgers to the monthly newsletter. I will start
working on the August one tomorrow.

- -- 
Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
mobile +39.348.5653829 - email / jabber
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[board-discuss] Speaking at Conferences in Italy

2014-12-04 Thread Italo Vignoli
I have been invited to present LibreOffice in Foligno on Saturday,
December 13. I will also lecture about document standards on Friday,
December 12, to the members of Perugia Linux User Group. Both events are
organized within the migration to LibreOffice of Regione Umbria. Travel
expenses are limited to train tickets (euro 95,40), as I will stay at my
sister's in Assisi.

I have also been invited to present LibreOffice in Cagliari on Saturday,
December 20, at a Free Software Conference organized by the local
university to remember Giulio Concas, a professor and open source
advocate who died in September at age 50. Giulio was a friend of every
Italian open source advocate, although we were used to meet only at
conferences. I will have to leave on Friday, December 19, and spend the
night in Cagliari, as flights are not available on Saturday morning. I
anticipate that the cost will not be higher than 250 euro.

I ask Charles to approve the expense from the marketing budget.

As usual, being a marketing budget approver myself, this happens on the
public mailing list for the sake of transparency.

Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
mob IT +39.348.5653829 - mob EU +39.392.7481795
email - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] Travel Expense Approval

2014-11-10 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 10/11/14 07:18, Michael Meeks wrote:

   Seems obviously sensible to me =) isn't there a marketing budget for
 easy approval of such things ? seems too obvious to need a board vote /
 distraction to me.

I was not asking for a vote, but for a simple approval on a public
mailing list. Of course, it belongs to the marketing budget, but - being
myself an approver - I did not want to handle it privately between
myself and Charles.

Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
mob IT +39.348.5653829 - mob EU +39.392.7481795
email - skype italovignoli
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[board-discuss] Travel Expense Approval

2014-11-09 Thread Italo Vignoli
I will represent the project at the upcoming SFScon in Bolzano, on
November 14. This year, we will have a 2 hours long workshop in the
afternoon, focused on migrations and certification, in addition to a
booth (staffed by local TDF members).

I will have to travel by car to bring booth materials with me, and
therefore I am asking to cover travel expenses (fuel plus tolls: Euro 90
+ Euro 41.20) and lodging for two nights (Euro 40 + Euro 55).

Thanks and best regards, Italo

Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
mob IT +39.348.5653829 - mob EU +39.392.7481795
email - skype italovignoli
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Re: [board-discuss] daylight savings and board call time

2013-10-20 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 10/20/2013 07:22 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 My preference is moving to 1600 UTC, keeping effective time the same.

I agree.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - sip/jabber
skype italovignoli - hangout/jabber

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[board-discuss] Travel Approval

2013-05-30 Thread Italo Vignoli
I have been able to get a last minute speaking opportunity at the Debian 
Ubuntu Community Conference in Italy (DUCC-IT), to speak about 
LibreOffice and opportunities for collaboration for Italian volunteers.

I will travel using my train points (so, for free) up to Fermo, but I 
will spend around 100 euros for a room in a BB (two nights) and around 
20 euros to reach my house in Assisi, from where I will travel to Rome 
for another meeting at Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale (the second part 
from Assisi will be covered by the already approved budget).

I will leave tomorrow afternoon and get back on Tuesday.

I ask the BoD to approve an amount of 140 euro (more than I will spend, 
just in case) to charge on the marketing budget.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - sip/jabber
skype italovignoli - hangout/jabber

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Re: [board-discuss] Reminder: BoD call tomorrow

2013-05-28 Thread Italo Vignoli

Il 28/05/2013 19:42, Florian Effenberger ha scritto:

Right now, there are now agenda items listed. If anyone has a topic to
discuss, please add it in time - otherwise I propose we adjourn the call
and meet two weeks later.

Will add certification for migrations, training and support. I will also 
circulate a message on this subject tonight.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - sip/jabber
skype italovignoli - hangout/jabber

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Re: [board-discuss] dialling in via Google Hangouts

2013-05-15 Thread Italo Vignoli

Il 15/05/2013 15:56, Florian Effenberger ha scritto:

Hear you in an hour,

Might be a couple of minute late, but I will join for sure.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] Board Strategy Meeting

2013-05-12 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 05/10/2013 06:41 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 Can all board members give me feedback on when is best (or when it
 doesn't work out at all), so I can send out a Doodle poll soon?

OK the following weekends
June 8/9 and 22/23
July 13/14 and 20/21
August 24/25 and 31
September 1 and 7/8 and 14/15

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] board meeting on Wednesday

2013-04-27 Thread Italo Vignoli
Hash: SHA1

On 04/27/2013 03:01 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 There would be a regular board meeting scheduled on Wednesday, May
 1st. This is a public holiday here in Germany, and probably also in
 other countries.

In Italy, too.

 As probably neither Thorsten, nor Andreas, nor I are home that day,
 and there's nothing urgent on the agenda, I propose to skip that

I will be at home, but I agree about skipping the meeting.

- -- 
Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk
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Re: [board-discuss] new BoD call time due to daylight saving time

2013-03-30 Thread Italo Vignoli

On 03/29/2013 01:53 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

in many countries, this Sunday daylight saving time will start again. In
order to keep the effective time of the board calls constant, I'd hereby
like to have a quick vote. My request is to change the call time from
1600 UTC to 1500 UTC.


Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] Request for auxiliary travel budget Dresden Impress Sprint

2013-03-03 Thread Italo Vignoli

Thorsten Behrens wrote on 2013-03-01 14:44:

Our host has a budget for accomodation and travel, and with current
registrations it appears we will not exceed that. Still, to not have
participants being deterred for lack of money, I'd like the board to
approve an extra € 1,000.00 for travel bursaries, only to be used when
host budget has run dry.


(unfortunately, there won't be pasta hacking this time)

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] Travel Expenses

2013-02-13 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 2/13/13 5:37 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 I assume you are talking about the decision # 20121220-01 from, right? (budget
 of 2,000 € for Italo Vignoli's trip to POSSCON and LibrePlanet)


 So, for the Oman trip there has been no budget approved at all so far,
 it is only for POSSCON and LibrePlanet, as far as I can so. For the ease
 of voting, I propose to:

OMAN should be mostly covered, although I have discovered by digging
into the country website that I might be asked to pay for the enry VISA
(around 40 Euro, but this is not clear), plus I will have to cover taxi
transfers and meals, and I do not know - because I did not get answers
to my questions - to which extent the organization covers them (might be
all covered, but I will discover it once there).

The US trip could prove more expensive than planned because of taxes on
lodging, which are difficult to understand as they are not shown on the
hotel rates, and other possible extras. I have booked hotels different
from the event suggested ones, as I have found cheaper options (but
unfortunately not so cheap).

I hope to spend the lowest figure, of course, but I prefer to ask in
advance than to create a problem afterwards.

 1. Vote on having a budget of 2.500 € in total for your trips to
 POSSCON, LibrePlanet and FOSSC Oman,

 2. thereby revoking decision # 20121220-01

 Did I get this right, does this make sense, or did I miss some requests?
 Please confirm, then we can start voting. ;)

I confirm, and I will abstain from the vote for obvious reasons.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] budget for business cards

2013-02-12 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 2/12/13 11:32 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 Italo Vignoli has kindly produced business cards for the whole board, to
 hand out during events and other official occasions. The total costs for
 all cards is 657,60 €.

 I'd like the board to approve this sum for the production.

I prefer to abstain, for obvious reasons.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] 2013 budget as of today

2013-01-29 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 1/29/13 12:06 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 For SPI, who kindly provide travel funding for many of our events, it
 seems that after lots of payments, there are still 31.000 USD in the
 bank. (Note: This money does not directly belong to TDF and is spent at
 the sole discretion of SPI for the LibreOffice community.)

Don't worry, I will spend a lot of money by traveling on behalf of TDF...

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] additional FOSDEM budget

2013-01-29 Thread Italo Vignoli

On 1/29/13 2:19 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:
 +1 from my side, of course as well
 Florian Effenberger wrote on 2013-01-28 12:43:

 the board has previously approved [1] 2.000 € for FOSDEM collaterals.
 Because we would like to opt for higher quality t-shirts, plus produce
 some stickers in addition, I'd like to ask the board to approve an
 additional 600 € for collaterals.

 Although the amount sounds rather high, we try to give away t-shirts at
 FOSDEM for donations to get some return money, plus t-shirts not sold
 will be taken to other trade shows.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] Ask for additional employement budget

2013-01-24 Thread Italo Vignoli
Hash: SHA1

On 1/24/13 7:31 PM, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

 Barring any other changes to taxes and social security dues over
 the year, I'd therefore ask the board to approve € 600.00 on top of
 the already-approved budget for employment, thus totalling an
 annual sum of
 € 37.307,40 + € 600.00 = € 37.907,40


- -- 
Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk
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Re: [board-discuss] Request pre-approval of personal expenses for SCALE 11x

2013-01-20 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 1/19/13 6:21 AM, Jean Weber wrote:
 I am organising the LibreOffice booth at SCALE 11x, 22-25 February in
 Los Angeles.
 I request pre-approval for reimbursement of the following personal
 expenses for attending this event:
 $ 91.90  Airfare Oakland, CA to Los Angeles, CA (Southwest Airlines)
 $259.02  2 nights at Airport Hilton (venue of conference)
 $350.92  Total
 I will submit receipts and a signed reimbursement form after the event.
 I will submit a separate request for reimbursement of the cost of
 booth supplies.


Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

[board-discuss] Reimbursement for Attending Events

2012-12-19 Thread Italo Vignoli
Between September and November 2012 I have attended three events where I
have represented TDF with a speech:

- OSS 2012 in Hammamet (Tunisia):
- Jesien Linuksowa in Kielce (Poland):
- LinuxCon Europe in Barcelona:

At LinuxCon Europe I have also met a number of journalists, and I have
had an opportunity to update them about the project.

I have spent a total of Euro 904,81 for travel, car rental (where it was
less expensive than other means of transportation) and hotel.

I ask the board to approve a reimbursement for the above amount of money.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

[board-discuss] POSSCON + LibrePlanet

2012-12-18 Thread Italo Vignoli
I have been invited to speak at POSSCON in Columbia, SC, on March 27/28,
2013. In order to optimize the cost of the flight, I think it makes
sense to attend LibrePlanet in Boston, which is just a few days before
(March 23/24), and maybe organize a North America meetup on
Monday/Tuesday (March 25/26) somewhere.

I ask the board to approve the trip and a provisional budget of 2,000
euro (estimated to cover all expenses) for this trip.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] Re: BoD minutes from 2012-10-16

2012-11-17 Thread Italo Vignoli
You cannot be paid for BoD duties, but you can be paid for other duties, if the 
organization can hire someone.  

We need someone for almost full time infrastructure administration, which is 
not a BoD duty.

This has been thoroughly checked by lawyers, and is compliant with German laws.

Most free software foundation have a paid professional to handle duties such as 
infrastructure and administration, and we have now reached the stage where we 
need this kind of support.

Best, Italo  

Italo Vignoli
Mobile +39.348.5653829

On Saturday 17 November 2012 at 11:00, Marc Paré wrote:

 Le 2012-11-15 07:15, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :
  Request: authorize Thorsten Behrens to hire Florian Effenberger as a
  part-time employee of TDF for non-board related tasks (e.g.
  infrastructure work), for up to a year, and at a cost not exceeding
  EUR 37k per annum.
  Result of vote: 6 approvals, 1 neutral, 0 disapprovals
  Decision: the request has been approved.
 I am just curious about this. In Canada, I believe a member of any  
 non-profit BoD is not allowed to be hired nor be paid any work related  
 Is this different in German law? It seems to be that way.
 Marc Paré Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF) Supports

Re: [board-discuss] Re: BoD minutes from 2012-10-16

2012-11-17 Thread Italo Vignoli
I completely understand the problem, and we will do our best to help you if the 
opportunity arises (and given the growth rate this might be absolutely 

Italo Vignoli
Mobile +39.348.5653829

On Saturday 17 November 2012 at 14:14, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:

 :-/ reason I asked is im most likely goign to be looking for a job in may and 
 the Maltese sadly have very wrong mentality in terms of hiring those people 
 freshly graduated. here they only want people with experience.
 On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Italo Vignoli 
 ( wrote:
  The BoD has already evaluated all scenarios, and the solution of hiring 
  Florian Effenberger to handle duties such as infrastructure manager and 
  administrative officer is the best we could possibly find.  
  Because of some administrative tasks with German authorities, you should be 
  fluent in German and knowledgeable about German law, in addition to being a 
  German citizen living in Germany (this simplifies a large number of tasks 
  and interactions with authorities).  
  Italo Vignoli
  Mobile +39.348.5653829 (tel:%2B39.348.5653829)
  Email (
  On Saturday 17 November 2012 at 13:47, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
   Italo i would take that offer as full time job as infrastructure admin :) 
   question is would that require me to relocate to germany or could I work 
   from here in malta?

   On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Italo Vignoli 
   ( wrote:
You cannot be paid for BoD duties, but you can be paid for other 
duties, if the organization can hire someone.  
We need someone for almost full time infrastructure administration, 
which is not a BoD duty.
This has been thoroughly checked by lawyers, and is compliant with 
German laws.  
Most free software foundation have a paid professional to handle duties 
such as infrastructure and administration, and we have now reached the 
stage where we need this kind of support.
Best, Italo  
Italo Vignoli
Mobile +39.348.5653829 (tel:%2B39.348.5653829)
Email (
On Saturday 17 November 2012 at 11:00, Marc Paré wrote:
 Le 2012-11-15 07:15, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :
  Request: authorize Thorsten Behrens to hire Florian Effenberger as a
  part-time employee of TDF for non-board related tasks (e.g.
  infrastructure work), for up to a year, and at a cost not exceeding
  EUR 37k per annum.
  Result of vote: 6 approvals, 1 neutral, 0 disapprovals
  Decision: the request has been approved.  
 I am just curious about this. In Canada, I believe a member of any  
 non-profit BoD is not allowed to be hired nor be paid any work 
 Is this different in German law? It seems to be that way.
 Marc Paré Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF) Supports

   Jonathan Aquilina
 Jonathan Aquilina

Re: [board-discuss] budget for admin meeting in Munich

2012-10-05 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 10/5/12 1:38 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 We could sleep at Café Netzwerk at no cost and use their rooms at no
 cost as well, but we had expenses mainly for travel. I'd therefore like
 the board to approve a budget of 350 € for the admin meeting.


Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] budget for QA meeting in Essen

2012-10-01 Thread Italo Vignoli
Il 01/10/2012 09:44, Florian Effenberger ha scritto:
 unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to put this up for discussion
 earlier. For the QA meeting that took place in Essen last weekend, I'd
 like to request a total budget of 1.000 €, payable from SPI funds,
 mostly used for travel requests. We probably need less, but to be on the
 safe side, I propose that amount as maximum.
 Would the board be willing to grant that?


Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] Request for pre-approval of remimbursement of travel expenses for LiboCon

2012-09-19 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 9/19/12 11:13 AM, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
 Jean Weber wrote:
 I request pre-approval of reminbursement of AUD 2000 (approx. EUR
 1600 at today's exchange rate) towards my travel and
 accommodation expenses to attend the LibreOffice Conference in
 Berlin, at which I will be a speaker.


Italo Vignoli - Director
phone +39.348.5653829 - skype italovignoli
The Document Foundation
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Legal Details:

Re: [board-discuss] Application: Travel costs for attending the DE-Python-Conference

2012-09-13 Thread Italo Vignoli
Il 13/09/2012 11:35, Michael Meeks ha scritto:
 On Wed, 2012-09-12 at 18:25 +0200, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
 Andreas Mantke wrote:
 I'll ask for a budget of about 550 Euro for this purpose.

 I support your request.

+1, Italo

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] travel fund request for project weekend

2012-06-21 Thread Italo Vignoli
Michael Meeks wrote:
 On Wed, 2012-06-20 at 18:05 +0200, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
 Florian Effenberger wrote:
 sorry for being late on this, but I would like to request a travel
 funding for my trip to Hof, for organizing this year's German
 project weekend. [1]

+1, Italo

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] OSCON Expenses

2012-06-17 Thread Italo Vignoli

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] Reminder: BoD call next Wednesday

2012-06-09 Thread Italo Vignoli
Florian Effenberger wrote:

 this is a short reminder that next Wednesday, June 13th, the next BoD
 call will take place at 1500 UTC.

I will be traveling at that time, so I kindly ask Bjoern Michaelsen to
step in as my deputy. I will be out of reach most of next week, and out
of sight from Wednesday afteroon till Sunday afternoon.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] TDF Accounting: an update

2012-05-22 Thread Italo Vignoli
Charles-H.Schulz wrote:
 Le mardi 22 mai 2012 à 16:14 +0200, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :
 Hi there,

 getting on top of accounting these days. I use gnucash
 (, a Free and Open Source software for personal
 and small-business accounting - Gnome-based, featuring double-entry
 bookkeeping, and available for Linux. Mac and Windows. The ledger is
 xml-based, and can be shared with board members.

 Sadly gnucash scripting is Scheme-based (yuck), so I use a second
 FLOSS project called jgnucashlib
 ( for scriptable tasks
 - as of today, for the PayPal transaction import, since that's where
 the bulk of the movement happens (currently ~10-20 per day).

 Taken all together, I think a suitable choice for our entity - and
 hopefully flexible and portable enough that it can be handed over
 and/or shared easily.

 Up to now, mostly Florian and me have collected invoices, filed
 them, and did the budget planning. To permit sharing
 responsibilities there, and also to make it a bit easier for us to
 keep information together, I propose to setup a private
 treasurer@tdf mailing list. Budget updates, invoices, expense
 reports, and also board decisions regarding budget approvals then
 need to be sent to that list, such that we can accurately reflect
 them in the ledger.


-- Italo Vignoli - mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] funding for admin weekend

2012-05-22 Thread Italo Vignoli
Caolán McNamara wrote:
 On Mon, 2012-05-21 at 14:34 +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:
  let's say 1.000 € in total, excluding travel fees?


-- Italo Vignoli - mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] Travel refund for LinuxTag

2012-05-08 Thread Italo Vignoli
Florian Effenberger wrote:

 A cheap motel is the same price as the LinuxTag hotel when deducting
 breakfast, so I'd like to stay in the latter one. I expect the total
 costs of my stay to take approx. 280 € for the hotel plus approx. 140 €
 for the train, a total of 420 €. Payment via SPI would be sufficient for


Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: [board-discuss] Collateral Scheme

2012-05-01 Thread Italo Vignoli
Marc Paré wrote:

 FYI, the marketing team had started work on this -- conference
 kits.[1] I have not updated these pages in a while due to health
 problems but am getting slowly getting back to work on these. Although
 out of date (Italo has left a note on this page), the outline is still
 valid but the materials links need to be updated.

Hi Marc, someone added my name, but I was not even aware of the presence
of such a page.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Re: [board-discuss] Hamburg HackFest - additional funding request

2012-04-11 Thread Italo Vignoli
Florian Effenberger wrote:
 Hi Thorsten,
 Thorsten Behrens wrote on 2012-04-10 17:46:
 I'd therefore ask the board to approve additional funds for
 catering, capped at EUR 20 per participating TDF member.


+1 for me

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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[board-discuss] TDF Certification

2012-04-02 Thread Italo Vignoli
The Board of Directors will discuss and approve the Certification
Program during the next meeting:

One of the most important objectives is to convince LibreOffice
corporate users to deploy the software using the professional services
of a certified company or professional, in order to get the most out of
the software and at the same time support the growth of the project.

I am sure that with the help of everyone this will be a huge success for
The Document Foundation and LibreOffice.

Best regards, Italo

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] RRPproxy domain account

2012-04-02 Thread Italo Vignoli
Michael Meeks wrote:
 On Mon, 2012-04-02 at 15:25 +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:
 Next to taking over the DomainDiscount24 contract, I'd therefore like
 the BoD to vote on signing a contract with RRPproxy.
 I need some votes on this... ;-)
   So you have my support: +1 :-)


Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] Seeking endorsement from the TDF Board for this Public appeal document

2012-03-28 Thread Italo Vignoli
Dear Kostas, I think that we all agree, in principle, to the contents of
your public pledge to the EU, but unfortunately the request for an
endorsement by TDF has arrived during one of the busiest times of the
short history of the project, as we are really swamped by the foundation
startup duties, and by other projects we have been working for a long
time, such as the certification.

Today is DFD, and this means that we have missed a deadline. I will meet
with FSUG people in Arezzo on Saturday, for the Italian DFD, and we will
discuss on the best way to push the project forward together with the
Greek Association.

Can we have a chat over Skype or Ekiga next week?

Ciao, Italo

Kostas Mousafiris wrote:

 we have recently sent over to you a draft proposal for a Public appeal
 in favour of Open Standards, of Free software and of LibreOffice, for
 the entire structure of European public administration, and we were
 requesting for an official endorsement from the TDF Board.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] Incoming calls

2012-03-12 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 3/11/12 8:08 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 Since we all use our own numbers, I don't expect many incoming calls,
 but still, it will be our official number. I can hook it up to my SIP
 phone as a separate account. If anyone else wants to volunteer, give me
 a ping, and I'll add you as well.

You can add my VoIP number +39 02 320621813 as there is an answering
machine which forwards the message to my inbox. This would allow to
share the message, if necessary, with everyone else.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] StartSSL certification

2012-03-12 Thread Italo Vignoli
 Florian Effenberger wrote:
 I propose that I act as certificate master, and request that I may
 do so on behalf of TDF, with total fees of 119,80 USD for this year.

 +1 from my side


Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] Incoming calls

2012-03-12 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 3/12/12 6:56 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 thanks for the offer. I would prefer a plain SIP phone or Skype client,
 without an answering machine, for two reasons:

This is the equivalent SIP phone:

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] Incoming calls

2012-03-12 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 3/12/12 7:02 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 Italo Vignoli wrote on 2012-03-12 18:59:

 This is the equivalent SIP

 is the voicemail deactivated there?

Is the same line, so the service is exactly the same. I answer the phone
when I am connected, but when I am not connected it sends the message to
my inbox. I cannot deactivate it, it is configured to get every call.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] Market Share

2012-02-23 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 2/22/12 8:42 PM, Jaime R. Garza wrote:

 Does anyone have a reliable source for the actual Office Suite Maket Share?

 Basically I need to know how is LibreOffice/OpenOffice, GoogleDocs and

Unfortunately not. Last data I have seen from IDC was in 2009, but it
looks like the data have disappeared since then. Maybe, someone is not
willing to share them with the world.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] Lots of things to do - an overview

2012-02-20 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 20/02/2012 21:04, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 I'd like to use this as a basis for the call on Wednesday, and hope we
 can distribute those tasks equally amongst all BoD members.

I have volunteered for a couple of items, but there are too many for
German speakers.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] missing meeting minutes

2012-02-16 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 2/16/12 12:54 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 * 2011-12-14

That was mostly Xmas greetings, without any further real discussion. I
can post this online, of course, but is just two lines.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] next BoD call on Wednesday

2012-02-06 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 06/02/2012 13:40, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 Dial-in details and the agenda where you can contribute to are available
 at the usual place:

I might not be able to attend, and if attending I might not be able to
speak (at that time I will be attending a conference, and I could be
involved in a round table).

If I am not able to attend, I am asking Bjoern Michaelsen to step in as
my deputy for the call.

Best, Italo

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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[board-discuss] Re: How can we redistribute LibreOffice ?

2012-01-26 Thread Italo Vignoli
Quick answers, but then we can talk on the phone in Italian to make
things easier.

On 1/26/12 11:47 AM, walter wrote:

 Here at http://www.ranocchilab.comwe are
 considering the possibility of distributing a customized version
 embedded  in our business application (word and calc only).

To discuss on the phone.

 Can we change the logo ?

In principle, this is not possible.

 What information about the license and the product 'LibreOffice' should

Our licenses (LGPLv3 / MPL) provide the information, while the brand
name should remain the same.

 Which is the best forum / mailing-list to discuss these problems?

In any case, this should be discussed at Board of Directors level, so
the mailing list is (which I have

I would prefer, though, to have a phone discussion before entering into
any additional detail and taking any decision.

Here you have the advantage that I am both Italian and a member of the
Board of Directors, so I have a quicker access to the discussions.

Best regards.

P.S. - If possible, we should use Skype to communicate, or you should
call me on my mobile (today between 3PM and 4PM).

Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] BoD call today

2012-01-11 Thread Italo Vignoli
As I might not be able to make the conference call, because of a
previous meeting that has been postponed to 3:30PM CET, I am appointing
Bjoern Michaelsen as my deputy for today's call. Best regards, Italo

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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Re: [board-discuss] BoD call today

2012-01-11 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 1/11/12 1:08 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

 Italo Vignoli wrote on 2012-01-11 12:53:
 As I might not be able to make the conference call, because of a
 previous meeting that has been postponed to 3:30PM CET, I am appointing
 Bjoern Michaelsen as my deputy for today's call. Best regards, Italo

 I know that Björn might not be able to make it today, so in case he
 cannot join, any other deputy (Andreas or Jesus) you'd like to nominate?

Jesus Corrius

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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